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Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize?

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another bitter partisan... The fact that right-wingers today will rally against anything positive for Obama EVEN if it's also good for the country is deplorable.

Leave the South, and you'll quickly find that yours and the majority of TGO-er's conservative views are very much the minority in America today... today, only 20% of the country will call themselves "republican" due to all the bizarre, negative and unproductive craziness.

Read this:


What's currently the popular position in TN and other parts of the south is only adding to wackos like Glenn Beck's and Rush Limbaugh's ratings... it isn't changing anything, other than making the GOP a smaller and increasingly, irrelevant, party.

The GOP's top noisemakers represent the most rural and under populated states in our country with the smallest economies (Ohio, KY, Montana, etc)... that's why causing a fuss and blocking legislation is their only discourse.

Think about it... For example, how many times have we seen the senators from KY rallying on the tube against things like the stimulus package, and healthcare reform, while still today there's a significant portion of their state's citizens still without basic utilities like freakin' electricity and running water?

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Obama's even getting nailed from the left about this because he has not ended either of the wars we're in. I'm willing to bet he wishes this did not happen to him this morning.

I agree 100%.

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Guest tnpanscraper
It's great reading how much you guys can't stand this!

It's surely a surprise, and whether he is deserving or not to win this is debatable... but that said, all americans should be proud of our country's commander-in-chief receiving this honor.

What's wrong with you people, you guys have been acting like border-line traitors to your country since the election IMO.

And where the hell were you people during the Bush/Cheney reign/debacle where your protests would have had actual reason and facts on their side?

Get over your stupid partisan ideology, stop saying "NO!" to everything including good ideas, take off your tinfoil hats, and open your eyes...

You may as well have painted a target on your chest.....:stare:

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It's great reading how much you guys can't stand this!

It's surely a surprise, and whether he is deserving or not to win this is debatable... but that said, all americans should be proud of our country's commander-in-chief receiving this honor.

What's wrong with you people, you guys have been acting like border-line traitors to your country since the election IMO.

And where the hell were you people during the Bush/Cheney reign/debacle where your protests would have had actual reason and facts on their side?

Get over your stupid partisan ideology, stop saying "NO!" to everything including good ideas, take off your tinfoil hats, and open your eyes...


Well, the point of indignation (for me anyways), is that the thought process used to award this prize to Obama essientially nullifies any honor or respect its status may have still held (which is also questionable, considering past recipients). Basically, the award is a joke, and the whole world knows it. As such, what is there to be proud of?

This, at least, isn't partisan... even the majority of democrats I have spoken with today are going 'WTF?' about why he recieved this award.

Not sure how that makes anybody a traitor :stare: We all love this country... and will fight against anything which seeks to destroy, nullify or change what it stands for. That includes everything from invasive and unconstitutional actions a'la Bush, to Socialization and removal of personal responsibility & freedom a'la Obama.

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Do they give out Nobel prizes for irony? They should.

What are you talking about? This is a freakin' gun forum for christ's sake... I'm not exactly the stereotypical liberal.

Politics-wise I find myself in the middle. I don't blindly follow either of today's partisan ideologies... however, I will say, after the last administration I'm more often than not on the left with most issues as the status quo has been abysmal and dividing people on social issues so they don't notice the underhandedness of their policy-making has increasingly become the tactics on the right.

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another bitter partisan... The fact that right-wingers today will rally against anything positive for Obama EVEN if it's also good for the country is deplorable.

Leave the South, and you'll quickly find that yours and the majority of TGO-er's conservative views are very much the minority in America today... today, only 20% of the country will call themselves "republican" due to all the bizarre, negative and unproductive craziness.

Read this:


What's currently the popular position in TN and other parts of the south is only adding to wackos like Glenn Beck's and Rush Limbaugh's ratings... it isn't changing anything, other than making the GOP a smaller and increasingly, irrelevant, party.

The GOP's top noisemakers represent the most rural and under populated states in our country with the smallest economies (Ohio, KY, Montana, etc)... that's why causing a fuss and blocking legislation is their only discourse.

Think about it... For example, how many times have we seen the senators from KY rallying on the tube against things like the stimulus package, and healthcare reform, while still today there's a significant portion of their state's citizens still without basic utilities like freakin' electricity and running water?

Funny, didn't know I was a Republican, thanks for clearing that up for me. I go to Boston, Medford, Mass., and New Hampshire to visit family, and see people with their hands out. I also see people working for their money leaving every morning past all those people with their hands out, that you're cheering on. Funny that popularity polls are falling about your Glorious Leader. How are all the auto plants up their in Michigan doing with all that Democrat backed funding? MORE! MORE! MORE! help from the government. That's your money...that's my money they want. And you want to switch from shoveling it to them to putting in a conveyor straight form the printing presses. Think about that, CK1.

Edited by SUNTZU
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Leave the South, and you'll quickly find that yours and the majority of TGO-er's conservative views are very much the minority in America

I was born and raised in Paramount California. The effing hood. I had 4 or 5 white kids in my High School. You know, the kind of place liberals promise free this or free that to get votes? Yeah you get the picture.

I will gladly tell you that that is not the case. Which should be made apparent to you by some of the bills that have passed in California within the last 10 years.

And as far as people leaving the Republican party, it's not because people are waking up and deciding to become liberal or democrats, it's because those conservatives (like myself) realized that the Republican party is no longer conservative. In other words, those leaving are too conservative to be republican.

I can't decide if you really believe what you're saying or if you're trying to spin it to recruit people. Either way you aren't impressing anybody.

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I was born and raised in Paramount California. The effing hood. I had 4 or 5 white kids in my High School. You know, the kind of place liberals promise free this or free that to get votes? Yeah you get the picture.

I will gladly tell you that that is not the case. Which should be made apparent to you by some of the bills that have passed in California within the last 10 years.

And as far as people leaving the Republican party, it's not because people are waking up and deciding to become liberal or democrats, it's because those conservatives (like myself) realized that the Republican party is no longer conservative. In other words, those leaving are too conservative to be republican.

I can't decide if you really believe what you're saying or if you're trying to spin it to recruit people. Either way you aren't impressing anybody.

Just forget it... can't even begin to touch that.

I'm done here.

You guys can go back to your usual overt racism now...

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I believe he was given this award based on a hope. Almost a "dare" from the selection commitee to live up to the award. Just more international pressure & scrutiny that he does not need. That WE do not need. Look at it this way. If you think conservatives are nailing him now, just wait a year or two when we're still in Afghanistan and Iraq is in civil war. The international community will say, "Why was THIS guy given the Nobel Peace Prize again?"

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Go roll another one instead of calling everyone border line traitors. America was great without the introduction of Obama's ideas, and I don't see any good ones. You say we all have partisan ideology, and yet fail to realize that not all of us think alike across the spectrum of political policies. Still, nice to be lumped together into a group by someone as broad and openminded as yourself.

Amen brother!! Well said. Remember Winston's great quote:

"You are known as well by your detractors as your admirers."

Sounds like RalphG.Briscoe has reappeared to educate all us home boys!! Bring on the dialogue and tell us how smart the great Booboma is and exactly why his policies are saving us all.


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I had a bet going with Punisher. I said he would pull out the race card by page 4. I lose. =(
If you'd bet on how long it would take between his first post and pulling the race card, you'd have won easily. That pathetic maneuver only took one page.:stare:
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Oh my goodness gratious, late to the party again. All this and now even the race card. What can we do to stop this slide to socialism? What, nine days on the job and the nomination? The peace prize just got cheaper. I must go take a shower. Any more of the one and I'll throw up.


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Who gets their news, statistics and facts from the NYT anymore? Really, who does that? According to ratings, Fox's 3 a.m. news show (3 AM!) has more viewers than CNN's primetime news and morning shows combined! It has become clear to all but the looniest on the left that if you want pravda, you watch CNMSNABC, if you want the facts, you tune to Fox.

Conservatives the minority? 20%? That explains the 49% of the vote that McCain got. (Nice guy, would fit right in to Zell Millers' democratic party).

Fact is, the Nobel peace prize, for the last 40 years, has been given to anyone who 1) advocates the destruction of Israel or 2) advocates the destruction of the US. In that light, I'd say Obama was quite deserving of the prize. A man is known by the company he keeps.

I'm getting pretty tired of being called a racist. Last time I checked, socialism isn't a racial characteristic.

I would like to request that a moderator make a formal determination here. If I were to accuse CK1 or Ralph of being liars or morons, would that be a violation of the TOS? And if so, how is their accusation different?

I realize that debating the left is akin to the special olympics; they seem to be entitled to their own rules of debate and standards of conduct. I must agree that their arguments aren't competitive otherwise. The subsequent debate is doubtless entertaining, but almost never productive. You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.

By the way, thanks for the ignore feature. Otherwise this forum would be too much like being trapped in an elevator listening to Manilow and Streisand muzak.

Feelings, nothing more than feelings....

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