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Mark's leprauchan gun


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Joe, I posted three photos - y'know, I forgot how pretty that wood is...

I have another 15 or so, but uploading to the board is slow for me. Shoot me your e-mail address and I can send 'em to you.

- by the way, Sue had never seen this one, and she really likes it....

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Guest Phantom6

Dayum Mark! That is one beautiful finish on that shotgun. The finish on the wood looks like it's a foot deep. :D

'Tis a fine Leprauchan gun boy-o! Been a baggin' some wee ones eh? :D:lol:

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Guest Phantom6

I see nothing... :D

**Never mind. Found them in the photo gallery!

That is pretty sharp looking!

Yup. Took me a while to figure that out too ... but, I've ... been drinking. It's an excellent cabernet/merlot blend from the French Mediterranean coastal area. It's the only part of France I really care for besides Normandy. :D

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Photos sent, I will let you and Sue duke it out.

Yeah, it isn't too hard on the eyes...

By the way, I might be able to lay my hands on the black version. Friend of mine has it - we bought them at the same time, he never took his out of the box. My wood is prettier, though :D

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Joe, I am very sorry to be a tease. My wife has claimed this gun. She gave me the news tonight on the phone.

Surprised me. Again, very sorry.

Gonna check with my buddy on the availability of the black one - he's into me for about 4 grand, so he might be willing to part with it.



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Joe, I am very sorry to be a tease. My wife has claimed this gun. She gave me the news tonight on the phone.

Surprised me. Again, very sorry.

Gonna check with my buddy on the availability of the black one - he's into me for about 4 grand, so he might be willing to part with it.



Your wife has good taste :D

Dont worry about the black one....I was wanting one of the less common receiver colors (like green :lol:)

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