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Islam On Capitol Hill

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Substitute Baptists for Muslims on that page and we wouldn't necessarily think twice. One organized religion isn't all that different from another. It's the extremist who MIX religion and politics that terrify me, whether that's in Iran or the US.

Although some horrible things have been done in the name of Christianity, they were the acts of people who played at Christianity. Christ never preached to do harm to anyone, but preached love and peace. But yes as I already mentioned some people in the past and present have done horrible things while trying to hide behind Christ. But, and this is a big but. Muhommad preached conversion through force. Either except Alah or die by the sword. Yes there are extremists in the christian world, but the muslims faith is based on it, the Christians is not. JMHO

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Although some horrible things have been done in the name of Christianity, they were the acts of people who played at Christianity. Christ never preached to do harm to anyone, but preached love and peace. But yes as I already mentioned some people in the past and present have done horrible things while trying to hide behind Christ. But, and this is a big but. Muhommad preached conversion through force. Either except Alah or die by the sword. Yes there are extremists in the christian world, but the muslims faith is based on it, the Christians is not. JMHO

Read the Old Testament and you'll see all sorts of violence in the name of religion. The Old Testament is no less violent than the violence espoused by Allah.

Yes, I spent six years in graduate school studying theology, ancient languages, and history. And I am a missionary kid (parents were medical missionaries Latin America, where--oddly enough--Christians of the modern era murdered and pillaged in the name of their God during the colonial wars). :koolaid:

What happens is that individual people of faith see what they want to see in their own religion.

Edited by DavidCBaker
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I encourage anyone and everyone to go to Washington and peacefully pray or protest or whatever. The museums are fantastic so when you're done there's some cool stuff to do.

But a webpage that autoplays music? That I can't abide. i would have read more, I would have tried to figure out what they are going to do in DC while they are are there but if someone doesn't make sound optional they've found a quick way to get me off their site.

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Read the Old Testament and you'll see all sorts of violence in the name of religion. The Old Testament is no less violent than the violence espoused by Allah.

Yes, I spent six years in graduate school studying theology, ancient languages, and history. And I am a missionary kid (parents were medical missionaries Latin America, where--oddly enough--Christians of the modern era murdered and pillaged in the name of their God during the colonial wars). :P

What happens is that individual people of faith see what they want to see in their own religion.

Not many Christians strapping bombs to themselves and blowing folks up in the name of Christianity...at least not that I see. Also, you are correct, individual interpretation of scripture has diluted the message and turned it into something its not...example...how can the same belief accept homosexuality on one hand and on the other rebuke it...or abortion...tithing...or even the salvation process itself...man has butchered the Word into a mockery of what it is. As for violence...Christ instructed us to love one another, but also to not be spineless but to stand for what is right....by his interpretation, not mine.

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Not many Christians strapping bombs to themselves and blowing folks up in the name of Christianity...at least not that I see. Also, you are correct, individual interpretation of scripture has diluted the message and turned it into something its not...example...how can the same belief accept homosexuality on one hand and on the other rebuke it...or abortion...tithing...or even the salvation process itself...man has butchered the Word into a mockery of what it is.

Religions can be wildly interpretive. I suspect most people take what reinforces their already held beliefs out of whatever religion they practice. I don't think this is surprising.

If I recall correctly the idea in Islam is to tax the Christians and Jews and convert everyone else. Those that refuse to be converted get the sword, right? Disturbing.

As for violence...Christ instructed us to love one another, but also to not be spineless but to stand for what is right....by his interpretation, not mine.

You are certainly right from my reading but I don't think violence was in his plan.

You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

I don't hold any particular religious views or espouse a particular philosophy so you probably know more about that than me.

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I have a difficult time with a lot of the Islamic world, especially after 9/11. We all know who attacked our country, who they were associated with, their religion, and where they came from.

I am shocked all the time when those same people are allowed to come into MY country and would turn Nashville into Saudi Arabia if they had the chance. If they wanted to be Americans, they wouldn't come over here dressed in Arab head dresses and robes like they are waiting on the next camel. They don't care about respecting our American culture. Many would like to eliminate our culture and make us an Islamic theocracy. It is almost like we are letting the enemy in our house.....and we are doing it every day by letting them in through customs without even thinking about it....CRAZY!

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Read the Old Testament and you'll see all sorts of violence in the name of religion. The Old Testament is no less violent than the violence espoused by Allah.

Yes, I spent six years in graduate school studying theology, ancient languages, and history. And I am a missionary kid (parents were medical missionaries Latin America, where--oddly enough--Christians of the modern era murdered and pillaged in the name of their God during the colonial wars). :P

What happens is that individual people of faith see what they want to see in their own religion.

Wow! Six years in graduate school??? Obviously you needed a couple more.:)

Yes, the old testament talks about an eye for an eye and people were stoned to death for sin, but nowhere will you find either convert, enslave or kill non believers. HUGE, HUGE, HUGE DIFFERENCE.

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Read the Old Testament and you'll see all sorts of violence in the name of religion. The Old Testament is no less violent than the violence espoused by Allah.

Yes, I spent six years in graduate school studying theology, ancient languages, and history. And I am a missionary kid (parents were medical missionaries Latin America, where--oddly enough--Christians of the modern era murdered and pillaged in the name of their God during the colonial wars). :P

What happens is that individual people of faith see what they want to see in their own religion.

Could not agree with you more, but you missed my point. I was talking new testament and Jesus preaching love and peace. Many people have done things in Jesus name that Jesus would not have agreed with and did not preach. Yes when God sent his people to fight he often told them to kill every man women child and animal in the land. But this was old testament and not the christian faith which is founded on Christs preachings. So many times in history we have seen people act on their own beliefs and call it christianity when it was not, but the muslim faith is based on violence and death. dying a marter after blowing up a school bus full of children is no where in Jesus preachings, but muhommid preached this very type of thing. sorry about the spelling, can't spell for nothing.:)

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Wow! Six years in graduate school??? Obviously you needed a couple more.:P

Yes, the old testament talks about an eye for an eye and people were stoned to death for sin, but nowhere will you find either convert, enslave or kill non believers. HUGE, HUGE, HUGE DIFFERENCE.

It was to earn a 4-year Th.M. It took 6 because I was working full time.

And actually, I probably should have spent LESS time, not more. I've never yet found it terribly useful to be able to read/write Latin, Syriac, Arabic, Aramaic, Greek, and Hebrew. Those were the days.

I guess my point in all this is that it's pretty lame indeed to defend ANY religion. Jesus had no use for religion and he saved his most seething anger for religious leaders. That's where I am on it all, too, whether that's Muslim or Christian. Religious leaders of most any persuasion are building a system and then protecting it. It's about power, money, and influence.

Faith, on the other hand, is very dear to me. As I say on my Facebook page, my own personal journey is "rescuing faith from religion."

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Guest clownsdd
Substitute Baptists for Muslims on that page and we wouldn't necessarily think twice. One organized religion isn't all that different from another. It's the extremist who MIX religion and politics that terrify me, whether that's in Iran or the US.


Myself, I'll side with the Buddhists the only people they ham is themselves.

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Guest Ralph G. Briscoe
It was to earn a 4-year Th.M. It took 6 because I was working full time.

And actually, I probably should have spent LESS time, not more. I've never yet found it terribly useful to be able to read/write Latin, Syriac, Arabic, Aramaic, Greek, and Hebrew. Those were the days.

I guess my point in all this is that it's pretty lame indeed to defend ANY religion. Jesus had no use for religion and he saved his most seething anger for religious leaders. That's where I am on it all, too, whether that's Muslim or Christian. Religious leaders of most any persuasion are building a system and then protecting it. It's about power, money, and influence.

Faith, on the other hand, is very dear to me. As I say on my Facebook page, my own personal journey is "rescuing faith from religion."

Great post! It's refreshing to hear from someone with credentials on this subject. It's unfortunate that people liken all muslims to the 911 hijackers---something akin to seeing all Christians as Jim Jones. Perhaps you could refer us to some quotes from the Koran that reflect the true spirit of Islam? I understand they honor Christ's teachings? Like most I'm pretty ignorant of the largest religion in the world. While I think it wildly unlikely that Muslims would ever become a majority in this country, I'd like to ask Christians who seem to have a problem with the separation of church and state to consider how they'd feel if that were ever the case.

Faith is dear to me as well, and my own "personal journey" has led me to every day thank God that I'm not religious.

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Guest Ralph G. Briscoe
Wow! Six years in graduate school??? Obviously you needed a couple more.:P

Yes, the old testament talks about an eye for an eye and people were stoned to death for sin, but nowhere will you find either convert, enslave or kill non believers. HUGE, HUGE, HUGE DIFFERENCE.

Re: old Testament atrocities-

Bible Atrocities: Atrocities in the Bible

True that Christianity is in the New Testament, but many Chistians routinely cite the Old when wanting to justify some form of meanness.

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Romans 10: 1Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. 2For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. 3For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. 4For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.

Just because a person..or a group of individuals may seem to be...or say they are religious...does not mean that they are "correct" in thier belief. I am religious about making coffee every morning, about going to the same gas station, using the same bank, getting enough sleep....I can be reigious about many thing aside from the TRUTH. Claiming to be "religious" holds no weight until you determine what you are religious about. Religion can be ANY system of faith and worship. In this sense, religion comprehends the belief and worship of pagans and Mohammedans, as well as of Christians; any religion consisting in the belief of a superior power or powers governing the world, and in the worship of such power or powers. Thus we speak of the religion of the Turks, of the Hindoos, of the Indians, &c. as well as of the Christian religion. We speak of false religion, as well as of true religion. To claim to be "Christian" claims within itself to be "Christ-Like"....if this is the standard that all forms of Christianity are to be (and will be) judged...well, there are many "false" religions out there that are claiming the name in word but not deed...

Edited by tbuford
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Guest Ralph G. Briscoe
Did anyone read the KABA site today? Especially about the muslim training site in South Carolina...five miles from a nuclear facility. There is also another "training site" in Dover, TN.

Holy crap! Is that true? What are they training them for? Is it paramilitary or is it just a Mosque?

I'd like to remind everyone that times are a changin'. There are few remaining places in the world who don't see western media....including commercials. Once you've seen freedom you can't stand not to have it. I think that helped bring down the USSR, though media was way more primitive then. When you think of Muslims don't just think of the fundamentalists, think of those millions in Iran who want less religion...who don't want the Ayatollah's running their lives, who are sick of wars and sabre-rattling, whose election was stolen from them recently--the days of street protest UNDER THREAT OF TRIAL AND POSSIBLY DEATH. Their movement is overwhelmingly non-violent. They will take over sometime soon--most in that country are under 25, and westernized. They held street vigils in honor of our dead in the days after 911.

There are a lot of good Muslims, and a lot of bad "Christians"....and vice-versa.

Sometimes I get the feeling that some people on this forum's

greaest hope is for a chance to use their assault rifles without having to go overseas. That ain't right.

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Holy crap! Is that true? What are they training them for? Is it paramilitary or is it just a Mosque?

I'd like to remind everyone that times are a changin'. There are few remaining places in the world who don't see western media....including commercials. Once you've seen freedom you can't stand not to have it. I think that helped bring down the USSR, though media was way more primitive then. When you think of Muslims don't just think of the fundamentalists, think of those millions in Iran who want less religion...who don't want the Ayatollah's running their lives, who are sick of wars and sabre-rattling, whose election was stolen from them recently--the days of street protest UNDER THREAT OF TRIAL AND POSSIBLY DEATH. Their movement is overwhelmingly non-violent. They will take over sometime soon--most in that country are under 25, and westernized. They held street vigils in honor of our dead in the days after 911.

There are a lot of good Muslims, and a lot of bad "Christians"....and vice-versa.

Sometimes I get the feeling that some people on this forum's

greaest hope is for a chance to use their assault rifles without having to go overseas. That ain't right.


.... wait.. did I just agree with Ralph? <head explodes> :P

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