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Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize?

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Guest HexHead
Retorical question of the day. Not just questioning the Nobel award, but just what has he EVER done?????

Managed to get himself elected to the White House.

Reminds me of a story about Ringo Starr. Some guy at a party was criticizing his drumming for not being flashy. Ringo just replied.... "I was in the Beatles, what band were you in?" :lol:

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This boggles my mind... I must have been wrong. I mean, if Obama could so clearly secure his place as the most influential person for peace within his first 11 days in office, he must surely be the messiah?!


...or not.

Or the anti-Christ. Peace, peace, then.... sudden distruction.

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You know, this prize has some funky timing. Just when he is deciding whether or not to send 40,000 more troops to the Gulf. I question the motives of this stupid prize. :lol:

It clearly has nothing to do with what he has done. Unless, he organized some peaceful communities somewhere...

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The Nobel Peace Prize nomination deadline was January 31, 2009. Based on that fact, Obama had only been in office for 11 days. I'm sure that his accomplishments in these 11 days were so overwhelming that he was the clear winner.

And the voting was unanimous according to one source I heard. Everyone in the soccer league gets a trophy, I guess....

You know, this prize has some funky timing. Just when he is deciding whether or not to send 40,000 more troops to the Gulf. I question the motives of this stupid prize. :lol:

I don't think you need to question the motives at all. I think you have the answer. :)

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Guest TurboniumOxide

Apparently a ham sandwich can get the Peace Prize. Unlike the prizes for Science or Medicine where you have to have obvious competence.

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Retorical question of the day. Not just questioning the Nobel award, but just what has he EVER done?????

I really like this question -- I'm goin to take a shot at answering it. Always remember that the Nobel Prize committee is made up of a bunch of socialist, effiminate european weanies who love anyone (read that political demigogue, buffoon, dictator wannabee, or murdering son of satan) who trashes the US and embraces (or just says he or it embraces) the cowardly, socialist policies of the committtee. They are simply rewarding his anti american actions and sending a message that he will continue to recieve accolades from these weenie sons of satan if he keeps trashing the USA and making it weaker -- which i predict he will continue to do -- thats who he is at heart.

Remember the list of former Nobel Peace Prize winners:

1. Yasser (or Youser --hehehe) Arafat. A real man of peace. Unrepentent terrorist. Avowed enemy of Israel. Advocated the "ethnic clensing" of all Jews and, in fact, fostered and participated personally in doing just that.

2. Jimmy (Im a buffoon) Carter. A one termer who was held hostage by the Iranians before they were even tough. A non-nobel peace prize winner and two term president caused Iran to release the hostages without putting an army in the field or firing a shot. A guy named Ronald Reagan. The socialists called him a warmonger and an uneducated buffoon.

3. Albert (Polar Bear) Gore, Jr. A presidential wannabee and real clown. It is sad, indeed, that he claims to be a son of Tennessee. (He's not -- he was raised in DC -- he simply has a residence here).

4. The Ayatoyla Komeni (I think). Another evil old man who lied to the weak minded and the cowardly and was lavisly praised as a "man of peace". The fact is that this son of satan was the real father of modern Iran (along with the first Iran -- Iraq war that killed a couple of generations of Iranians). He is also the father of that other noted peaceful organization -- Hezbolla. You see, he brought peace to the middle east along the iran/iraq border by killing millions of his children and brothers -- what a man of peace!!.

Ya see, when you look at it this way; Barak fits right in. The real looser in this deal is Bill Clinton -- he was president of the world and armed the Red Chinese with enough american technology to perfect their ICBM program and make it as good as anyones -- never mind that it could be used against the US. He should have won the prize too.

Remember the great words of Winston Churchill: "You are known just as well by your detractors as your admirers." There are simply some folks that you don't want to be numbered with. The modern Nobel Peace Prize list is one of them. As the old scotsman would say: "Th hell with tha Nobel Peece Priz and those wha give it awee!!". Dont worry about it. Just remember what has happened when election time comes.

Food for thought.

Keep up the good work!

Kind regards,


Edited by leroy
minor spelling
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Yeah, CNN also mentioned that Bill Clinton should be pissed, lol!

I swear, first Obama takes the presidency from Hillary and now the Nobel Peace Prize from Bill. If there is ever an assasination attempt, I'll bet $100 the Clintons will be behind it.

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It's great reading how much you guys can't stand this!

It's surely a surprise, and whether he is deserving or not to win this is debatable... but that said, all americans should be proud of our country's commander-in-chief receiving this honor.

What's wrong with you people, you guys have been acting like border-line traitors to your country since the election IMO.

And where the hell were you people during the Bush/Cheney reign/debacle where your protests would have had actual reason and facts on their side?

Get over your stupid partisan ideology, stop saying "NO!" to everything including good ideas, take off your tinfoil hats, and open your eyes...

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I was just checking my gmail account and there was an advertisement for helping BO change Washington at barack obama dot com. Read the comments and be entertained....May the Cosmic Wind be at your back, Mr. President...

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It's great reading how much you guys can't stand this!

It's surely a surprise, and whether he is deserving or not to win this is debatable... but that said, all americans should be proud of our country's commander-in-chief receiving this honor.

What's wrong with you people, you guys have been acting like border-line traitors to your country since the election IMO.

And where the hell were you people during the Bush/Cheney reign/debacle where your protests would have had actual reason and facts on their side?

Get over your stupid partisan ideology, stop saying "NO!" to everything including good ideas, take off your tinfoil hats, and open your eyes...

Go roll another one instead of calling everyone border line traitors. America was great without the introduction of Obama's ideas, and I don't see any good ones. You say we all have partisan ideology, and yet fail to realize that not all of us think alike across the spectrum of political policies. Still, nice to be lumped together into a group by someone as broad and openminded as yourself.

Edited by SUNTZU
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It's great reading how much you guys can't stand this!

It's surely a surprise, and whether he is deserving or not to win this is debatable... but that said, all americans should be proud of our country's commander-in-chief receiving this honor.

What's wrong with you people, you guys have been acting like border-line traitors to your country since the election IMO.

And where the hell were you people during the Bush/Cheney reign/debacle where your protests would have had actual reason and facts on their side?

Get over your stupid partisan ideology, stop saying "NO!" to everything including good ideas, take off your tinfoil hats, and open your eyes...

I would agree that we should be proud for any American to receive this award. However, I don't think this helps Obama in any way. It will not give him any additional political clout here in America or internationally. Iran will not stop developing nuclear weapons because Obama wins an award. Health care reform will not pass because Obama wins an award. Osama bin Laden will not surrender because Obama wins an award.

Obama's even getting nailed from the left about this because he has not ended either of the wars we're in. I'm willing to bet he wishes this did not happen to him this morning.

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Border line traitor? In the not too distant future I think we will all have a chance to see who truly is a traitor to the country, constitution, and their own morals. I think you're going to be surprised with what you find.

You can already see it happening when people call you a racist or traitor if you don't agree with, and or go along with everything being preached by the President. You know, kind of like what you're doing now.

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