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I am SOOOOOO gay!!!

Guest MikeH

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Guest TurboniumOxide

Now he can paint all his guns pink camo like he's always wanted so he can fit in at those "other shoots".

EDIT: The wife informs me that they don't shoot "guns" there. That is all. :blush:

Edited by TurboniumOxide
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Guest Bluemax

Whew, this thred has been hilarious. I do have to say that I was suprised by the attention and response it recieved. It reminded of something my dear old Pap used to say.."where there's smoke there's fire". I am as straight as straight can be and my warden will attest to that, but what the hell..anyone out there ever been firing from a weaver stance and noticied their pinkey sticking up as they fired ? Not that there's anything wrong with that. :D;):blush::D

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