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hard-to-believe ammo tale from Walmart

Guest jimdigriz

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You're lucky.....I can never seem to find anyone at the Lebanon Wal Mart who can even locate the keys to the ammo cabinet!

Funny, and I have been holding this one for a while.....

Can anyone tell me why, when I went to the Hendersonville Wal Mart, that the ammo was all locked up. But I go, the very next day, around 1pm, to the Rivergate Wal Mart (doubly yuckky) and the dude just slides the unlocked door, and hands me my 4 boxes of ammo? I just find that kinda, well.....screwy!!

BTW...to keep on topic: if a stock clerk at Wally World said that they read it on the interwebs...then by God it might as well be in stone tablets walking themselvs down from the stinking mountain.

I have shot the Win Clean in .45, I really like it. Best results I have had from any of my target ammo yet. I think the store I bought it from thought it was regular old WWB, because it was only $18.50 for a 50 round box.

Edited by Angus
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Guest foister82

little debbies expire after 30 days but does that mean they're not good two years down the road? nah they're fine they're packed with preserves :(

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Guest TNMedved

Let's pretend that a "friend" of mine does legal work for wally world, and is generally familiar with what associates do and do not know. This story? I'd say listen to all those folks who've posted questioning why we'd listen to WM associates who get news off the internet.......

However, I would listen to associates in the Knoxville area who say that their store is going to start limiting ammo purchases to 2 boxes. Some already have, and more are probably, but maybe not, on the way to that. Just a word to the wise.


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Funny, and I have been holding this one for a while.....

Can anyone tell me why, when I went to the Hendersonville Wal Mart, that the ammo was all locked up. But I go, the very next day, around 1pm, to the Rivergate Wal Mart (doubly yuckky) and the dude just slides the unlocked door, and hands me my 4 boxes of ammo? I just find that kinda, well.....screwy!!

probably because store policy says to lock it up at all times and some just dont do it either because they have been there longer and know when they can get by without locking it up or they just dont care because it would be aggravating to have to unlock the cabinet every time to get ammo.

at manchester walmart if someone is in the sporting goods (good luck) most of the times the big ring of keys is hanging in the ammo cabinet lock, sometimes the door is even setting open.

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