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57 States of America

Guest FiddleDog

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this is old. happened during the campaign

yeah, it is from the campaign--but the thing still remains that the President does not even seem to know how many states comprise the 50 United States of America...

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You could make the same mistake. You're under a TON of pressure as the possible next president of the united states and are trying to convince everybody to vote for you. You are already under a ton of scrutiny and your trying to not screw anything up. You know there are 50 states in the union and you have been to all of them except 3. In a rush you got some numbers mixed up between 50 and 47 to make 57. **** happens. People make mistakes.

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Guest Jcochran88
You could make the same mistake. You're under a TON of pressure as the possible next president of the united states and are trying to convince everybody to vote for you. You are already under a ton of scrutiny and your trying to not screw anything up. You know there are 50 states in the union and you have been to all of them except 3. In a rush you got some numbers mixed up between 50 and 47 to make 57. **** happens. People make mistakes.

Mistakes do happen but the leader of a country should not make a simple one like this. Most 3rd graders know there are only 50 states. Pressure or not. If he cant even remember how many states there are when he is under pressure then we are in a world of hurt for atleast the next 3.5 years.

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Guest bkelm18

Jesus, the guy is ****ing human. Can we stick to arguing about his policies instead of making up stupid stuff to critique him on??? Anybody can have a damn brain fart. Hell, whenever someone asks my age, I gotta take a second to think. It's not something that comes up everyday. I think it's well beyond time that we as a society grow up and stop acting like children. :mad:

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Jesus, the guy is ****ing human. Can we stick to arguing about his policies instead of making up stupid stuff to critique him on??? Anybody can have a damn brain fart. Hell, whenever someone asks my age, I gotta take a second to think. It's not something that comes up everyday. I think it's well beyond time that we as a society grow up and stop acting like children. :leaving:

You can't make stuff like that up. I say, roll with it have fun.

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Some reporter had checked his campaign trail, found he had been in 47 states since he declared to run.

So he said 57 while thinking ahead.

I, yes verily even I my own self, have been known to make a brain/tongue disconnect a time or two a year. :leaving:

- OS

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Don't worry guys, those other 10 states will count when it comes time to raise our taxes, lmao.

If he get's all twisted and confused with a little campaign pressure imagine if something serious like HEALTH CARE REFORM were to be on the line.........oh.........wait.......lmao

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Also what I can't seem to understand is the ones that say "he just made a mistake, it's only human of him" . Funny, when Bush made a slip of the tongue the media beat the :leaving: out of him with it. Heck they are still pounding on him, lol. And I am not defending Bush, I am just saying why is it right for one and not for the other ? Fair is fair.

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Also what I can't seem to understand is the ones that say "he just made a mistake, it's only human of him" . Funny, when Bush made a slip of the tongue the media beat the :D out of him with it. Heck they are still pounding on him, lol. And I am not defending Bush, I am just saying why is it right for one and not for the other ? Fair is fair.

Main diff was it was only news when Dubya didn't make a verbal gaffe!

He and Dan Quayle are neck and neck for the all time blooper total.

- OS

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Guest Ghostrider

Riddle me this.

What would the media and the liberals do if GW has appointed over 30 cabinet level positions out of thin air and declined to do the most basic of vetting on them AND gave congress NO OPPORTUNITY to even talk to the guy and say hello, much less ask a question or two.

Nope, the liberals took excessive pains the last 8 years to demonize, demean, and attempt to disgrace GW. And while he's not my number one pal, he didn't deserve that kind of treatment.

So, IMO, I think turn about is fair play and I'm going to go after his aristocratic, pompous, arrogant ass every time he uses the wrong fork, or any other tiny error. He, and the liberals, need to know what it's like to be marginalized and belittled, second guessed and called things like hitler, monkey, baby killer, etc, etc..

I was nice, I tried really, really hard to be civil with the libs when they were in the minority. Being in the majority has not helped their manners.

I'll treat them just like they treat me and you'll hear the whinning and crying out to the orbit of Jupiter....

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Some reporter had checked his campaign trail, found he had been in 47 states since he declared to run.

So he said 57 while thinking ahead.

- OS

Yeah, "some reporter/s" have said a lot about Obama. I suppose that's how we know what we know :D Even if you add the Territories the math does not add up. A slip, an error, or a gaff doesn't really matter - I think it's what you always see with him; he always has to have 1 up on everyone and the smooth talk seems to work no matter what the facts are. It's the way he talks more than what he believes, the facts, or the way it's written for him, he could have said "I've been to all but 3 States" but 57 just sounded better and that's what got him where he is with the help of his lap dogs - the rest is easy you just have to believe it (well, add a bit of disconnect from reality).

Just as a wild guess what 7 do you suppose he sees adding to our flag, our map, or are some going to be divided??? I think it would've have been a fun debate question "Can you name all 57 States?" maybe even an interview question like the one "What media publications do you read?" C'mon 50 States and 50 Stars - it's an American thing!

It's odd how people have the ability to shrug not only his errors but his real beliefs, performances and what we now see as results. A place where Bono can stand up and call W stupid and and it's totally acceptable as a label that lasts into another mans legacy as if somehow it's still the cause of everything bad or imperfect. I'm just tired of letting them slide by with what they say or maybe I'm just getting too old and don't feel like listening to it anymore so, when I get the chance I lay it on!

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It never ceases to amaze me how bad most people are in basic math skills!

Just the other day I read that 3 out of 10 Tennessee HCP holders can't do elementary math. That's more than half!

Shocking me thinks.

That's funny statistic coming from after you spend rounds out of the 1st mag always load a fresh one you know stress and all... :D

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Main diff was it was only news when Dubya didn't make a verbal gaffe!

He and Dan Quayle are neck and neck for the all time blooper total.

- OS

I'd rather have Bush doing press conferences and making up new words as having ol' flop ear up there appointing people like eric holder and .......van jones :eek:...........VAN FREAKING JONES.....:eek: self proclaimed communist, racist to the fullest extreme. Bush screwed up A LOT, but this guy does something 100 times more stupid and people applaud it. I don't get it.

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