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Arrest threat over Obama 'Joker' poster

Guest AmericanWorkMule

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Guest AmericanWorkMule

Security Dude is right. It ain't America no more, as far as he and all the other Obama kool-aid drinkers are concerned.

"This used to be America," argued a protester outside a health-care town hall meeting in Reston, Va., after a security officer threatened him with arrest for holding up a sign with a picture critical of Barack Obama.

The officer answered, "If I told you once to take it down and you put it back up, I can charge you with whatever I want to charge you with."

"This used to be America," said the protester.

The officer's response?

"It ain't no more, OK?"

Officer Cheeks is a member of the Fairfax County Public Schools' trained School Security Officer team. To contact the school's security force, e-mail Fred Ellis, the director of safety and security for Fairfax County Public Schools, or Jim McLain, the security coordinator.

Edited by AmericanWorkMule
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C'mon that's totally fake. It has to be, right?

Even though it was fake I don't see how the guy filming kept his composure. Can't say I'd have been able to do the same.

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I believe I would have taken the trespassing charge (as long as there was video to back up what happened). He never told the man to leave the property. I am sure that there are many attorneys that would love to have this case!

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Apparently "school grounds" are somehow sacred even after school hours ?

Not to hijack this thread but I had a similar incident here in my little town. I was out testing a Nitro r/c car in local school parking lot, on a sunday afternoon, with no one else around. The parking lot sits around a playground where kids can swing, slide,etc. but there were zero kids there. I am all alone ! Not nary a kid in sight ! CAN'T MAKE THIS CLEAR ENOUGH, LOL. However, while trying to tune the motor I spot a county cop roll through. As he passes I am yanking away at the pull start because I am trying to set the air/fuel mixture and it won't stay running. 2 minutes later the county zips back in the parking lot and pulls almost dead on top of me. Cop-how we doing today,me-fine,cop-you're going to need to leave, this is PRIVATE property,me-how's that ?, cop-this is private property sir and you can't be loitering after school hours,me-so I need to do this when kids are here ?cop-no sir you're not allowed here during schools hours unless you have a child that attends this school, me-but this is a PUBLIC school in which my tax dollars help fund, cop-well i saw you beating on the car and there's a chance PRIVATE property could be damaged, me-but this is not private property,cop-SIR YOU JUST NEED TO LEAVE. So not wanting to go to jail, which I figured was the next step considering his a-hole attitude,I left. But man I was ticked off.

The point of my story is this, school property, which is PUBLIC PROPERTY to my knowledge, can be twisted into being whatever a jackass with a badge wants it to be. Not bashing cops, because I know several that are great, but just like apples, sometimes you land a bad one in the bunch. Appears this guy landed a trifecta in this instance. A pro jug ears supporter that is a rent-a-cop and just happens to be black.

Sad but true-this is what it's coming to.

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Guest HexHead
Not bashing cops, because I know several that are great, but just like apples, sometimes you land a bad one in the bunch. Appears this guy landed a trifecta in this instance. A pro jug ears supporter that is a rent-a-cop and just happens to be black.

Sad but true-this is what it's coming to.

Lately it's seeming more and more that sometimes you land a good one in the bunch.

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As far as the RC car thing goes: Douchebaggery...chalk it up to that. Cops are understaffed and tired, douchebags are still plentiful, and we, the normal folks, have to put up with the crap that is left between em.

The protestor: Hell yeah I woulda let that moron arrest me....I guess a school security guard can arrest folks now...ok, whatever. These morons make my ass twitch.

Edited by Angus
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that fascist "officer" is the new face of Amerika today....

"charge you with whatever I want to charge you with..."

I would have put the sign back up, been arrested and once out--I would have done everything I could to bankrupt him and his employer.

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Guest AmericanWorkMule

If you want to see some real Obama love, go to

The New Tawheed Among the Rulers

Warning: Half way through reading, I decided I was going to copy this unbelievable stuff.

Glad I scrolled to the bottom of the page to read the Disclaimer and what would happen if I did. I am totally convinced that I have been marked.

Enter at your own risk.

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If you want to see some real Obama love, go to

The New Tawheed Among the Rulers

Warning: Half way through reading, I decided I was going to copy this unbelievable stuff.

Glad I scrolled to the bottom of the page to read the Disclaimer and what would happen if I did. I am totally convinced that I have been marked.

Enter at your own risk.

marked by who--islamic fundamentalists? And another questioned--marked for what?

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The cop just doing his job. :up: If the picture had been of Bush, would he still do his job?

We are so screwed.

we've been screwed for a long time--but I have to say--as of late, since about May--it is like politicians and the government at all stages have gone absolutely insane...

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