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I have a neighbour that loves the view it seem's.


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About 100 yards behind my house is a row of house's. One of them over the past 5 years would come outside and sit on their deck and watch toward my house. Not very much but enough for me to notice it from time to time. we do not get along with them and have not spoken in over 2 years since they tried to "develop" part of my property for me, and it took the police repeated requests for them to remove their equipment. The officer was not pleased with them when he left the third time. :P

Now they decided to step it up a notch and went out and bought binoculars, and do not hide the fact they are looking.

Any thoughts?

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Guest Ghostrider

Inside your own home? Show 'em the hairy eye-ball - if that doesn't fix it, stage a murder/suicide, then act like you have no idea what they're talking about when the cops show up... Worked for me :P

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Guest Alpha Dog

Wonder if they could be violating any peeping tom ordinance?

What about making a sign...unreadable from that distance except with binoculars...that says something like:

"If you can read this sign you must be the sorry [pick your favorite expletive] who has nothing better to do than peep at people with binoculars."

Other than that, "mooning" out your windows comes to mind...

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Guest TackleberryTom

I love the scope idea and the fake murder/suicide. The scope idea ...doesn't have to be a real rifle, just look like one. You could have some real fun with this.

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Wonder if they could be violating any peeping tom ordinance?

Wife is wondering on that one.

What about making a sign...unreadable from that distance except with binoculars...that says something like:

"If you can read this sign you must be the sorry [pick your favorite expletive] who has nothing better to do than peep at people with binoculars."

Perfect! now its time to fire up the printer.

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I love the scope idea and the fake murder/suicide. The scope idea ...doesn't have to be a real rifle, just look like one. You could have some real fun with this.

If he is inside his house what would it matter? I say use the scope, on a rifle, (maybe even a bolt action so he can see you drawing back the bolt).:P

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Does he have a dog? Can you catch him? Catch the dog, and sit in your recliner with his dog in your lap, feeding him treats. When you know he's watching, put your pistol in your lap as well. And just smile at him as you stroke said dog and pistol. That'll freak him out.

Or you could get close-up photos of him and mail them anonymously to him with big red "X's" marked over his face. Include some spent casings and a note that says "I've been practicing."

Or you could put a pipe bomb in his car, whatever works.:P

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On the peeping question...

In general, it is my understanding that if they are not ON your property, and observing, you would have little recourse. I would take pictures of it though to build a case if ever needed to support another complaint.

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Does he have a dog? Can you catch him? Catch the dog, and sit in your recliner with his dog in your lap, feeding him treats. When you know he's watching, put your pistol in your lap as well. And just smile at him as you stroke said dog and pistol. That'll freak him out.

Or you could get close-up photos of him and mail them anonymously to him with big red "X's" marked over his face. Include some spent casings and a note that says "I've been practicing."

Or you could put a pipe bomb in his car, whatever works.:D

I can't believe you posted that. :P

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Although there are many excellent ideas here... I would contact the athorities and see what the law is. By doing this you have registered the complaint and put the problem on paper so to speak.

I would think that just to look at your house from theirs with the naked eye is not breaking the law, but using optics may be illegal.

Also, be careful they may be trying to goad you into a reaction.

Get a good video camera and get proof from inside your house. Try and get them to look at you while you are videoing and get a reaction so then you have proof they are looking inside your home.

If all else fails Monroe Co. is not too far away and may need to be the next place for our TGO "meet and clean."

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If they aren't violating any ordinance then this is what I'd do. Video the fool peeking through the binoculars, then post it on youtube. Showing them watching you proves they knew they were being taped. In the video state something like "I wonder if this person is perverted or planning to commit a crime." or "In my opinion this person may be a danger to society." Don't state those things as facts, just questions or opinions, to avoid defamation claims. After you've had people create a lot of hits on it, have someone send them a link to the video.

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Plant a couple rows of fast growing trees. Put up a couple sections of privacy fence to block the view while the trees are growing. This is exactly why I love living in the woods. I can't see any neighbors and they can't see me.

I did catch a fawn looking in the front door yesterday am.:P

I would avoid anything that could be construed as a violent act.


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I would get a infrared lazer of some sort, highest power I could find, and start practicing my aim toward those peeping binoculars. I don't know what the effects would be if you were peering through a pair and a high intensity lazer came into focus, but I imagine it might not be too healthy on the eyes.

All of this, of course, from inside my home in sniper fashion :P

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Put up a privacy fence, and paint 'his' side as garishly and obnoxious as possible... Say 4 or 5 different, very very loud colors...

Spite fence, that's the ticket. :P

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I would get a infrared lazer of some sort, highest power I could find, and start practicing my aim toward those peeping binoculars. I don't know what the effects would be if you were peering through a pair and a high intensity lazer came into focus, but I imagine it might not be too healthy on the eyes.

All of this, of course, from inside my home in sniper fashion :P

Better still, just light him up with a laser sight. He'll get the message. :D

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