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G&A Reviews the H&K P30 and declares it a home run hit

TGO David

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  • Administrator

Sure, I could ban you. But what would that prove? I don't feel like it's necessary just because someone didn't agree with me on the Internet of all places -- and agreeing with me has never been a prerequisite for being a member here and never will. If that's how you function when someone disagrees with you... wow.




Boys, boys. It's a pistol. It's not like its some great theological dispute. Some people like Glocks. That's great. Some people like H&Ks. Thats great too.

Of course, y'all are going to hell if you don't use a wheelgun....:lol:

  • Administrator
Of course, y'all are going to hell if you don't use a wheelgun....:lol:

If I put wheels on my P2000, will that make you happy?

If I put wheels on my P2000, will that make you happy?

Sorry, I should have used language current in today's gun world.

I meant "an enhanced-ferrous framed tactical ECQ weapon fed with a permanent circular magazine and a fixed barrel for superior accuracy and reliability."

  • Administrator
I meant "an enhanced-ferrous framed tactical ECQ weapon fed with a permanent circular magazine and a fixed barrel for superior accuracy and reliability."

Circular magazine... check.



Guest triggertime

Urse: From what I understand, Tungsten never shoots his guns, he just rubs them with a diaper.

Key word, permanent. Like this, with the "enhanced tactical rust-resistant finish"

Hey, where does the light, laser, cappuccino machine, GPS, camera, etc... go? :lol:


Hey Urse, I'm a professional gun toter. I've not only been shot at a lot, but shot. I used to carry a Glock for urban use until I realized that it is a questionable design. We've gone over that. It isn't hard to understand. That's why I carry one of my H&Ks or a Beretta 92 on my side - professionally. Glocks are adequate duty weapons for LE, but there are better duty weapons.

That silly challenge to Tungsten does sound like bloviation that Yeager would do. That's not a complement.


Shoot, if agreement with Tungsten (or about anyone else) was a requirement for being on this board, I'd be long gone. But they manage to put up with me anyway.

Btw, I am pro-Glock (see avatar) and have been most impressed with the H&K. Full disclosure: I also own a couple of (gasp!!!) revolvers, so what do I know?


Bloviation...good word. I did not intend to windily challenge Tungsten. I am just in a mood today. No harm intended. I truly have the tact of a bowling ball. I am never absolutely inflexable about anything however people who do not know me have a hard time telling when I am serious or not. I would like to meet and shoot with some local members. And I stand by my Glock/1000 round challenge. It has nothing to do with bravado I just stand by my opinion. I will take my leave of this thread as I have said enough already.:-\

  • Administrator
Urse: From what I understand, Tungsten never shoots his guns, he just rubs them with a diaper.

I'm trying to think of a reply that wouldn't bring me down to the same level of assumption and idiocy that you employed with that post... but I can't.

What do you do for a living? IT guy?

That's pretty funny. I bet you've trained with some IT guys, accountants, nurses, lawyers, etc. and have been dying for the opportunity to say something like that for years. How did it feel?

I guess this is where we set the precedent that someone who has never been LE or an "operator" can't have an opinion on all of this man stuff...

Discounting the opinions of professionals who actually use their firearms as a tool and not just recreation is just lame. Have you ever been shot at?

And there we go.

Actually, I do value the opinions of people who have used their firearms in situations like you've described. That's what made me take a closer look at the design limitations of the Glock and why I decided to carry something else.

Maybe we can arrange to have my sources argue with your sources. I like Fords, too... are you a Chevy guy? We can get some of those people together and let them slug it out at the same time since that's essentially what this boils down to.

Didn't think so. I am indifferent whether I get banned or not. After all you are right it is just the Internet. This forum is not a democracy though and I was suggesting how you were most likely to not hear me mention your inevitable return to Glocks.
There you go with the banning thing again. I'm really sorry to let you down, but I'm not much on mercy killings. If you're so convinced that this forum is run as some totalitarian regime then I'd like to point out that we haven't secured the borders and anyone can relocate as they desire. My guess is that you're just trying to build a case so that later you can point back, pull your belt up a little, push out your chest and say "YEP... I told that Tungsten guy he could just ban me if he wanted!"

Um, ok. Noted. Thanks? :D

As for my inevitable return to Glocks, it's funny... I've been on record for a while now as saying that one of these days I'll likely own another. I don't know that it would be my every-day carry but I do like them. I do doubt that it would be another .40SW as I don't like Glock's decision to give the chamber such a gaping maw just so that rounds wouldn't bottleneck as they hit the feed ramp. There are better designs to solve that problem; Glock just took the easy way out.

The 21SF still looks kind of neat, but it would likely spend a lot of time just sitting in the safe, brought out occasionally only for a good diaper wiping.

We all live in relative close proximity to each other(you and I especially) and I would love to meet some of you face to face and outshoot you with my Glock(I keed! I keed!).
You seem obsessed with this. If it's an intimidation thing... you lose. I don't scare. Sorry. We can meet anytime you want at the range. I'm also sure enough of myself to repeat anything that I've said here, in person.

Outshooting me and the P2000 right now wouldn't be an accomplishment for you to brag about. I could throw this gun with better accuracy. The LEM trigger is taking a lot for me to get accustomed to. Now, if I get to choose my poison, I'll bring one of my 1911s and we can see which of us can circumcise a gnat first at 50 yds.

If it's just a thing of seeing who's gun can cycle 1,000 rounds without fail... I think the H&K can handle that. Hell, me shooting 1,000 rounds through it might help me get used to the funky trigger some anyway.

I have been told I have the tact of a bowling ball. I have to agree with that assessment.
Substitute "bowling ball" for "you come across like an a-hole on the Internet" and I'll agree with that. Again, I'd say it in person. But I've been called the same and been told that I have the tact of a chainsaw ... so what's a guy to do. It couldn't bother me less. You're just speaking my language.
I am just in a mood today. No harm intended.
When September 11th becomes the day that you remember losing one of your children way too early... talk to me about being in a mood. Regardless, no harm has been done.
Guest triggertime

David, its 'implied' not 'employed'.

  • Administrator
David, its 'implied' not 'employed'.


No... it's employed. You didn't imply idiocy but you did employ it.

Employ Em*ploy", v. t. [imp. & p. p.
; p. pr. & vb. n.

2. To use; to have in service; to cause to be engaged in doing something; -- often followed by in, about, on, or upon, and sometimes by to; as:

(a) To make use of, as an instrument, a means, a material, etc., for a specific purpose; to apply; as, to employ the pen in writing, bricks in building, words and phrases in speaking; to employ the mind; to employ one's energies.

I may not know nothin' bout them there tactical things, but I do know a thing or two about readin' and writin' and flossin' my guns with cloth diapers. :)


So, that HK.. Nice design huh? I'd check one out in a .45ACP if they make it.

Moving along..... quietly........

Guest triggertime

David, I did not employ idiocy with my statement. But you have implied that I am an

idiot for making my statement.

The truth is, if you would spend as much time shooting your HK P2000 as

you do bickering on the internet over BS such as this, you would have gotten

used to the LEM trigger by now and have put enough *ahem* trigger time on

the gun to really formulate an opinion about it.

Go ahead, David. Puff that chest out and try and make me look stupid for

being honest. You can't take constructive criticism, obviously.

  • Administrator
David, I did not employ idiocy with my statement. But you have implied that I am an

idiot for making my statement.

You and I aren't going to see eye to eye on this. To me, when someone makes a stupid statement like "David spends more time wiping his guns down with a diaper than he does shooting them" it strikes me as being absolutely idiotic. Thus, you were an idiot for making it. If you knew me, you would know that I generally shoot the hell out of anything I own.

The truth is, if you would spend as much time shooting your HK P2000 as

you do bickering on the internet over BS such as this, you would have gotten

used to the LEM trigger by now and have put enough *ahem* trigger time on

the gun to really formulate an opinion about it.

a.) I've had the firearm for a week now. I've fired it every time an opportunity has presented itself and for no less than 200 rds each time.

b.) I can't exactly walk out into my back yard at 10pm and fire off a few rounds. It'd like to but I can't. Maybe you have that luxury.

c.) What amount of trigger time allows a person to really formulate an opinion on a firearm? I think Glock triggers are complete pieces of ****, and that's an opinion that I formed the first time I picked one up and made it go snap. But I learned to work with that, just the same as I will learn to work with the LEM system.

Go ahead, David. Puff that chest out and try and make me look stupid for being honest. You can't take constructive criticism, obviously.
I take constructive criticism quite well actually, but so far nothing you have said is even remotely constructive. It's funny how people sometimes act like complete asses and then say, "Hey... you can't take constructive criticism can you, buddy!" If it quacks like a duck...:D

PS: It's not your honesty that's making you look stupid. Food for thought.

PSS: Here is a whole thread of me taking constructive criticism on the LEM trigger. The difference is, those people are making suggestions and you're just being an argumentative dick.

Guest Verbal Kint

Go ahead, David. Puff that chest out and try and make me look stupid for

being honest. You can't take constructive criticism, obviously.

You know... there's a huge difference between being a critic and being a complete jackass in front of 600+ members of a message forum. You've successfully achieved the latter, while killing off whatever dignity and respect that was previously afforded to you.

I'm not sure if you're trying to be a keyboard commando, the typical forum troll, or simply stirring up crap here while being rallied and cheered on over at "that other message forum". Regardless, I think it would be beneficial to everyone here if you were to go perform fellatio on a 12ga rather than post anything further. :D

  • Administrator

Here's a pleasant surprise...

Someone from H&K USA customer service noticed my quandary on the H&K Pro forum and sent me a nice private message stating that 4" low at 7 yds is a hallmark characteristic of over-pulling the LEM trigger and stated that the lighter trigger return spring and firing pin block spring is practically guaranteed to cure it for me.

So I'll be ordering those parts immediately.

Whomever said H&K customer service sucks apparently hasn't dealt with these folks lately. It's pretty much top notch when someone goes out of their way to initiate contact with a customer rather than the opposite.


Well, for the record... Pretty much every PD which I have seen purchasing new standard sidearms in the last few years, has been replacing their Glocks predominantly with Sigs or M&Ps. There are still a good number out there which use Glocks, but their numbers are being displaced by other designs. And most specialized units chose to acquire (surprise!) 1911s... The Glock was the Polymer king of the late-80s and 90s, but they just haven't matured at the same rate as other manufacturer's designs (rather, hardly at all...).

This argument isn't even as simple as Chevy vs. Ford... it is more like comparing an '86 Camaro with an '06 Mustang. Technology has moved on since the inception of the original design, no question... I'm a Chevy guy, but I still have a firm grasp on reality :D

Noone would argue that just because most departments still use older full size Fords & Chevys, that either is the opitome of vehicle perfection...

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