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Experience with Sig P238??


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Looking for a good carry piece and shooter for the wife. Got a 642 smith in .38, and its just a little too much BANG for her. She wants a piece she can carry, but also shoot regularly w/o the blister on the hand. Lovin the looks and size of the 238, but wonder if anyone has any experience (good/bad) with one?

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Guest SureShot308

I haven't shot on myself yet, but I hear they are pretty light on the recoil. The problem with it is that .380 is pretty hard to find right now, and when you can find it the prices are jacked way up, so she probably won't be shooting it very much.

A small 9mm might be the way to go. The recoil isn't much more and you can find a lot more ammo for it.

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Guest dont_tread_on_me
The problem with it is that .380 is pretty hard to find right now, and when you can find it the prices are jacked way up, so she probably won't be shooting it very much.

I read somewhere that it's only produced 'seasonally', whatever that means. Can anyone confirm?

A small 9mm might be the way to go. The recoil isn't much more and you can find a lot more ammo for it.

Like a p230 9mm? :2cents:

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Guest JHatmaker

I own one and love it, great gun. Has a very nice trigger feel and little recoil as well. Slips in my pocket and I forget it's there.

As far as producing .380 seasonally, you're correct (at least they did until the demand went up). I read an article that said back before the firearms/ammo rush, .380 wasn't produced all year round. This is the case with other calibers as well, shutting down production every so often.

Edited by JHatmaker
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