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Hey Tubby! Up for a challenge?

Guest Arko

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Ok, did I get your attention?

Anyone up for a little friendly weight loss competition?

I, like many of you have gotten WAY out of shape and packed on the lbs.

I propose a little challenge for some competition/motivation:

Here's what I'm thinking:

  • 12 week challenge
  • take "before" pictures, post before and after pictures at end of twelve weeks, and post any progress pics if you wish
  • follow any program or plan you see fit
  • winner judged by poll on TGO based on final pics
  • winner judged by overall transformation, not dependent on weight loss total alone.

Anyone up for it?

Maybe someone would be interested in donating a small prize?

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I'd be up for, except I'm so fat that I'd look like a beached whale in the before AND after pictures.

I understand,believe me. A few months ago I was over 400lbs. Down 50 now, but getting lazy and it's about to start creeping back up.

If you feel up for it, do it anyway, even if you don't want to post to be judged.

I have a feeling though that our fellow TGO'ers will be kind and not pick on us too badly.

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Guest GunTroll


First thing to do is to get off the computer and get outside! J/K

Good luck guys! I applaud your effort and interest to do it! Heck I can go for a few less lbs too!

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Guest eyebedam

Why the hell not. I'm 5-10 205. Let's set a start date I'll take pics I don't care. I been talking about losing some weight so it might as well start. A nice little prize would be nice if 1 was offered bit I'll play either way.

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Friday the 28th for a start, unless anyone has a better plan.


If anyone needs a decent resource, try Body For Life. It's been around awhile, and is really based on common sense and science. No fad BS.

All the bookstores have it, and the have a website with recipes, a link to their national challenge etc.

If anyone has any other good resources, drop them here to!

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I'm up for it. I NEED to drop some pounds. Don't know about the pictures though, wouldn't want to be responsible for someone shootin' their monitor.

I'm 6', and 250 lbs. I'll get an "official" weight Friday morning to start with. My goal weight is 200 - 210lbs (at least according to the doc.)

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Like I said, I understand some not wanting to do pictures, but consider maybe a shorts and t-shot at least so you can really brag it up!

Or at least TAKE the beginning pic, then decide to post or not after you see the results at the end. Post or no post, you'll be glad you took the pics if you put in the work.

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What do y'all think of two categories for "winners"?

1 for overall transformation via photos, and a 2nd for total pounds for those who don't want to post pics?

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Power 90. I have that vid and P90X but P90X is to much right now lol.

Im going to try and get back into that and jogging as well.

Man, P90X really is good stuff (despite their cheesy marketing).

I did 5 weeks before falling off the wagon due to a busy personal life, and I saw really solid results in that 5 weeks alone.

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Guest eyebedam
Man, P90X really is good stuff (despite their cheesy marketing).

I did 5 weeks before falling off the wagon due to a busy personal life, and I saw really solid results in that 5 weeks alone.

You know you need to get me a copy of that. :D

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Guest db99wj

I'll see if I can get the DVD burner cranking sometime soon.


Good for you guys, I am at a good weight, been working on it since January, been maintaining it for 3 months. (Which is harder to do than losing it) So I won't be participating. As I said, I am trying to maintain and get in better shape. I ran 5 miles Saturday, 2 miles Sunday, walked a mile sunday and have been running with my kids Cross country team, kinda of helping coach. Running with 5th 6th, 7th and 8th graders is tough. I would like to get more toned. That is my next goal, along with running. Want to be able to run a half marathon, not that I will, but be able too at some point, possibly by year end.

Edited by db99wj
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