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Place to get my Glock Barrels Jeweled

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Guest jos2f

I'd also be interested in this information. I think a jewelled barrel looks great.

Although, I hear if you shoot your gun a whole lot, it can wear the jewelling and make it look bad

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I had the barrel on my glock 26 done a few years ago. It looks really nice. It cost me 50 dollars with shipping. I searched for it online and then just picked one. I can't remember who I used but it only took a few days. It is the best bang for your buck if you’re sporting up your gun.

There are two types of jewelling. Small jewels and large jewels. I went with the large jewels; the small jewels appeared to me to have too much going on. I have shot several hundred rounds threw it since then and it still looks the same. You will have to make sure to keep a little extra oil on the barrel, since they remove the finish to bring out the stainless steel.

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Guest jos2f

You can find a nice MidwayUSA video on youtube on how to jewel it yourself btw. Basically involves a drill press and a type of vice/rest for moving the bolt or barrel every x amount of inches.

If you have a press around, you can find the rest/stand for about $30 I think

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Guest Calaloo

Jeweling is quite easily done with a brass rod of proper diameter in a drill press and grinding compound. A vise which is adjustable along the X and Y axis is used to properly space the sworls. Brownells sells a steel brush that works the same way.

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