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PMags Questions

Guest db99wj

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Guest Todd@CIS

Even if they were the same price, I'd go with the windowless.

I think the windows are kinda "gimicky" and there was at least one guy at AR15.com who posted pics of the windows cracking.

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Why would you want anyone to know your out of ammo? I vote not the winder!

If you're in a situation where you don't need someone to know you're out of ammo, and they are both perpendicular to your line of fire, and close enough to see your round count through the P-Mag window, then I would venture to say their assessment of your remaining rounds is the least of your worries.

Edited by poak
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Guest Todd@CIS
If you're in a situation where you don't need someone to know you're out of ammo, and they are both perpendicular to your line of fire, and close enough to see your round count through the P-Mag window, then I would venture to say their assessment of your remaining rounds is the least of your worries.

LOL...I'm hoping he was kidding.

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Guest tarheel78

Whether you go with winders or not, the PMAG is a great product. I have a bunch and they all function well, regardless of capacity or upper used that day.

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Mine are windowless. Even with the dustcover snapped on you can feel if one is fully loaded. And if you have time to take your eyes off of your surroundings then you had time to drop it and put in a new one. Or maybe you're supposed to put inspirational pictures in there... quotes.. word of the day... if lost return to.. BUT the only place I ever worry about running out of ammo is in a video game. AND I am constantly checking my screen when I get to a safe position or it gets quiet. WELL I just tried to do a "tactical" change versus rotating my wrist and looking at my Pmag. Now I'm untrained and only had my AR a year, but I think now I see the light... well at least the light shining through the Pmags ;)

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Guest SMZRU275

Was at a gun show this past weekend here, and looked at the two side by side. I went with two windowless. Just didn't like the feel of the plastic window.

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Picked up two with windows. Don't seem to be that big a deal, not really worth the $2.55, but really, no big deal. I actually tried to change my order, but it was too late, they had been processed and ready to ship. Ordered late Thursday, got here Tuesday.

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  • 2 weeks later...


i did the 'run over' test w/ the pmags... and not just a quick trip over. stopped, turned the tires on top of the mag.

dodge truck, gravel lot w/ crush-run.

full and empty mags.

window and without.

both functioned after each test.

they look a bit scuffed up, but whatever.

i then went to the trouble, (and it was a lot of trouble) to break out the windows in the previously run over windowmag.

still works fine.

i try hard to break the stuff i use when at play, so when i'm at work, i can feel pretty confident about it.

i'm sure there's folks out there who have pmags that 'broke' or didn't work, but as far as i'm concerned, i have a high degree of confidence in them.

just thought i'd share...

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