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Arctic Ice Cap Fading Fast


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DailyTech - Arctic Sees Massive Gain in Ice Coverage


No, we'd never see news manipulated across a broad front in order to advance political goals - can you say cap and trade?

Edited by Mark@Sea
Guest Old goat

Lots of people have, for a long time, greatly over estimated man's effect and importance on this planet.


Nothing but stupid people running their yappers without a clue.

1) the warming stage is over

2) the cooling stage has started

3) get ready to have real winters again

4) did I mention they are morons and Al Gore Jr wouldn't know science if it bit him on the a$$?

Guest Swamprunner

I think it is arrogant to believe that man can overwhelm something the LORD created.

Don't get me wrong, I believe that we must be good stewards with what we have, but I'm not ready to give up my truck and go to work on an ox cart. ;)

Guest Jcochran88
I think it is arrogant to believe that man can overwhelm something the LORD created.

Don't get me wrong, I believe that we must be good stewards with what we have, but I'm not ready to give up my truck and go to work on an ox cart. ;)



I read an article a while back that said archeologists are discovering remains of ancient civilizations in places where the Arctic ice is melting. Proving that at one time a long time ago, before "global warming", there was less ice and perhaps a warmer climate.

Guest Muttling
I think it is arrogant to believe that man can overwhelm something the LORD created.

Is it arrogant to believe that we have enough nuclear weapons to wipe out the planet? Would that not overwhelm what Lord created?

Denile of the problem is easy, it means you have no responsibility to act. American and Russian oil companies are already going after the oil that has been opened up by the thawing and the thawing is continuing.


Global warming? Global cooling? Climate change? Abrupt climate change?

A touchy feely kind of communism.

I think it is arrogant to believe that man can overwhelm something the LORD created.

Don't get me wrong, I believe that we must be good stewards with what we have, but I'm not ready to give up my truck and go to work on an ox cart. ;)

Forget the Ox Cart, Cow farts are destroying the ozone too! Think Ricshaw's, good for the enviroment and could provide lots of ObamaJobs..

Is it arrogant to believe that we have enough nuclear weapons to wipe out the planet? Would that not overwhelm what Lord created?

Denile of the problem is easy, it means you have no responsibility to act. American and Russian oil companies are already going after the oil that has been opened up by the thawing and the thawing is continuing.


I guess the responsible thing to do would be to buy stock in those American oil companies now and then sell when the ice starts growing and they have to stop. I'll hold the ladder, you buy the solar panels and equipment and come install them, comrade.


I think it is arrogant to believe that man can overwhelm something the LORD created.

This is just funny to me!

It just kills me that people whom are religious refuse to believe science,and vise versa.

To say the earth was created by magic,is as silly as saying it was created by a "big bang".

There was science in the creation,and there will be science in the demolition.

*Not to say I believe in the reason for global warming,or don't believe in God....just pointing out the obvious to the oblivion :death:


Was the earth warmer at one time? See Greenland, Viking settlement of.

Not many Vikings in Greenland these days. Not a heck of a lot of green, either.

The big, big driver for global temperature is that great big lightbulb in the sky. Not technically complete by a long shot, but sunspots are an excellent marker for solar activity. Anyone else here on the board track solar weather? Sunspots are not nearly as active or numerous as expected, and haven't been for a couple years. Short answer; fewer sunspots indicate decreased solar output, which means less solar wind, more cosmic rays hitting the upper atmosphere, more clouds. More clouds = cooler. Record lows are being set all over the place, all indications point to a long, cold winter this year.

Lots of climatologists are saying that manmade global warming is nothing more than a touted up hypothesis. What degrees, exactly, does algore hold? How about James Hansen, the NASA geek? What, not climatology? Go figure. But the global warming cult has computer models! They can't forecast the weather a month from now with any accuracy at all, but we should heed their 20+ year predictions?

The greenies and the commies have found something to agree on. One set hates all mankind, the other hate capitalism. Doesn't take much digging to figure out that what they are saying is that capitalism causes global warming.

Personally, I think they should go irrigate some standing rigging (rope for you landlubbers).

I read an article a while back that said archeologists are discovering remains of ancient civilizations in places where the Arctic ice is melting. Proving that at one time a long time ago, before "global warming", there was less ice and perhaps a warmer climate.

Yes, that would be about the time the Vikings ruled the northern seas. Then came the "Little Ice Age" which we have only "recently" left. Do a little net search on the Little Ice Age. If it doesn't prove to you the idiots screaming about global warming (after winters with insane amounts of record cold temps) nothing will.

Denile of the problem is easy, it means you have no responsibility to act. American and Russian oil companies are already going after the oil that has been opened up by the thawing and the thawing is continuing.

Step away from the kool-aide and rejoin reality. There is as much if not more ice today. You can't take a small section around the poles and make some blanket statements.


Actually, the new politically correct term in "Climate Change". We can't say global warming, because it is disproved by the cold winters we've had the lkast few years. But if you say climate change, well then it could go either way.


This whole global warming issue is a scam. The U.N. (United nitwits) want a global tax on energy. Al (idiot boy) Gore owns 2-3 companies that sell "carbon credits" for companies that exceed the limit that the EPA sets.

The whole thing is a way to control the masses.

When we caught on to them they changed the argument to " global climate change".

The government needs an enema to fluch all the crap out of Washington and the UN.


I agree with you chief07.

As far as exposing oil in the Arctic for Russia and the US don't worry. The US will never drill for it. Awhile back there was an oil discovery (not ANWR) up near the North Slope. It is believed the pool of oil is larger than what Saudia Arabia has. All the majors flew up to the slope to verify the findings and were ready to celebrate exept for one minor problem...The Feds. Findings were immediately classified and we'll never touch the oil.

ANWR itself is a joke. Plenty of oil. They only have to go 60 mi with pipe to tie into the existing pipeline. I spent 7 summers on ANWR as a guide hunting sheep and caribou. Trust me there is nothing there that the pipeline is hurting. Sheep are in the mountains and the caribou aren't bothered by it.

Ice shortage. Not hardly. Ice out is last week of June and ice in is 1st of September. Ice floes are there all summer. Polar bears are so plentiful they are a pain in the a--. Why do you think SP wanted to change the endangered status of PB so we could actually hunt them? Too much pressure from bunny huggers and environmentalists to ever see it happen. I also crab fished and there damn sure was plenty of ice then too! Ever see Deadliest Catch?

It's a joke that these politicians can write legislation from a desk in Washington having never been there. In seven years we never saw one person or even heard a plane. GOP chartered a plane last year to go look finally. They invited dems to go but they all declined.

We do need alternative energy but we also have no excuse for being dependant on foriegn oil. We have plenty. As far as Al Gore goes...Another liar who only wants more for him. You guys should know this. Is it true his electric bill is $6k amonth?

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