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38 Special +P

Guest Matthew

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Guest Matthew

I have two boxes of this ammo I bought by mistake.

I wonder what someone will offer me in trade.

I live in West Knoxville. If anyone is interested please PM me

Also, I started reloading early this year. I've successfully done 38's, 357's, 270's and now I am starting to load some 223's. I am going to test fire a small batch I made last night. I learned that a dillon superswage is worth every single penny I paid for it. I scrounge brass constantly and I have been able to amass quite a bit of free 223 brass along with every other imaginable caliber. The SuperSwage has helped immensely with those primer pocket crimps. Once you use one I don't think you'd regret paying the money or consider any other tool for the job.

Overall I am pretty pleased with my reloading. I've learned a lot and I am getting much better as time goes on. I just wish primers and powder were a little more available so I could experiment a little bit.

I have a question for this board. I've had quite a few requests from friends about reloading. I've relented and loaded a few rounds of ammo here and there. I am very uncomfortable though loading anything for anyone because I don't want the liability. What are your thoughts on that? I'd love to see some comments.



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I am very uncomfortable though loading anything for anyone because I don't want the liability.

I think you answered your own question since you said you're uncomfortable with the practice.

I agree and don't let others outside my immediate family shoot my reloads. I do feel good enough about my reloads to have my family shoot them.

I just know if something ever went wrong, I won't get sued since there would be no gain by doing so.

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I don't want the liability

My feelings exactly. I could probably work 40 hours a week reloading ammo. However, I do not want to take on the liablilty, or insure against the liability that would entail, so only I shoot my reloads. I know guys who reload for the public, or at least their friends, and have had no problems to date. I feel the profit is too small and the risk is to great to reload for others.

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I shoot my reloads, and as a general rule I don't shoot anyone else's reloads. Likewise, I don't want anyone else shooting mine. I might, maybe, possibly consider letting a very good friend shoot some, but a coworker, someone I just met, or selling them? No way. Not at all. While I trust my loads, there's way too much potential liability in selling them.

I've had a few folks ask me about loading for them. I usually offer to let them come load on my press if they're seriously interested in finding out if it's a hobby that they want to get into, but they'll be the ones doing the work.

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