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Police trade in Glock 19's????


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Guest Todd@CIS
Don't stop the Star Wars trivia now-- I was just about ready to go get out all the old comics and figures to try and find the awnser. :lol::koolaid:

My friend, I KNOW the answer.

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I don't know what you are talking about, Dude. Jeez, I'm not some kind of Star Wars dork or anything... :koolaid:

My bad, that must have been Dustin who is the Star Wars dork!!!

Funny how this thread evolved into a Star Wars trivia thread!!!! LOL. Still looking for a cheap Glock 19 or I may have to sell one of my superior Sigs!!!!!!! COOP

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Sureshot, I doubt if I'll ever sell my P228, just under a thousand rounds this weekend and no problems (unlike some other guns that had problems and one rhimes with CLOCK), I did tear up the tips of a couple of my fingers with my new target sights so those are coming off and mounting some XS big dot night sights on instead. The AR go's to the gunsmith tomorrow to be checked out because I'm still having problems!!! COOP

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Guest SureShot308

can't fault me for trying, I have wanted a 228 for a while now.

Still willing to swap bolts and stuff if you want to see if it's something simple before you pay for the smith.

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can't fault me for trying, I have wanted a 228 for a while now.

Still willing to swap bolts and stuff if you want to see if it's something simple before you pay for the smith.

I sent you a PM with a link to a few Swiss police trade in P238's left over so if you want one I would jump on this first thing this morning, after you decide what your wanting I'll make it public so if any TGO members want to buy one of the best 9mm's ever built they can pick one up!!!! COOP

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Guest JoeNashville

This may be a dumb question(a good way to start huh?). If you have a used LE Glock, the ones I've seen are 'branded' do need to carry papers or something to prove it's yours? I've seen the threads about the registration system being so screwed up it seems wise to have some proof of ownership with you. What do you guys do?

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Guest Todd@CIS
I am also in the market for a trade in G17.

I called Bellshire and they have NIB for $540.79 OTD

PM me a phone number. I've got a co-worker with a used G17 who wants to sell. I'll have him give you a call.

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Guest hi im drummer03
Craig's in k-town $479 NIB.

Yes, I too joined the Dark Side....

Too bad craigs only sales to law enforcement.

Also CCA has Glock 519 plus tax. That also gets you 2 Free Shooting Passes which is 30 dollars of shooting...

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