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Knoxnews Editorial on the Christian-Newsom Murders

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Dear folks:____________

The following article was posted in Knoxnews (the internet version of the Knoxville News Sentinel) today by the editor of the Knoxville News Sentinel. In my judgement, it points to the childish mindset of the worst of the leftists and racial appologizers in Tennessee (and this country). It proves once again that no issue transends liberal politics or racial pandering. Here is the link:

McElroy: Cobbins case about overcoming racism Knoxville News Sentinel


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It's not about black or white. Its about crimes against two individuals. If the criminals were white and the victims black the verdict should have been the same. These crimes were just heinous.

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Guest justme
It's not about black or white. Its about crimes against two individuals. If the criminals were white and the victims black the verdict should have been the same. These crimes were just heinous.

the verdicts should have been the same if the situation was reversed and the victims were black--and while it would almost certainly have been the same guilty verdict, the sentence handed out would be different IMO...

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unfortunately, the underlying thread is about color. black on white crime seems to always be different than white on black crime. its always racist. this type of crime is horrific, regardless of who did who and what color you are. but, most can't see past the color. its always color, when a black person kills a white person we cry foul, when a white person kills a black person we cry racist, it will never end. if we were only color blind and able to see the world thru eyes of children. then and only then would we be able to "love they neighbor as yourself" regardless of color. mankind is the most vile and cruel of all God's creatures, thank you adam for introducing sin into this once perfect world....oh for the day when we can get back to that point where the lion lays with the lamb, men and women of all nations will join together as one, and the evil one can no longer rule us!!! Sunday sermon over......

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I didn't quite see the "evil" intent of this article. I think the jest of it was the races came together to render a guilty verdict and a sentence. The writer did point out that there were whites involved on the periphery. That was the reason it probably wasn't treated as a hate crime. He also pointed out that a white lawyer defended the black defendent and a Black Lawyer was the prosecutor. Again pointing out the fact that race wasn't the big bugaboo factor the KKK tried to make it out to be two years ago. I didn't see the article as either conservative or liberal in nature. It was simply an article about how races came together to pass judgement.

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The term "hate crime" needs to be abolished. It, in and of itself, is racist.

This was a horrible crime no matter what you call it. The guilty deserve the needle. Actually they deserve much worse. But, I'm convinced God will handle that end of it just fine.

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I didn't quite see the "evil" intent of this article. I think the jest of it was the races came together to render a guilty verdict and a sentence. The writer did point out that there were whites involved on the periphery. That was the reason it probably wasn't treated as a hate crime. He also pointed out that a white lawyer defended the black defendent and a Black Lawyer was the prosecutor. Again pointing out the fact that race wasn't the big bugaboo factor the KKK tried to make it out to be two years ago. I didn't see the article as either conservative or liberal in nature. It was simply an article about how races came together to pass judgement.
The following article was posted in Knoxnews (the internet version of the Knoxville News Sentinel) today by the editor of the Knoxville News Sentinel. In my judgement, it points to the childish mindset of the worst of the leftists and racial appologizers in Tennessee (and this country). It proves once again that no issue transends liberal politics or racial pandering. Here is the link:

I simply cant let this one pass. If one cannot see that this editorial was conceived to smooth over the racial overtones of this crime and dismiss the heinous nature of these crimes, i believe that your glasses need changing and your sense of justice recalibrated.

Here are some points to ponder:

1. This crime is, in fact, a black on white crime committed against two college aged kids that were kidnapped within a stone's throw of the Knoxville Center Mall.

2. This crime is, in fact, the most heinous, brutal crime ever committed against a group of persons by others in the history of Knoxville. Knoxville was founded in the 1790's.

3. The fact of the matter is that there is a sense of outrage among many of knoxvilles citizens that those charged could be a participant in the kidnap, rape, brutalizing, and murdering of two human beings and not get the death penalty. You would do well to read some of the comments regarding this editorial. I also urge you to read the details of what was done to these two kids before they were murdered. Most people, in fact, do not believe that justice has been served in this case.

4. The apologizers would have you believe that just because the perpetrators of this crime were drug addicts, children of single parents, out of poor neighborhoods, etc., etc,; that they should be excused of this crime. That is exactly what was stated by the defense in the sentencing hearing. That is wrong; and anybody with an ounce of intellegence and any sense of justice knows that. These people were willing participants in the kidnap, torture, rape, and murder of these two kids.

The fact is that Jack McElroy and folks like him would have you believe that justice has been served because of the racial makeup of some of the players in both this crime and it's subsequent trial; that is a childish pronouncement at best; and an evil, cynical, political adgenda motivated lie at worst. Either way, it is an idiotic premise.

He would also have you believe that justice has been served. Justice has not been served -- because many people, me included, believe that the participants in this crime should get the death penalty. There are people in this community who believe, like i do, that justice has not been served in this case. If this crime does not warrant the death penalty, no crime will --- that's why many are offended at this.

Jack Mc Elroy is an educated man, he is a newspaper editor. He full well knows everything that has been said about this and what the reaction of the local polulace is to this crime. Why then, would he presume to write an editorial whose thesis is that justice has been served because blacks and whites happened to come together to "bring justice" in this case. Jack McElroy is a committed liberal bought and paid for by the Scripps-Howard Corporation who happens to be a bunch of east coast liberal self-loathing trash who do, in fact, have an agenda to prusue. He was hired to pursue that agenda; and that is just what he is doing. Dont be fooled, the Knoxville News Sentinel is just another liberal rag actively pursuing the leftist agenda.

I hope that some of what has been pointed out in this little epistle has caused you to think about what has really happened here in knoxville.

Hopefully, it will cause you to think a little bit about whether justice has been served in this case and what the positions and motives of some of those who seek to influence opinion and lecture the local populace truly are.

I don't believe that all blacks are thugs, nor do i believe that all whites are paragons of honesty. I do believe that anyone with any sense of justice and compassion for the victims of this crime and their families should be outraged at the outcome of these cases so far -- being black or white should make no difference -- you only need to have some sense of justice. I do believe that there is a clear double standard concerning black on white crime. I also believe that Ray Charles (if he was still here on earth) can see that double standard has been scrupulously applied here. Finally, I believe that there are folks in this community that are actively trying to alter the facts of this heinous crime to advance their own disgraceful political world view and agenda. If you believe what Jack McElroy would have you believe in this editorial; It is working.


Edited by leroy
minor editing
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Guest cjames38464
I simply cant let this one pass. If one cannot see that this editorial was conceived to smooth over the racial overtones of this crime and dismiss the heinous nature of these crimes, i believe that your glasses need changing and your sense of justice recalibrated.


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Actually, I was one of those that was utterly disgusted by the crimes committed by the gang of thugs. I have followed this crime more than most people I happen to personally know. I thought Cobbins deserved the death penalty and had I been on the jury, I would have voted for his death. Does that make you feel a bit better about me? Not that it really matters.

I took the article for it's face value and had no problem with Mr. McElroy's article. Sorry if that offended you. Again personally, I really don't care.

Mr. McElroy expressed the opinion that blacks and whites came together and found a thug guilty and punished him from the among the options presented to them by the letter of the law. Again, I don't agree with the punishment, but this jury did what it was asked to do. Everyone in that court did their jobs, including a white defense attorney and a black district attorney. Something that would have never happened in this city 50 years ago. I believe that to be the point Mr. McElroy was making. So I'm really trying hard to understand how that was bad.

As far as this being a hate crime, the State of Tennessee does not recognize Hate Crimes. Gary Christian pointed that out this morning on the Hallerin Hill Show. Neither does the Federal Government, though Eric Holder, our illustrous Attorney General is pushing for such legislation. Let's be real careful about what we wish for. Since the State does not recognize Hate Crimes, then it's sort of hard to prosecute someone for such a thing.

Mr.McElroy also pointed out in his editoral that whites were involved with this crime, yet no charges have been filed. I personally would love to know why this hasn't happened yet, since one of them apparently helped these monsters escape. I also would personally like to see Mr. Boyd brought back to Knoxville to stand trial for the crimes he hasn't been charged with as well. I'd love to know what that hasn't happened yet as well.

Having gone back and re-read the editorial for the third time, I'm also having a hard time where anyone was was apologizing for Cobbin's background. Mr. McElroy sure didn't bring it up.

I see no purpose in some sort of witch hunt against those that don't BLINDLY FOLLOW my political views, therefore I don't castigate everyone that expresses a viewpoint different from my own. I fought in a war 18 years ago for this country, just so men like you and Mr. McElroy could espouse your points of view, even when I don't agree with them, and I'd gladly do it again. Just so happens I agree with Mr. McElroy on this particular article based on it's face value. That doesn't make me a "Liberal" or an Idiot with his head in the sand. In point of fact, I'm a FIRM believer in ALL the words written in our great Constitution and will continue to defended till I take my last breath.

Again sorry to offend you, well not really, since you seemed to have no problem attacking me in your little diatribe. But I think you figured that out already.

Have a nice night! :)

Edited by Moped
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....I took the article for it's face value and had no problem with Mr. McElroy's article. Sorry if that offended you. Again personally, I really don't care.

Mr. McElroy expressed the opinion that blacks and whites came together and found a thug guilty and punished him from the among the options presented to them by the letter of the law. Again, I don't agree with the punishment, but this jury did what it was asked to do. Everyone in that court did their jobs, including a white defense attorney and a black district attorney. Something that would have never happened in this city 50 years ago. I believe that to be the point Mr. McElroy was making. So I'm really trying hard to understand how that was bad. ...

Mr.McElroy also pointed out in his editoral that whites were involved with this crime, yet no charges have been filed. I personally would love to know why this hasn't happened yet, since one of them apparently helped these monsters escape. I also would personally like to see Mr. Boyd brought back to Knoxville to stand trial for the crimes he hasn't been charged with as well. I'd love to know what that hasn't happened yet as well.

Having gone back and re-read the editorial for the third time, I'm also having a hard time where anyone was was apologizing for Cobbin's background. Mr. McElroy sure didn't bring it up.

I see no purpose in some sort of witch hunt against those that don't BLINDLY FOLLOW my political views, therefore I don't castigate everyone that expresses a viewpoint different from my own. -- Ya might want to think thru this one; you did just that in this post. LEROY

I fought in a war 18 years ago for this country Lee Harvey Oswald fought too; he was a US Marine. -- LEROY, just so men like you and Mr. McElroy could espouse your points of view, even when I don't agree with them, and I'd gladly do it again. Just so happens I agree with Mr. McElroy on this particular article based on it's face value. That doesn't make me a "Liberal" or an Idiot with his head in the sand. In point of fact, I'm a FIRM believer in ALL the words written in our great Constitution and will continue to defended till I take my last breath.

Again sorry to offend you, well not really, since you seemed to have no problem attacking me in your little diatribe. But I think you figured that out already.

Have a nice night! :)

I dont need to say anything else. As you have opined; it doesnt really make any difference. I suspect that there will never be enough evidence to convince you in this issue. My opinion is, indeed, different from yours; thats the reason for the reply. I have no problem in saying what i think; and neither should you. I'm never offended by the foolish. Mr McElroy knows better. You must not. You are not being attacked; your judgement is being questioned. By the way, I'm always DISMAYED by childishness, not offended. Maybe you will grow up someday; Mr McElroy probably wont; he is bought and paid for. Nobody needs to buy you. They already got ya.

As Sean Connery so famously said in the movie "The Untouchables":

"Thus endeth the lesson."


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I also do not have a problem with the Knoxnews article.

I think we can all agree that "hate" crime is crime pure and simple. I think we also feel the unfairness that "hate" crime is a veiled poke in the eye towards whites. I.e. you can have hate crime BY a white person but there is no such thing as hate crimes ON a white person. Unless that person is gay. And I think we also feel frustrated by the unfairness of it and from the fact that the media, politicians, and most minorities don't see the double standard. Perhaps it is a subconscious allowance for inequality in an attempt to empower a minority against a majority. Inequality, however, is inequality and is wrong in my view. Same as I feel about racial quotas in the job market.

The author, Mr. McElroy, didn't write from our point of view. Sure, he doesn't see the double standard. THAT NOTWITHSTANDING I thought his article was pretty fair and reasonable.

My .02.

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Here is an opposing point of view that i agree with. It is well written and to the point. Here's the link at Knoxnews: Cobbins deserved death penalty by jury Knoxville News Sentinel

RE: The McElroy Editorial:

Mr McElroy postulates that since both black and white gutter trash participated in the atrocities and attempts to cover them up -- that's racial progress.

Mr McElroy further postulates that since make-up of the defense, the procecuton, and jury was multi-ethnic; that equates to justice being served and, again, the magic words: "racial progress".

Mr McElroy believes that justice was served in this case. See the quote lifted from the editorial below:

Did race play a role in this case?

Of course, just as it continues to play a role in many areas of our society.

It undoubtedly was in the back of the minds of the thugs committing the crimes and of the investigators examining suspects. The lawyers took race into account as they planned their strategies and selected jurors, and the jury interpreted the evidence and weighed the families' pleas through their own racial prisms.

But at no point was race the deciding factor.

Ultimately, this case was about getting beyond race to justice.

Some of the truly inhumane among us perpetrated an outrage, and decent humanity responded as best it could.

In the context of America's struggle with a racial divide, color wasn't really important, and for that we can be thankful

The fact of the matter is that there is, indeed, a double standard in our justice system that is both built into the legal system and engrained into our culture -- this double standard came out in the jury's verdict. That double standard was applied to the point that justice was not served in this case. That does not seem to trouble Mr McElroy or those who cant see any problems with his editorial. Alternatively, they may not even consciously think about it if it doesn't affect them on a personal level. I think that is a troubling point of view. The words "Equal justice under law" are inscribed over the entrance of the U S Supreme Court Building; everybody agrees with these words; but they are simply not applied in crimes where there are racial overtones. The fact that you have a justice system and a trial doesnt automatically equate to "equal justice under law". Folks everywhere should be concerned about this issue. There are people on death row in Tennessee who have been convicted of crimes that were nowhere as heinous as these. Maybe we owe them another trial. They may need to be let out.

I took the time to look at the last published set of crime statistics for Knoxville. They are more than twice the national average. That says to me and many others that there are serious problems with the justice enterprise in Knoxville. These problems are spilling out of the usual problem areas of Knoxville into the city at large. I would be concerned about my child at UT; I would be concerned about my wife, mother, sister, or fiancee driving thru the mall areas; I would be concerned celebrating in the "Old City" and other locations after UT ballgames. The list goes on and on. This first verdict in this trial points out one of the root causes of the problem -- the seeming inability of our legal enterprise to punish criminals for their crimes. Mr McElroy and others may not be concerned too much about this problem, since they think justice has been served in this case. Out of town jurors may think that justice has been served because they don't live in Knoxville. They should be. Crimes like these may come to a location near them. They may need "equal justice under law" too.

I and many others believe that justice has not been served and that a message has been sent to every thug and pervert in Knoxville and the surrounding area that there is no crime that you can commit here that warrants the death penalty. That offends my sense of justice and weakens any attempts by authorities to do anything about violent crime in Knoxville.

More food for thought,


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Guest Ghostrider
because the perpetrators of this crime were drug addicts, children of single parents, out of poor neighborhoods, etc., etc,; that they should be excused of this crime


I qualify on 2 of the 3 criteria stated here and I've never been "excused" for anything.

Justice was not served in this verdict, the "legal system" was served.

I'm just waiting for the main stream newspapers to die, much like distant ancestors may have waited in the trees for the sabertooth and the dinos to die.

Of course, what replaces them may be the absence of any opinion, for everyone, which would be far worse, and far bloodier.

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Guest 3pugguy
unfortunately, the underlying thread is about color. black on white crime seems to always be different than white on black crime. its always racist. this type of crime is horrific, regardless of who did who and what color you are. but, most can't see past the color. its always color, when a black person kills a white person we cry foul, when a white person kills a black person we cry racist, it will never end. if we were only color blind and able to see the world thru eyes of children. then and only then would we be able to "love they neighbor as yourself" regardless of color. mankind is the most vile and cruel of all God's creatures, thank you adam for introducing sin into this once perfect world....oh for the day when we can get back to that point where the lion lays with the lamb, men and women of all nations will join together as one, and the evil one can no longer rule us!!! Sunday sermon over......

You make a very valid observation, that is, to see things thru the eyes of children. But what is sad is we influence our children (and I don't mean ones children, but society in general) through our actions.

But like you, I think we have hope and I hope for a day of getting along; because humans are amazing in the ability to reason, if we will only take that step back and do so when faced with such horror, maybe we can move ahead.

But, in a case so gruesome and inhuman as this one, that is an almost impossible task and I cannot begin to imagine how the families of the victims feel and I admit, I would want some Old Testament justice and would want to go beyond an eye for an eye, for sure.

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Guest 3pugguy

Hi Leroy,

Very valid points, especially the point of those who would be apologists - oh, they were poor, single parent, etc. Hell, I have known many, many people, black, white, asian - who grew up poor, single parent or parentless - and they did not resort to rape, torture, and murder.

But, as I wrote to another poster, I always hope we can get to a point one day where we would be without such hate. Not being cynical, but I doubt that day will come any time soon. And as long as everything said or done has to be vetted for political correctness, we are screwed. By that, I mean society, not a racial group.

Last, not to hijack this thread, but we had better pay attention to the invasive nature of Muslim teaching and schooling in this country; there are just shy of 2 million Muslims in America, but they seem to be swinging a big hammer in the PC world.

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Guest 3pugguy

I qualify on 2 of the 3 criteria stated here and I've never been "excused" for anything.

Justice was not served in this verdict, the "legal system" was served.

I'm just waiting for the main stream newspapers to die, much like distant ancestors may have waited in the trees for the sabertooth and the dinos to die.

Of course, what replaces them may be the absence of any opinion, for everyone, which would be far worse, and far bloodier.


you are right - no justice for these two kids. the only justice would be the criminals to suffer the same type of fate. but, we have to take the good with the bad, as it were, and the same glorious constitution that protects us in other ways, protects against us taking such action - but a fella can have a dream...

Newspapers: betcha 10 years or less, gone for good. Might be some small, local or niche papers, but the big ones are sinking like the Titantic; that big paper, the leftwing rag NY Times, is not even immune.

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Hi Leroy,

Very valid points, especially the point of those who would be apologists - oh, they were poor, single parent, etc. Hell, I have known many, many people, black, white, asian - who grew up poor, single parent or parentless - and they did not resort to rape, torture, and murder.

But, as I wrote to another poster, I always hope we can get to a point one day where we would be without such hate. Not being cynical, but I doubt that day will come any time soon. And as long as everything said or done has to be vetted for political correctness, we are screwed. By that, I mean society, not a racial group.

Last, not to hijack this thread, but we had better pay attention to the invasive nature of Muslim teaching and schooling in this country; there are just shy of 2 million Muslims in America, but they seem to be swinging a big hammer in the PC world.

I agree completely. Justice should be for all men; not just certain classes of men. I think your "favorite quote" says it best:

I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts - John Locke.

There is great truth in your post on all the issues.

Keep up the good work!

Kind regards,


Edited by leroy
cant spell!!! fixed it!!
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I know personally I have seen other cases in other states were the "racial table" was on the other side and those cases were not treated like this one. If anything the media, local papers included, made sure to keep the story on the front page for as long as possible and ALWAYS made sure to include it was white on black crime. While I don't feel this was crime was committed based on JUST race, I do wonder how this would be treated if the races of the 2 were flipped. I honestly believe that every "of color" organization would have camps set up in K-town and be screaming for death to the accused in a far worse manner than those with this case. And while not advocating the KKK I wonder if the NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY decided to do a march and/or protest in favor of those animals that committed the crime if anyone would have a problem with that ? After all, this wasn't racial right ?

I did like how cobbins' family members decided to do a "pop in" for him but bounced as soon as they got done with their performance. Really showed their support and love for him, pffffffffffff !

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