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Universal Stupidity

Guest CrazyLincoln

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Guest EasilyObsessed

Question - how does the concept of profit through volume, which works well in an assembly line type of environment, translate to a field like medicine, where each patients' needs will change on a literally case-by-case basis?

The only way it can work is by seeing more patients in less time thereby reducing the percentage of the rent and utilities that is applied to each patient. You could also pack in more doctors into a building and have them share nursing resources, which lowers the quality of care.

Thanks to our government interference in health care our cost are higher and our quality of care is falling off. When you could just pay for your own care rather than fight the government back insurance companies you could actually get the care you needed rather than just what the insurance will pay for.

:shrug: Health care costs are rising in Tennessee right now in large part to TennCare. Hospitals need to turn a profit to buy more equipment, hire more/better staff, and have funds available to dedicate to continuous quality improvements. The more TennCare patients you take, the less profits you make and that money ends up coming from the patients with adequate health care.

Folks this is EXACTLY the kind of thing government SHOULD be doing. Governments are formed to do what individuals and private organizations can't or won't do. Clearly health care falls within that category.

Private organizations dont have any problems with this. Why does the government need to step in and fill a role that is already being adequately occupied? The reason health care is cheaper when you get it through work, is because the company is paying part of your share. If the government is backing that percentage that employers normally front, then that money ends up coming from the taxpayers.

If people want healthcare, they should try getting a job. If they dont want to work it sounds more like a personal problem not a social issue.

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Can anyone point me to the section of the Constitution where it:

(a) Delineates power to the Federal Government to provide healthcare for all US citizens


(:taser: Requires me (through the threat of sanctions or force) to PAY for anything out of my pocket that is 'not a government program'?

It really is simple. It will be the most expensive vote buying scheme yet.

Most people that are of age to receive Medicare benefits rely primarily on Medicare to cover their health costs. Correct?

How quickly does the Democratic party trot out the scare tactics of the evil Republicans doing away with or curtailing Medicare benefits during the election cycle? Why do they do this?

For which party do our wizened citizens typically vote for?

Now, imagine we have 'universal healthcare' or whatever PC term is assigned to socialized medicine. You can vote for the party that will continue your entitlements, by making the 'evil rich' pay their 'fair share' because they were 'lucky' to have the breaks in life to obtain wealth... or you can vote for the other guys who want to allow the private sector to have the major role in providing services, and who would end or curtail your entitlement program. I wonder which way they'll vote? If you have any doubt, see the Medicare example outlined above.

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As a nurse in ICU and the ER for the past 3 years, and an EMT in TN since 2000, I can tell you that government interference will not improve the situation. This is because the people are the problem. I have seen a woman call an ambulance for "uncontrolled bleeding" only to find, on arrival, that her cat had poked her with a claw, leaving 2 drops of blood on the floor (and some on a towel). I have also seen numerous ambulance trips to the ER for a toothache, when everyone knows there is no dentist in the ER. I have seen people with toothache complaints (that have been ongoing for months) asked about going to a dentist. Their reply is that the dentist wants money to see them. One doctor asked "Do you think this is free?" The response was, "It is for me. I'm not going to pay it." I know one doctor that spent $100 in payroll finding a specialist that would take the TennCare version held by one of his patients, so that he could be reimbursed $3 for the service.

The Universal system, whether socialized or not, will not cure stupidity. Universal access is a farce. The sickest people will be left out, eventually, out of necessity for the system. The research will slow to a crawl with the profit margins reduced so heavily. If you don't believe that, then show me the new and greatest technology and technique from Great Britain and Canada. They get it from us now. If our system goes "Universal", who will provide the research.

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Folks this is EXACTLY the kind of thing government SHOULD be doing. Governments are formed to do what individuals and private organizations can't or won't do. Clearly health care falls within that category.

I still can't find anything, other than fight wars or build roads, that the government can do properly and efficiently. And those two things are questioned all the time.

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Federal Govt should protect us, link us together through an Interstate Highway system and thats it. We can vote on a couple of other fringe bennies like National Weather System...I like that. NASA, I like it but it's not neccessary, and probably the FCC so we don't have 500K watt AM stations burning holes in our fillings like down in Mexico.

Other than that, States should decide by vote of their representation and poplular vote how the citizens there want to live.

I have never seen a accident victim not picked up by an ambulance and treated, everything else is that persons responsibility. Family and churches should assist in those other needs.

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It is amazing to me that we even have to discuss if this is bad or not. Have we really gotten that friendly with socialism/communism?

Yes, it is bad, no it will not work, yes people are the problem. Does anyone really think the CCCP had it right? Or want to emulate any of its ideology?

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Just reading over these threads, I've come to realize why I like this forum and I enjoy reading everyones' posts so much.

you folks advocate PERSONAL responsibility above societal regulation.

I LOVE that!

Len, I agree with these folks.

Liberals can't say that I'm "idle rich"...my siblings and I grew up dirt poor. what we have we EARNED.

I won't belabor illustrating how poor I was, but I can tell you that I know what it is. I know how bleak it is without any options. Like Rightwinger said, this kind of need is for the churches to look after.

I don't like the idea of someone else with their hand in my pocket especially the government! they can't even make sex profitable (remember when the bunny ranch brothel went over to the feds because of back taxes?), there's something wrong with an agency that can't turn a profit on prostitution!!

now they want to socialize my health care.

nope..I don't believe I care for that at all.

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You're not advocating universal prostitution, are you now, tower? :taser:

no, actually..but what I AM saying is that if the government can't make a profit from oldest business known to man, why would I want them looking after my healthcare???

They're already getting my retirement and we all know the retirement age keeps going up...so in effect they're stealing that money. It won't be around when I retire. Do we really want the same kind of shennanigans with more of our money as well as with our healthcare?

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Guest Ghostrider

It's all about empire building.

Before Johnny Carson retired (when the Tonight show was worth watching) he'd read the federal jobs catalog now and then. It was a riot.

One federal big shot said once on his show you could go through that catalog and tear out every other page and no one would know except the people who's pay check got eliminated...

It appears that when people get into government they find that if they have a bunch of people in their office/division, it makes it easier to conceal their stealing of money, and the more money they steal, the more people they can get cause it costs so much to operate their division/office, and it becomes a cycle...

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Guest Phantom6

I don't like the idea of someone else with their hand in my pocket especially the government! they can't even make sex profitable (remember when the bunny ranch brothel went over to the feds because of back taxes?), there's something wrong with an agency that can't turn a profit on prostitution!!

now they want to socialize my health care.

nope..I don't believe I care for that at all.

Not to take anything away from this thread but in the interest of factual information, Dennis Hof still owns and operates the original Bunny Ranch which is located about 4 miles east of Carson City, NV. Actually, Dennis has opened a second location just down the road from the first. I believe you must be speaking of the old Mustang Ranch up in Story Co. Its about 10 miles east of Reno. Or at least it was. Gone now. Joe Conforte the founder and former owner still lives comfortably in Brazil

Hey Towerclimber, Hof has a top notch skeet range there at the Bunny Ranch. Since you are getting into shooting skeet, you reckon Julie would let you fly out for a shoot or do you reckon she'd shoot you if you flew out?


Photo was taken a number of years ago. Dan Haggarty (of Grizzly Adams TV series '77-'78) is on the left and Denis Hof is in the center. Guess who is on the right.:taser:

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no, actually..but what I AM saying is that if the government can't make a profit from oldest business known to man, why would I want them looking after my healthcare???

They're already getting my retirement and we all know the retirement age keeps going up...so in effect they're stealing that money. It won't be around when I retire. Do we really want the same kind of shennanigans with more of our money as well as with our healthcare?

I agree with you completely, I just had to poke fun at you for saying the P word... :P

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Phantom6

Got the following email today from a friend-

I saw on the news up here in Canada where Hillary Clinton was touting her new health care plan. Something similar to what we have in Canada. I also heard that Michael Moore was raving about the health care up here in Canada in his latest movie. As your friend and someone who lives with the Canada health care plan I thought I would give you some facts about this great medical plan that we have in Canada.

First of all:

1) The health care plan in Canada is not free. We pay a premium every

month of $96. for Shirley and me to be covered. Sounds great, eh?

What they don't tell you is how much we pay in taxes to keep the health care system afloat. I am personally in the 55% tax bracket. Yes 55% of my earnings go to taxes. A large portion of that and I am not

sure of the exact amount goes directly to health care our #1 expense.

2) I would not classify what we have as health care plan, it is more

like a health diagnosis system. You can get in to see a doctor quick

enough so he can tell you "yes indeed you are sick or you need an

operation" but now the challenge becomes getting treated or operated

on. We have waiting lists out the ying yang some as much as 2 years

down the road.

3) Rather than fix what is wrong with you the usual tactic in Canada

is to prescribe drugs. Have a pain here is a drug to take- not what

is causing the pain and why. No time for checking you out because it

is more important to move as many patients thru as possible each hour for Government re-imbursement

4) Many Canadians do not have a family Doctor.

5) Don't require emergency treatment as you may wait

for hours in the emergency room waiting for treatment.

6) Shirley's dad cut his hand on a power saw a few weeks back and it

required that his hand be put in a splint - to our surprise we had to

pay $125 for a splint because it is not covered under health care plus

we have to pay $60. for each visit for him to check it out each week.

7) Shirley's cousin was diagnosed with a heart blockage.

Put on a waiting list. Died before he could get treatment.

8) Government allots so many operations per year. When that is done

no more operations, unless you go to your local newspaper and plead

your case and embarrass the government then money suddenly appears.

9) The Government takes great pride in telling us how much more they

are increasing the funding for health care but waiting lists never

get shorter. Government just keeps throwing money at the problem but it never goes away. But they are good at finding new ways to tax us, but they don't call it a tax anymore it is now a user fee.

10) A friend needs an operation for a blockage in her leg but because

she is a smoker they will not do it. Despite paying into the health

care system all these years. My friend is 65 years old. Now there is

talk that maybe we should not treat fat and obese people either because they are a drain on the health care system. Let me see now, what we want in Canada is a health care system for healthy people only. That should reduce our health care costs.

11) Forget getting a second opinion, what you see is what you get.

12) I can spend what money I have left after taxes on booze,

cigarettes, junk food and anything else that could kill me but I am

not allowed by law to spend my money on getting an operation I need

because that would be jumping the queue. I must wait my turn except

if I am a hockey player or athlete then I can get looked at right

away. Go figure. Where else in the world can you spend money to

kill yourself but not allowed to spend money to get healthy.

13) Oh did I mention that immigrants are covered automatically at tax payer expense having never contributed a dollar to the system and pay no premiums.

14) Oh yeh we now give free needles to drug users to try and keep

them healthy. Wouldn't want a sickly druggie breaking into your

house and stealing your things. But people with diabetes who pay

into the health care system have to pay for their needles because

it is not covered by the health care system.

I send this out not looking for sympathy but as the election looms in

the states you will be hearing more and more about universal health

care down there and the advocates will be pointing to Canada. I just

want to make sure that you hear the truth about health care up here

and have some food for thought and informed questions to ask when

broached with this subject.

Oh Canada

Step wisely and don't make the same mistakes we have.


I don't really need any more convincing than that.

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13) Oh did I mention that immigrants are covered automatically at tax payer expense having never contributed a dollar to the system and pay no premiums.

I had a friend who lost he steel workers job and needed to get his daughter with 104 degree temp to the ER

He went to the Sylmar, Calif. welfare hospital and it took them about a half hour just to find someone who spoke English to help his daughter –

Sad commentary

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  • 2 years later...

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable

of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit

and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary

common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man

for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than

Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the

fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him

their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to

survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."

-- Author


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Nancy Pelosi says this is "just the beginning"!!! She said ,"once we kick the doors in, we're just getting started"!!!!

1. Emboldened by this bill passing... I think "AMNESTY" for the 30 million illegals in our country is next!

2. Once they have amnesty done... they'll go after our guns with a vengeance!!!

3. Chuckie Schumer and company will make Bill Clinton's gun grab look like child's play.

Edited by Sidewinder
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"The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable

of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit

and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary

common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man

for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than

Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the

fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him

their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to

survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."

-- Author


You beat me to putting this up. Boortz had it on his site this am with no credit to the origin. Whomever,,,, it pretty much spells out where we are and how we got where we are. God help America if she is to survive as land of the free. I feel for my kid, grandkids and all you younger folks.

BTW, I did see it was a very old OP, perhaps more timely now than then.


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Guest 6.8 AR

The danger is also the "Federal School" that endoctrinates our children. This nameless, faceless, creature is led by individuals, groups and belief systems that wish to overthrow our country. Call it what you wish. Obama is a leader. George Soros, the Tides Foundation, ACORN, SEIU, AFL-CIO, choose your flavor it doesn't matter. What matters is what we intend to do about it. Fight or submit.

If this law is allowed to stand, our constitution will crumble. Is that not worth fighting?

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