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Guest HCRoadie

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Guest HCRoadie

Nuvo Burrito, in East Nashville, posted a home made sign that said, "Guns are Dangerous! Please leave yours in your car." This posting made me angrier than if they just posted an official, and properly worded sign. I spoke to the Manager on duty and explained to her that misinformed ideology and an irrational fear of inanimate objects are dangerous, not guns or people who legally carry them. She looked at me the way a cat looks at a toaster.

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Guest tnvolfan

Did you decide to eat there or go somewhere else? That sign would have made me angry, too. I'm glad you gave your opinion to the mgr. If more folks would do that, maybe she'll take down the sign.

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If she really thought guns that dangerous you'd think she'd be advocating not having one period, not simply leaving it in the car...

If wasn't so law abiding and would never recommend vandalism, I'd suggest someone make up a sign that said.... So some unpermitted thug can break into your car and steal your gun and use it to commit random acts of violence. And stick it below the Guns are dangerous sign.....:mad:

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Guest kdpate

Sounds like she had the IQ of a Chia Pet...:mad: Still amazes me on how some folks don't try to educate themselves cause they are too damn lazy.....

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Guest HCRoadie
Did you decide to eat there or go somewhere else?

I was actually visiting another place of business on the same little corner, and just decided to stop in there and have a chat.

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Guest Moody

Thanks for letting us know. I will NOT eat at a place that is so one-sided... I can't believe the level of ignorance in that action - rediculous.

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Nuvo Burrito, in East Nashville, posted a home made sign that said, "Guns are Dangerous! Please leave yours in your car." This posting made me angrier than if they just posted an official, and properly worded sign. I spoke to the Manager on duty and explained to her that misinformed ideology and an irrational fear of inanimate objects are dangerous, not guns or people who legally carry them. She looked at me the way a cat looks at a toaster.

Ive got news for "Nuvo Burrito". Its the Burritos we should be worried about. They ARE dangerous.


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Guest mikedwood

Of course they are dangerous. That's why I carry one!

I would carry a pepper spray gun but I don't have a bounty hunters permit...

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Maybe she needs to be reminded that knives are dangerous and ask her to keep them out of the restaurant, especially those big ones in the kitchen... a gun might misfire, but a knife won't ever mis-cut. Oh and hot water - someone could get burned. Or cars. maybe they could keep those out of the parking lot just to be safe?

Ignorance and naivete are incredibly dangerous, too...

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Guest benchpresspower
Ive got news for "Nuvo Burrito". Its the Burritos we should be worried about. They ARE dangerous.


"They see me rollin', they hatin'........."

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