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Feeling real gloomy about our future

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I don't know where to post this but here it goes. I have been trying not to watch so much news lately but it isn't working. I am afraid our country is doomed. The Government is taking over everything, the car business, the banks, health care. Most of the people O is appointing are just unbelievable. I just saw where one of his appointees thinks animals should have the right to sue humans. Huh? :( They are spending us into a hole we can never get out of. Now this cap and trade thing is going to tax everything that exists. You won't even be able to sell a house without gov. mandated "green" upgrades. Very few in Washington have the balls to stand up for anything. There is really very little difference between the parties, just a different path to the same end. A third world totalitarian government. I think I am going to ask my Dr to put me on antidepressants. Maybe then I can be like a majority of americans and quit giving a damn.

Sorry. Rant over


Edited by Glenn
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Guest 3pugguy
I don't know where to post this but here it goes. I have been trying not to watch so much news lately but it isn't working. I am afraid our country is doomed. The Government is taking over everything, the car business, the banks, health care. Most of the people O is appointing are just unbelievable. I just saw where one of his appointees thinks animals should have the right to sue humans. Huh? :D They are spending us into a hole we can never get out of. Now this cap and trade thing is going to tax everything that exists. You won't even be able to sell a house without gov. mandated "green" upgrades. Very few in Washington have the balls to stand up for anything. There is really very little difference between the parties, just a different path to the same end. A third world totalitarian government. I think I am going to ask my Dr to put me on antidepressants. Maybe then I can be like a majority of americans and quit giving a damn.

Sorry. Rant over


If you look at our history (and in reality, it's short as Americans compared to Europe and Asia) we have survived worse than is happening now. Please don't lose faith in our ability to weather this temporary economic mess, the gov't BS (and this latest is just a different flavor of the same old same old).

What will be interesting is to see how mid-term elections go and I think you will see some change (my early prediction). How things are with the economy (and perception is often as important as reality) will drive how we vote; money talks and BS walks. Most Americans are middle ground people and dislike extremes to left or right. Sure, we have hobby horses (such as gun rights and for me, guns plus individual rights and getting the damned gov't out of my business), but for the most part, we tolerate a lot from politicians. They are like that favorite Uncle who says odd things at Christmas dinner.

Again, please don't give up the ship and stay abreast of events for the simple fact if you go to vote, you can separate the wheat from the chaff and also, if you engage in discussions with friends or family, you know what is really going on versus a "Reader's Digest" version from a talk show (or a talk show host's version of events).

Democrats seem to have an upper hand (and I don't demonize by party; I vote for person not party), but they are not all a bunch of fools and they want to stay in office - so while some things we won't like, it isn't quite as projected by knucklehead entertainers (aka talk show people on both sides), for example.

Please keep your head up, your powder dry, and look for bright spots - such as the great things everyday people do to make this wonderful country work. You are an AMERICAN and each day is another another opportunity - so please choose the "glass is half-full view" and don't give in to gloom.

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Well, the good news is some in the press are starting to wake up...

While I believe things will get worse before they get better, at least some of the kool-aid drinkers are starting to pa attention...

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Maybe it's all on the downswing, bringing America to it's end. Sure looks that way a lot more lately, but what does that matter?

We have two choices. Turn the channel to some reality show, drink a beer, and just let it happen, seems to be what most of America has been doing for a while.

Or, we fight it. We call our representatives, we show up to the rallies, we buy WalMart out of golf balls and make the mail trucks break suspension parts. :D Will it work? Maybe...maybe not. But at least we can say we did all that we could do. Might get punched in the nose, but that doesn't mean we can't fight, claw, and cuss 'till we hit the ground and can't get up anymore.

Edited by 56FordGuy
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Guest justme
If you look at our history (and in reality, it's short as Americans compared to Europe and Asia) we have survived worse than is happening now. Please don't lose faith in our ability to weather this temporary economic mess, the gov't BS (and this latest is just a different flavor of the same old same old).

What will be interesting is to see how mid-term elections go and I think you will see some change (my early prediction). How things are with the economy (and perception is often as important as reality) will drive how we vote; money talks and BS walks. Most Americans are middle ground people and dislike extremes to left or right. Sure, we have hobby horses (such as gun rights and for me, guns plus individual rights and getting the damned gov't out of my business), but for the most part, we tolerate a lot from politicians. They are like that favorite Uncle who says odd things at Christmas dinner.

Again, please don't give up the ship and stay abreast of events for the simple fact if you go to vote, you can separate the wheat from the chaff and also, if you engage in discussions with friends or family, you know what is really going on versus a "Reader's Digest" version from a talk show (or a talk show host's version of events).

Democrats seem to have an upper hand (and I don't demonize by party; I vote for person not party), but they are not all a bunch of fools and they want to stay in office - so while some things we won't like, it isn't quite as projected by knucklehead entertainers (aka talk show people on both sides), for example.

Please keep your head up, your powder dry, and look for bright spots - such as the great things everyday people do to make this wonderful country work. You are an AMERICAN and each day is another another opportunity - so please choose the "glass is half-full view" and don't give in to gloom.

The last time this nation was at a similar crossroad--It was in 1860...

The OP is right--as sad as it is--we have seriously begun our descent into fascism...I don't believe this "economic crisis" is temporary--they call it a recession, but in reality it is still a depression, albeit on a smaller scale than 1929. We have allowed what passes for politicians to sell this country out--and they continue to do so every day. They are chewing at nails trying to find a way to completely circumvent the Constitution--and now that the Democrats have a super majority--they can push through anything they want, and the President will sign it--and that includes their much anticipated "assault weapons ban"...whether or not they are voted out after the fact makes no difference once the cow is out of the barn...

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Guest 3pugguy
Maybe it's all on the downswing, bringing America to it's end. Sure looks that way a lot more lately, but what does that matter?

We have two choices. Turn the channel to some reality show, drink a beer, and just let it happen, seems to be what most of America has been doing for a while.

Or, we fight it. We call our representatives, we show up to the rallies, we buy WalMart out of golf balls and make the mail trucks break suspension parts. :blink: Will it work? Maybe...maybe not. But at least we can say we did all that we could do. Might get punched in the nose, but that doesn't mean we can't fight, claw, and cuss 'till we hit the ground and can't get up anymore.

Absolutely...all of us need to know what is in bills, pending laws, etc, and make ourselves heard. And VOTE. People in other countries (like Iran) have little chance of making change thru the political process, but we do and if we lay down and say, oh, it's all gone to :D , then politicians will just run us into the ground. Just for the record, I don't think things are as gloomy or bad as some would have us believe; remember the song about "give us your dirty laundry"? Bad news sells - but a kid who saves his family from a disaster is inside the back page. We cannot be sheeple and live in fear.

What should be worrying us (imho) is when did the "government" start this whole notion of having ANY money and acting as though it is a huge favor to provide us services like roads, etc? They get all the cash from us...and will be taking more and more from future generations.

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Guest mikedwood

Ahh it swings left for 20 or 30 years and swings right for 20 or 30 years. It will swing back around as far to the right as it goes to the left. Just might take awhile.

The problem lately is the only difference between the left and right is method not ideology. But still the masses will swing to the right again. Your sheeple as it were. They will again move right and the politics will follow because thats where the money is.

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Guest Jcochran88

I hate to say I believe the glory days are well behing us. I seems to me that we are just becoming an average country like the rest of the world. But if you where to ask most people from other countries I would venture to say that they would change places with us any day.

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Ahh it swings left for 20 or 30 years and swings right for 20 or 30 years. It will swing back around as far to the right as it goes to the left. Just might take awhile....

Or, we have a depression like the '30s. Except unlike then, we'll likely lose a third of our population, and it would likely be similar in many other countries.

Things would probably swing to the right in a hurry.

Actually, that might be the only thing that keeps the US viable for another 233 years or so.

- OS

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Thanks for the replies. I will go on and keep fighting. Don't have a choice. It just gets to me to think what kind of country we are leaving to our kids. I know things have been bad before but it seems when things improve it is never quite as good as it was before. Kind of like trying to walk up a muddy riverbank. 1 step forward and slide back 2. In the end you are always a little worse off. Guess I need to go to the range and shoot something.


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The last time this nation was at a similar crossroad--It was in 1860...

The OP is right--as sad as it is--we have seriously begun our descent into fascism...I don't believe this "economic crisis" is temporary--they call it a recession, but in reality it is still a depression, albeit on a smaller scale than 1929. We have allowed what passes for politicians to sell this country out--and they continue to do so every day. They are chewing at nails trying to find a way to completely circumvent the Constitution--and now that the Democrats have a super majority--they can push through anything they want, and the President will sign it--and that includes their much anticipated "assault weapons ban"...whether or not they are voted out after the fact makes no difference once the cow is out of the barn...

I believe the first words of justme's quote are exactly right (as well as the analysis that follows -- great insight!!!) ; but i believe first words are the most important!! This country is exactly at the crossroads; it will either continue to go left and down to third world status; or the responsible adults in this country will wake up and do something to stem the idiocy that is running rampant in Washington.

The Democrats, the socialists, the anti-captitalists, the "something for nothing crowd", the enviornmental crowd, the other lesser known socialist 60's hippies, along with the foolish have banded together to beat a weak RINO republican presidential candidate and sorry republican incumbents to give us what we have now. This group of miscreants is busy committing economic suicide, making war on capitalism, and paying off their sorry constituency.

In doing all this, Oboma and the Dems have polarized the country exactly as was the case with states rights just before the civil war. The fact is that these people need to be beat at the ballot box; or they will destroy this country. Folks need to wake up and become politically active.

Some have said in this forum that both the Democrats and the Republicans have lost their bearings and are all just a bunch of "dammed polititians". I agree with this; that's why I keep harping about the character of those we send to Washington. Folks have been voting with their pocketbooks way too long in this country. They need to wake up and see (as others have observed) that our liberties are being eroded and our country is being destroyed economically with government trying to buy everything and everybody.

If the real citizens of this country do not wake up, get busy, and elect some real leadership for this country, people like Oboma and the sorry bunch helping him will destroy this country, take your liberties, and make you serfs. That's what third world socialists usually do. So we all need to get busy seeing that this doesnt happen. That means to support good people running for office with both talk and cash. Otherwise, it may have to be done with the cartridge box at great cost to everyone.

I want all here to fully understand that I am, indeed, a rabid, paritzan Republican. I am a Republican because i believe nothing that the current Demorat party believes. Do I believe in third parties? -- NO -- it takes too long to get them going; so the Republicans (sorry as some of them are) are the only viable opposition to the idiocy and treason that is going on now.

It is my belief that if you identify yourself as a Demorat or " Undecided" you you simply have not taken the time to look deeply at what is going on. Do the Republicans do bad things and make bad choices? Yes!! -- they do and have -- they largely allowed Oboma and the Dems to win because of character issues, spending issues, and being "RINO Democrat Lite." If you want the country cleaned up; clean up the Republican party; lets get busy and start cleaning it up now -- that means to get active.

If the Republicans and the other responsible adults in this country do not wake up; go to work; and raise up qualified, honest, conservative, less government, liberty restoring candidates and get them elected; this country will be destroyed and your children and grandchildren will be serfs; and it wont take another 30 years to do this at the rate the Dems are going now.

We all need to get to work, the hides we save will be our own.

Thats how i see things this morning.

Kind regards,


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Guest gunslinger707
We made it past Carter; we'll make it past Obama.

YES WE CAN!!!!! BUT keep in mind Obama has already did more damage to the country in six month's than Carter did in four year's ! JMHO

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We made it past Carter; we'll make it past Obama.

Honestly, if he keeps this pace up, Obama's going to make Carter look like one of the great world leaders of history, in comparison...

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YES WE CAN!!!!! BUT keep in mind Obama has already did more damage to the country in six month's than Carter did in four year's ! JMHO

I dunno. Carter didn't properly deal with Iran, and look where we are today? I lost too many brother Marines in 1983 just because that :D was too cowardly to deal with them properly. Then there are the ones that we've lost in Afghanistan and Iraq too.

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Honestly, if he keeps this pace up, Obama's going to make Carter look like one of the great world leaders of history, in comparison...

What I think is a hoot is that his approval rating is dropping. Perhaps the people who voted for him are realizing their mistake?

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Hmmm, strange that Bush's name isn't mentioned once in this thread...
Okay, I'll mention him. I think Bush did a poor job. I think the new guy makes Bush look amazingly good. I think the congress under Bush was horrible, and it's basically the same congress we have now. A single party having near total control of the government is the worst thing that we can have.

Vote for Ron Paul and people like him in 2010 and 2012 if you want liberty returned and government downsized. We have got to get some more people who are willing to stand up for the Constitution in Congress and in the White House before it's too late.:)


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Guest tnvolfan

Hi Glenn,

I'm having the depression issue, too. Lately when it gets worse than normal, I get in the car and drive to a gun store. I usually see someone there who gets me thinking about something else, and then I feel better. I like looking at guns, too, and I can usually find a firearm that fires my interest, and that also helps. I have been going to the movies more than usual, but it's summer, and that may actually be normal.

I watch the news and see the insanity and ask "What can we do? What can I do? Surely there is SOMETHING I should be doing." So I write my U.S. Representative and my senators. I am not sure it is doing any good, but I feel like I must try. So I also ask these elected officials, "What else can I, an average citizen, do? Please tell me, and I will try to do it. What else can I do to make this insanity stop?" No one has answered that question yet, but I will keep asking. I wonder who they talk to.

Yeah, I've thought about moving to Texas, but I like being a Tennessean. I hope it doesn't come to that.

I'm praying a lot. This is God-sized problem. In my opinion, He has to be part of ANY solution for it to be successful in the long-term. I believe the rest of the personal answers will come from above.

I do feel your pain, and you are certainly NOT alone.:)


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