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Just a thought

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I had a thought that may or may not work.

Being the bad economic times we are in maybe for the month of December or the first 2 weeks of December, remove the status requirements to post in the TGO Trading Post

This would allow a few to post Guns and items they may need to sell so they can have a better Christmas and Holidays.

I know it is not up to us members to do this or decide but I thought Id toss up the ideal for the board’s admin to look at.

Also being a past vendor and one that will soon be a vendor here, I am also a Benefactor.

Id be willing to give a few dollars as a donation to TGO to help cover the cost of allowing those non – Benefactor members to post in the Trading Post.

I am sure other vendors and benefactors will be willing to donate some as well.

Just a thought. :rolleyes:

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That's a great idea, IMHO. I hate to see TGO members being forced to sell their beloved firearms simply to make ends meet during these tough economic times.

I know we have several TGOers still out of work, and having the ability to sell to other members they can trust would likely help out at least a little. This is especially true with the Holidays right around the corner.

I can only imagine, but being out of work during the Holidays would have to be devastating, especially if you're a man with a family to support.

I'm not a Benefactor, but if there is a member (singular) who is forced to sell their gun(s) just to make ends meet during the Holiday season, but simply can't afford to pay the Benefactor fee, I will gladly pay it for you. Just doing what little I can.

Guest Bronker

The heart and intent behind this seniment is fabulous, guys. My only thought is that David's expense for keeping TGO online and operational will not go away for the month of December. I know he's not getting rich off of Benefactor fees, and running this site is expensive. That being said...I wonder if maybe a sticky thread in the 'Classifieds' Forum specifically designated for "Hardship" for well-established, non-benefactor members that are facing such circumstances. It could be a PIF/Pay-It-Back/Firearms FS/FT that would be deleted January 1?

Again...awesome, heart-felt, admirable idea you have Jeff. I too have been tremendously blessed and would do my part to participate in such a cause.

Guest donfromtexas

Sounds like a great idea to me. I am not in the market to sell anything myself, but a one month grace period for those in need to sell during hard times would be great.

Guest bkelm18
  Bronker said:
The heart and intent behind this seniment is fabulous, guys. My only thought is that David's expense for keeping TGO online and operational will not go away for the month of December. I know he's not getting rich off of Benefactor fees, and running this site is expensive. That being said...I wonder if maybe a sticky thread in the 'Classifieds' Forum specifically designated for "Hardship" for well-established, non-benefactor members that are facing such circumstances. It could be a PIF/Pay-It-Back/Firearms FS/FT that would be deleted January 1?

Again...awesome, heart-felt, admirable idea you have Jeff. I too have been tremendously blessed and would do my part to participate in such a cause.

I don't think the purpose of making the Classified forums Benefactor only was a money issue, I think it had to do with making it more of a "perk" to paying supporters and help get rid of some of the issues that were popping up with people who come here strictly to buy and sell.

Guest Bronker
  bkelm18 said:
I don't think the purpose of making the Classified forums Benefactor only was a money issue, I think it had to do with making it more of a "perk" to paying supporters and help get rid of some of the issues that were popping up with people who come here strictly to buy and sell.

Oh, I agree. It does generate revenue, and is a fair way to do it.

  • Administrator
  TripleDigitRide said:

I'm not a Benefactor, but if there is a member (singular) who is forced to sell their gun(s) just to make ends meet during the Holiday season, but simply can't afford to pay the Benefactor fee, I will gladly pay it for you. Just doing what little I can.

If you can afford to do that for other people, why aren't you a Benefactor? You clearly use the site a lot.

  TGO David said:
If you can afford to do that for other people, why aren't you a Benefactor? You clearly use the site a lot.

Because if I do that, I wouldn't be able to help others who are in more need than myself. I'm fortunate enough to have a job and the ability to pay my bills, but I also feel the need to help others who are in more need than myself whenever possible. If that means I do without some "extras" myself, so be it.

  • Administrator
  TripleDigitRide said:
Because if I do that, I wouldn't be able to help others who are in more need than myself. I'm fortunate enough to have a job and the ability to pay my bills, but I also feel the need to help others who are in more need than myself whenever possible. If that means I do without some "extras" myself, so be it.

I hope that your patronage of the FNRA dinner last month didn't keep you from helping anyone out. Regardless, I think it's awesome that you are willing to do this for other members of TGO. How many Benefactor memberships can we count on you to sponsor?

  TGO David said:
I hope that your patronage of the FNRA dinner last month didn't keep you from helping anyone out. Regardless, I think it's awesome that you are willing to do this for other members of TGO. How many Benefactor memberships can we count on you to sponsor?

Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the FNRA dinner.

As I stated in my original post, I am good for A (one) Benefactor membership to someone who is in need. I wish I could do more, but that is all I'm able to do at this time.

  • Administrator
  TripleDigitRide said:
Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the FNRA dinner.

As I stated in my original post, I am good for A (one) Benefactor membership to someone who is in need. I wish I could do more, but that is all I'm able to do at this time.

Really? Both Len and I thought we saw you. Very cool that you are willing to help someone in need. I look forward to the day things are going well enough for you to do the same for yourself. :rolleyes:

  TGO David said:
Really? Both Len and I thought we saw you. Very cool that you are willing to help someone in need. I look forward to the day things are going well enough for you to do the same for yourself. :)

Nope. I wasn't able to attend this time. I was called out of town to help bail out a co-worker in need. There's always next year.

With so many people in need during these tough economic times, I feel it's my duty to help as many people as I can, even if that means I do without those extras. I guess that's just how I was raised.

Guest Bronker

So...what do you think, David, about the whole concept? Maybe not a fee suspension, but a single, self-limiting thread in a 'hardship' category. The participation would of course be voluntary.


  • Administrator

Initial thoughts...

I don't have to look very far to find people affected by the economy. I just have to look across the living room and consider that my wife is still working 40+ hours a week when our original plan was for her to be a stay at home mom by now. Those plans were erased when I lost my job in January, and sometimes those $20 here, $35 there Benefactor contributions fill in the gaps when my business venture is slow.

Ideally this suggestion would have been submitted to me privately rather than posted out in the open for summary decision by the members of TGO. At this point, regardless of what other considerations there might be, I either have to go along with some variation of this or I end up looking like a complete douchebag.

Anyone here who works a steady 40hr a week job and gets a regular paycheck is probably making more than I am right now. But I'll think it over.

Guest Bronker
  TGO David said:
Initial thoughts...

I don't have to look very far to find people affected by the economy. I just have to look across the living room and consider that my wife is still working 40+ hours a week when our original plan was for her to be a stay at home mom by now. Those plans were erased when I lost my job in January, and sometimes those $20 here, $35 there Benefactor contributions fill in the gaps when my business venture is slow.

Ideally this suggestion would have been submitted to me privately rather than posted out in the open for summary decision by the members of TGO. At this point, regardless of what other considerations there might be, I either have to go along with some variation of this or I end up looking like a complete douchebag.

Anyone here who works a steady 40hr a week job and gets a regular paycheck is probably making more than I am right now. But I'll think it over.

Thanks, David. Your thoughts and your position are clear. The public discussion (and our subsequent replies) have indeed painted you into a difficult corner. I apologize for 'participating' in that.

Things are tough everywhere. Very few people are honestly profiting from our current economic environment. You're being honorably candid about how it has effected your home, an I commend that. I hate that you're in this spot, man.

Do notice that in my first comment in the thread that I went in direct opposition of suspending the Benefactor fee assessment. It's a small price to pay for participating in this forum, all things considered. I'm also aware that TGO is an expensive, time-exhaustive venture, and we all appreciate your willingness to keep it going in the times when it made very little fiscal sense (a la Jan 2009 - I remember). I've always thought that the limitations you've placed on non-Benefactor members' site utilization have been a fair restriction, and a good idea. Like I said in my first post.

Regardless, you've got a good track record of doing the right thing. I can't picture any scenario where you'd be the resident d-bag.

Thanks :blush:


I'm calling ACORN to bus in some supporters for the Benefactor Reform Bill. ;)

Personally, I think that TDR's charitable offer is a reflection on how a bigger problem could be handled, but I digress. I need to get signed back up as a Benefactor myself. I respect your business venture, and appreciate the use of it. I've made some good friends through it. Keeping this thing going through some tough times reflects on your dedication. The suggestion would be a nice Christmas opportunity, but everyone should remember that keeping a job is hard everywhere, with a lot of people getting hours, pay, and benefits cut back. David losing his in January has effected his family as well. If he can't do it, or doesn't want to do it, it shouldn't reflect bad on him. He has mouths to feed and a roof to keep over his head.

I still think you're a douchebag, though. :D:P


Guest beefcakeb0

i dont think it'd be dbag to say no. especially since your out of work... maybe some inconsiderate aholes would think so, maybe reconstruct the idea.


David I dont think you owe any of us anything. Just running this site and putting up with all the bullcrap that goes on somtimes is enough for me. But if you were going to do anything I think a 48hr period would be good enough. Post your guns for sale at the start of that period and at the end of 48hrs close the thread. But I've never sell any of my personal guns so I dont have a dog in this fight. Oh and there is always going to be someone out there that thinks your a d-bag no matter what you do so I wouldnt worry about it too much. :blush:

-Jason G


I really did'nt know what behind the scenes stuff went on here, economy wise - I'm not a benefactor, but just signed up. I think it's great that this site was posted up, local, and I've saved a little bit of $ when I bought a few guns here so hopefully it helps out. Not a bad idea though, but it's your ball.


I see no reason for TGO to provide free Benefactor status for access to the Trading Post forum.

As has been said many, many times the Trading Post is more of just an add on for established members of the board. TGO has never been intended to replace gunbroker.com or other firearms selling sites.

My becoming a Benefactor had noting to do with wanting to use the Trading Post, it was to support David and the operation of this board in general.

If someone wants to offer to pay for someone else to become a Benefactor that is between the two of them and fine with me if that' what they want to.

Posted (edited)
  Jasongar8 said:
David I dont think you owe any of us anything. Just running this site and putting up with all the bullcrap that goes on somtimes is enough for me. But if you were going to do anything I think a 48hr period would be good enough. Post your guns for sale at the start of that period and at the end of 48hrs close the thread. But I've never sell any of my personal guns so I dont have a dog in this fight. Oh and there is always going to be someone out there that thinks your a d-bag no matter what you do so I wouldnt worry about it too much. :love:

-Jason G

A few points:

1. David IS a douchebag, but he's OUR douchebag :)

2. If you "bend the rules" for a certain period of time, be it 48 hours or 48 days, you are going to get people that will petition for the same special treatment outside of that window once it has been closed.

What happens if you have a 48 hour free for all, and then the following week, a guy loses his job or needs some extra cash?

Should David set up another free period every time someone is having a rough time?

This forum has provided knowledge, resources, a social outlet, and a way to put people with like interests together.

Its a community that I think we all have grown to enjoy, and become somewhat addicted to.

When David started TGO, it was a labor of love.

I know for a fact that Vendor and Benefactor fees were not covering the cost of operating this site.

David (and many of the Mods) paid to keep this going out of their own pocket.

Things have changed.

David doesnt have his cushy IT job where he can work for "the man" and cash his big bloated paycheck.

He no longer has the disposable income to subsidize this forum out of his own pocket, and people need to understand that this forum MUST pay it's own way, and stand on it's own two feet. (and provide a small income stream to David, since this takes up many hours of his productive work day)

Times are tough. FOR EVERYONE.

I realize that we have all been conditioned to the idea that we should only pay for things "when its convenient" and that its hard for some people to believe that someone actually has to pay the bills, and they may have to contribute to that, but thats a whole other soapbox and if I get on that one, I will be here all day....;)

My vote?

Keep things as they are.

Edited by BimmerFreak
  Hero Gear said:

My vote?

Keep things as they are.

I have to agree. If someone is having a hard time and needs to unload something to cover their expenses there are several options already publicly available. I see no need to change things here.

I didn't become a benefactor to post in the trading post. My decision was twofold, I like the site, and I know what it takes to operate it.

I'm all about helping someone less fortunate. If someone knows of a family in need, I say we start a TGO fund to assist them. Not only will this help the family/families in need but it will also help promote this board and show others were not all gun slinging crack heads.


I am sorry to have ruffled a few feathers. I didn’t want this to turn into a battle of who was doing bad or not. I kinda thought it would bring in more money for the site by way of Donations to cover it than those that would join on their own during that time period.

As I stated I was sure some would give donations to cover the idea I had.

I wasnt asking for a change or to bend rules.

I’m also sorry I didn’t ask this in private and seems I over stepped my bounds to post this suggestion.

But I can see it is not the good of an idea after all.

Search the PIF I have already posted a few Memberships Id pay for as Gifts and I am sure more will follow.;)


If someone needs a membership(singular) to move stuff in november or december for Family Funds I will cover it(1st come first served). Obviously just PM me...like I said im good for one in november and one in december but thats all I can do atm. Maybe by that time I can do more...maybe not.

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