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I hate when you buy something,and you think it will taste good!


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Picked up an effin huge bag of the new strawberried peanutbutter M&Ms a few minutes ago,and I'm afraid I'm gonna have to go lick a dogs ass to get the taste out of my mouth! :drool:

And in further news,that New 5 Gum...yeah,this isn't what it felt like to chew it!


That is all,carry on...

Edited by strickj
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What the hell made you think that strawberries and peanut butter would taste good together anyway? :)

My wife works for Mars and I can get most of their candy free if I want. That's one I wouldn't even bother trying.

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Guest SureShot308
Picked up an effin huge bag of the new strawberried peanutbutter M&Ms a few minutes ago,and I'm afraid I'm gonna have to go lick a dogs ass to get the taste out of my mouth! :)

And in further news,that New 5 Gum...yeah,this isn't what it felt like to chew it!


That is all,carry on...

You don't have to make excuses to lick the dogs ass. We all know about you, bkelm, and punisher. We don't hold it against you.

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Picked up an effin huge bag of the new strawberried peanutbutter M&Ms a few minutes ago,and I'm afraid I'm gonna have to go lick a dogs ass to get the taste out of my mouth! :)

And in further news,that New 5 Gum...yeah,this isn't what it felt like to chew it!


That is all,carry on...

Just get one of theses. In my opinion, the best candy bar available.

TAKE 5 candy bar - HERSHEY'S

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Haha, when I was going to school in Knoxville, Sprite set up a booth to give away it's new flavor "Sprite Re-mix". I picked one up and continued on my way to class. I took a swig and was rounding the corner just as the "Holy @*, who would drink this?!?!" thought was registering in my head... than I saw it. A retaining wall w/ approximately 75 bottles of Sprite Re-mix, all missing approximately one sip. :)

Apparently I wasn't the only one whose taste buds were offended.

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Picked up an effin huge bag of the new strawberried peanutbutter M&Ms a few minutes ago,and I'm afraid I'm gonna have to go lick a dogs ass to get the taste out of my mouth! :)

And in further news,that New 5 Gum...yeah,this isn't what it felt like to chew it!


That is all,carry on...

You're supposed to go to Krystal (the chili's great at 3:00AM) or Waffle House after drinking and clubbing. That's where you went wrong.

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Guest billwilly73
Picked up an effin huge bag of the new strawberried peanutbutter M&Ms a few minutes ago,and I'm afraid I'm gonna have to go lick a dogs ass to get the taste out of my mouth! :)

That is all,carry on...

What breed of dog do you usually do that to?? I got a poodle for sale if you are interested. You know that curly/kinky hair acts like steel wool for scrubbin! :screwy:

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the cherry ones a while back also tasted like a dirty LAX airport bathroom smells. someone needs to tell m&m mars that the regular m&m's are just fine, no need to mess with a good thing. Like my old man used to say, If it aint broke leave it the f#$k alone.

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Guest Sgt. Joe

I do not think I have ever been in a group of folks where so many know what ass tastes like,:poop: although while I am LMAO I still think you are a fine group of folks and the pic in the OP may well explain my confusion.:P

Please carry on.....

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