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Pentagon orders soldier fired for challenging prez

Guest dlstewart01

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Guest dlstewart01

icon1.gifCitizens don't question Obama he will crush you...

The Department of Defense has allegedly compelled a private employer to fire a U.S. Army Reserve major from his civilian job after he had his military deployment orders revoked for arguing he should not be required to serve under a president who has not proven his eligibility for office.

According to the CEO of Simtech Inc., a private company contracted by the Defense Security Services, an agency of the Department of Defense, the federal government has compelled the termination of Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook.

Pentagon orders soldier fired for challenging prez

Now this wasn't his government job it was his civilian job....You sheeple be prepared he will crush your life too.

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Guest eyebedam

The long legged Mack daddy will prevail & crush us all.


I am not surprised. My son's political science professor (who is amazingly not a raging liberal) told them O and Nancy Pelosey were going to try to bring back the sedition act.


Guest Muttling

This dude filed a law suit stating that he should not have to follow orders because the CIC is not a US citizen.

How the heck can we allow him to do contract work for the military??? He's a deserter and his attorney is guilty of sedition. I'm still waiting to see what the JAG does with him.

Guest redbarron06
This dude filed a law suit stating that he should not have to follow orders because the CIC is not a US citizen.

How the heck can we allow him to do contract work for the military??? He's a deserter and his attorney is guilty of sedition. I'm still waiting to see what the JAG does with him.

How do you figure he was a deserter? His orders were cancelled. The stary never said that he told them he was not going to go only that he had challened the legality of the order. After that he was fired from his civilian job from a private contractor. This is BS. Now I am not buying into all of teh BHO birth certificate thing. I have different reasons to belive that he will not come out with it but that is another story for another thread. Questioning the legality of an order is what we are all supposed to do. He did it and is now unemployeed because of it. Now unless JAG determinies that he made those statments on duty or in uniform they can not touch him. Off duty and on his own time (not representing the govt in uniform) he is entitled to speak his mind just like the rest of us.

Guest bkelm18
The ramifications of Maj. Cook's decisions would be no different if anyone else were president.

Yep. He got scared and did anything he could not to get deployed. As I said in the other thread, he deserves what he gets.

Guest bkelm18
How do you figure he was a deserter? His orders were cancelled. The stary never said that he told them he was not going to go only that he had challened the legality of the order. After that he was fired from his civilian job from a private contractor. This is BS. Now I am not buying into all of teh BHO birth certificate thing. I have different reasons to belive that he will not come out with it but that is another story for another thread. Questioning the legality of an order is what we are all supposed to do. He did it and is now unemployeed because of it. Now unless JAG determinies that he made those statments on duty or in uniform they can not touch him. Off duty and on his own time (not representing the govt in uniform) he is entitled to speak his mind just like the rest of us.

Perhaps you could point the part in the UCMJ that says "The UCMJ does not apply if you are in civvies". Just curious.

Guest redbarron06
Perhaps you could point the part in the UCMJ that says "The UCMJ does not apply if you are in civvies". Just curious.

I can tell you that members of the TN guard are not covered by UCMJ unless activated by title 10 or titile 32 USC. Can you tell me where in the UCMJ it sais that reservist and guardsmen are covered 24/7 on duty or not?

Even if he were AD if he was off base in civvies he can still speak his mind as long as it does not imply that we should overthrow the govt or commit a crime. The UCMJ has no authority over him when he is not in a duty status. If this were true then every guardsmans in the US would be wearing those stupid reflective belts every time they get on a motorcycle. I know for a fact they dont do that. Half of them dont wear them on the base when they are supposed to. I know guys that are E5 on the weekend and when they clock in on Monday morning they have O5s working for them and they are giving the orders.


He is a reservist, it is a bit different than on active duty. Unless he is signed in during drill, AT or on a active duty order not much can be done to him. When a reservist is notified for deployment the order (if on rotation) takes a while before it it is active. Some have up to a years notification. In that time he can file his objections. You must prove that he was in receipt of the order to prosecute. There are a few in every deployment that do this. The majority get separated under an Other than Honorable Discharge.

This the Army Reserve I speak of. I am at a HQ that serves 9 States. They have over 4000 cases on backlog. Getting rid of them is the easiest route. If you miss movement you are AWOL after 30 days then you are a deserter. They don't really look for you anymore unless a crime was committed. They just wait for you to get pulled over on a national warrant by the local LEO.


Now this wasn't his government job it was his civilian job....You sheeple be prepared he will crush your life too.

The Army will crush you if you FU, and this 'soldier' really FU'd. :P


WOW. Waiting for all the facts to come out, don't know if he's braver than heck or working the system. Hope the military figures out a solution for morales sake.

Guest redbarron06

He is only one of hundreds that have filed similure suits. Starting back right after the election.


It's amazing how some see part of a story and jump to conclusions. This major was on Fox News the other morning explaining his actions. He's been deployed many times before, so he's not scared and trying to dodge his duties. He, and many other officers, are worried that if Obama is NOT a natural born citizen then any order to them is null and void: thereforre subjecting them to CRIMINAL PROSECUTION for war crimes for any actions that they take. He wants proof that Obama is a legal sitting president before he deploys. If he shows proof, then he'll be happy to deploy.

If he believes his orders are illegal doesn't he have a duty to question them?


Exactly! He just wants to make sure he's getting lawful orders.

Guest Muttling
Posted (edited)
. If he shows proof, then he'll be happy to deploy.

Just go to www.factcheck.org and search for Obama's birth certificate. This issue was resolved years ago.

He doesn't like the CIC so he's not going to "be happy to deploy" no matter what. Not liking a commanding officer is not justification for failing to follow a lawful order.

On the subject of lawful order, he's not questioning the lawfulness of the orders. He's questioning qualifications of his superiors and claiming they are not qualified to give him orders. I used the word deserter before, but that was not accurate as has been pointed out (I appreciate the correction.) Insubordination would be a more accurate term, but this level of insubordination is extremely high as it is an obvious risk to unit readiness. A crime that I put on the same level as desertion.

Bust him down to E1 and give him a dishonorable discharge.

Edited by Muttling
Guest mustangdave

Regardless of the out come of this situation...this soldiers career is all but finished. He will be "encouraged' to resign his commission. As an OFFICER he serves "at the pleasure of the President"

Guest HexHead
Just go to www.factcheck.org and search for Obama's birth certificate. This issue was resolved years ago.

Your link is to an organization that is connected to both Obama and Bill Ayers. Yeah, I'm going to accept that as an irrefutable source. :)

How do you explain his trip to Pakistan when American citizens weren't allowed to travel there? What passport was he using?

Don't forget, even if his birth certificate is real, IF his mother relinquished his citizenship while he was living in Indonesia so he could attend school there and then he regained his citizenship when he moved back to the US, he would now be a naturalized citizen as his natural born citizenship status was relinquished. At that time in Indonesia, you had to be an Indonesian citizen to attend school there.

So if he's a naturalized citizen now, he's no more eligible to be president than Schwartzenegger is.

Just go to www.factcheck.org and search for Obama's birth certificate. This issue was resolved years ago.

He doesn't like the CIC so he's not going to "be happy to deploy" no matter what. Not liking a commanding officer is not justification for failing to follow a lawful order.

On the subject of lawful order, he's not questioning the lawfulness of the orders. He's questioning qualifications of his superiors and claiming they are not qualified to give him orders. I used the word deserter before, but that was not accurate as has been pointed out (I appreciate the correction.) Insubordination would be a more accurate term, but this level of insubordination is extremely high as it is an obvious risk to unit readiness. A crime that I put on the same level as desertion.

Bust him down to E1 and give him a dishonorable discharge.

And again, you know not of what you speak. :lol: Birth Certificates issued by the state are CERTIFIED COPIES; what was provided was not. They also show where the baby was born. If Obama has nothing to hide, why is it that the Dummycrat Governor of Hawaii has issued orders to not release his birth certificate to anyone, and all official statements made to date DO NOT indicate that Obama was born in Hawaii?

You know...nevermind. I don't have the patience to argue with a wall soaked in :rofl: today.

Guest redbarron06
He doesn't like the CIC so he's not going to "be happy to deploy" no matter what. Not liking a commanding officer is not justification for failing to follow a lawful order.

On the subject of lawful order, he's not questioning the lawfulness of the orders. He's questioning qualifications of his superiors and claiming they are not qualified to give him orders. I used the word deserter before, but that was not accurate as has been pointed out (I appreciate the correction.) Insubordination would be a more accurate term, but this level of insubordination is extremely high as it is an obvious risk to unit readiness. A crime that I put on the same level as desertion.

Bust him down to E1 and give him a dishonorable discharge.

well as somone that has more than one deployment under my belt I can tell you that NOBODY is happy to deploy. We do it because we are told to. Now on to the accusation of insubordination, no evidence exisits (at least in this article) that he was insubordinate. He did not refuse a lawful order. He did not fail to show for drill or other unit functions during this time frame, and he did not miss movement. He simply questioned the authority of a person that seems to be able to provide no proff of citizenship to be president. To add he has spent almost a millions dollars covering up the attempts to bring evidence to light. He has that right just as you or I. Now as far as busting him to E1 and dishonorable discharge. Where has he made an action that is compairable to a felony? That is what happens when you get a dishonorable discharge you loose many rights including that of gun ownership. He was the rank of Major and you dont get that overnight. I would guess that he has somewhere between 12 and 18 years of service, multiple deployments in the past and he raises the same question that millions of americans have raised and now you want to make him guilty of felony though processes? If he is forced to retire that is one thing but for no reason other than treason, or some other high crime should the DOD have gone to his private empoyeer and twisted thier arms to fire him when he did nothing wrong.

By the way "support and defend the Constitution" comes before "obey the orders of the president and those of the officers appoint above me". What

Guest canynracer
Just go to www.factcheck.org and search for Obama's birth certificate. This issue was resolved years ago.

He doesn't like the CIC so he's not going to "be happy to deploy" no matter what. Not liking a commanding officer is not justification for failing to follow a lawful order.

On the subject of lawful order, he's not questioning the lawfulness of the orders. He's questioning qualifications of his superiors and claiming they are not qualified to give him orders. I used the word deserter before, but that was not accurate as has been pointed out (I appreciate the correction.) Insubordination would be a more accurate term, but this level of insubordination is extremely high as it is an obvious risk to unit readiness. A crime that I put on the same level as desertion.

Bust him down to E1 and give him a dishonorable discharge.

Are you, or have you been in the service?

Guest Muttling
And again, you know not of what you speak. :rofl: Birth Certificates issued by the state are CERTIFIED COPIES; what was provided was not. They also show where the baby was born. If Obama has nothing to hide, why is it that the Dummycrat Governor of Hawaii has issued orders to not release his birth certificate to anyone, and all official statements made to date DO NOT indicate that Obama was born in Hawaii?

Do your due diligence instead of believing the spew.

Birth Certificate:


Certification signature on the birth certificate:


Embosses seal on the birth certificate:


City where the baby was born on the birth certificate:


Link to FactCheck.org (the very web site that Dick Chenney quoted in a couple of debates years ago) stating that they have personally examined the original birth certificate.


Time to do the research and post a response, less than 5 minutes. Explain to me again how I don't know what I'm talking about and how the punk's actions aren't impacting unit readiness.

Bust him down and give him a dishonorable.

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