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what happened in Chattanooga 43 bullet holes

Guest sammopar

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Guest sammopar

on the news this evening a guy got shot by 6 police, 43 holes in the guy. The news only said that he pointed a rifle at his self no one else.

All 6 cops got a week off with pay!

This is a side note, why are government employees away put of paid leave? why not be put on desk duty or litter pickup not a week on vacation?

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Guest bkelm18
on the news this evening a guy got shot by 6 police, 43 holes in the guy. The news only said that he pointed a rifle at his self no one else.

All 6 cops got a week off with pay!

This is a side note, why are government employees away put of paid leave? why not be put on desk duty or litter pickup not a week on vacation?

Have you ever shot anyone to death? I haven't, but I can imagine it's a pretty rough thing to go through. Personally I'd like a little time off in that instance.

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Guest TnDeerHunter

I'm curious as to what happened when they used the taser I have little knowledge of tasers but I thought they would pretty much stop a man (or woman)

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Guest justme
You don't think putting 43 shots in a guy threatening no one but himself is a bit excessive?

I think it is far excessive. It sounds as if they got a bit trigger happy...

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Guest justme
Time for all the cop-bashers to chime in. Who'll be first?

just criticism is not bashing. People seem to think we can't criticize the police or politicians...Just and warranted criticism is not nor has it ever been bashing---but we have been through that before.

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Guest Spuds
on the news this evening a guy got shot by 6 police, 43 holes in the guy. The news only said that he pointed a rifle at his self no one else.

All 6 cops got a week off with pay!

This is a side note, why are government employees away put of paid leave? why not be put on desk duty or litter pickup not a week on vacation?

Your facts are wrong. Why would 6 cops fire at a man who posed them no threat?

The news reports I heard and read clearly stated the man turned the gun on the cops, "suicide by cop".

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Guest HexHead
Have you ever shot anyone to death? I haven't, but I can imagine it's a pretty rough thing to go through. Personally I'd like a little time off in that instance.

How about that OK state trooper that had choked the ambulance worker, he was told to stay home with pay for two months, before they finally decided to suspend him without pay for five days?

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Guest justme
Your facts are wrong. Why would 6 cops fire at a man who posed them no threat?

The news reports I heard and read clearly stated the man turned the gun on the cops, "suicide by cop".

The report I just read in the Chattonooga Times Free Press said nothing about "suicide by cop"--it said

Alonzo A. Heyward, 32, apparently was pointing a shotgun at his face outside the Rossville Boulevard McDonald’s restaurant on July 18 when approached by police, according to officers. Officers followed Mr. Heyward to his home on 7th Avenue, continually asking him to disarm.

When he did not comply, officers said, they shot him with a stun gun. When that wasn’t successful in getting Mr. Heyward subdued, the six officers on the scene fired on the man.

Chattanooga Times Free Press | Chattanooga: Police shooting victim struck 43 times

I see nothing in the news article about him pointing the gun at the police--I see clearly that they simply opened fire on him. If he was not pointing the gun at anyone but himself--then he was not a threat to the officers...that shooting was not justified.

If it had been reversed and it has been six plain, everyday ordinary people who shot someone 43 times for pointing a gun at his head--they would all everyone without exception be in jail on murder charges. For these officers--it should be no different.

Edited by justme
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I'd like to hear another report on this before drawing any conclusions. Honestly, the suicide by cop theory seems the most logical to me right now.

I have several friends who are cops, and contrary to the apparent popular belief, most officers are not walking around just itching to shoot someone. "Look, he's gonna kill himself, let's beat him to it!" Do you really, really think that's the mentality of our officers? I give them a lot more credit than that.

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If it had been reversed and it has been six plain, everyday ordinary people who shot someone 43 times for pointing a gun at his head--they would all everyone without exception be in jail on murder charges. For these officers--it should be no different.

But it is different. HCP holders, unlike cops, have the option of leaving. If I see a guy pointing a shotgun at himself, my first plan of action is to leave before he has the opportunity to point it at me, then call the police. Police officers do not have the option of leaving the scene and having someone else deal with it. They are the 'someone else'. If six permit holders shot someone who was pointing a gun at himself, they'd be in some deep trouble, because they could have called the police. Who do you expect the officers in this situation to call?

I think there's more to this story. Like another poster said, it's funny how everyone screams media bias unil it agrees with them. Like I said before, I give police officers more credit than thinking that they're just itching to shoot someone because they're the police.

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more than likely he pointed the gun at them then they opened fired on him. if nothing else, they can see what damage the bullets did and get better data collection instead of ballistics gel. he wanted to die, so he got assisted suicide.

kinda like this


i know im gonna get flamed for this but i dont care

Edited by nightrunner
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Guest sammopar
Your facts are wrong. Why would 6 cops fire at a man who posed them no threat?

The news reports I heard and read clearly stated the man turned the gun on the cops, "suicide by cop".

i wrote exactly what Nashville news said. they said nothing about the guy threating the police

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Guest sammopar
Have you ever shot anyone to death? I haven't, but I can imagine it's a pretty rough thing to go through. Personally I'd like a little time off in that instance.

yea i guess maybe i would need so time off and a psych evaluation if me and my buddies shot a guy 43 times, i probably do have some issues U THINK

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Guest abailey362

good thing that the liberal gun hating media of both chattanooga and nashville would never leave the public to fill in the holes in a story with more anti-gun, anti-personal defense views.

i'm sure that there will be more details to come

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Guest Muttling
I'm curious as to what happened when they used the taser I have little knowledge of tasers but I thought they would pretty much stop a man (or woman)

Some people have a naturally high resistance to electrical shock. Rodney King was tazered twice. He went down and got right back up after the first one. He went down and came up charging the officer after the second one.

Mace is the same way with some people being immune to it. Pepper supposedly effects everyone.

On the subject of the above incident, I can't imagine a situation like this that can be accurately described in an article as brief as that one. I suspect the guy made a movement that suggested to the officers that he was turning the gun towards one of them.

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Guest mikedwood

I have heard some stories where a group of LEO's fired 43 shots and didn't hit anything or only got a couple of hits. These guys seemed to have hit the target unless they all reloaded. Well trained gun skills.

Honestly I'm not sure the police should be the ones to have to handle a suicide attempt. I don't think most are properly trained on such matters. I know some can very well, most I believe would actually inflame such a situation. I could be wrong.

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Guest abailey362

well it would probably take way too long for the swat sniper to be called in and get there.

The other issue would be that hitting someone's hand to knock down a weapon is great on tv, but that high power rifle round would keep on going after it went clean through the hand and there would be a great possibility of hitting someone else behind target. this is a very urban area, known for drugs and violence.

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