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Greetings from Wilson County

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New to the forum here but I'm also active on a couple of other gun forums. Lifelong Tennessean, and I have been interested in firearms since I was 10 and received my first BB gun. I started shooting the real deal on a regular basis just over 20 years go. Without a doubt, I have more time and money invested in this hobby than my other interests combined, and it's worth every penny. My primary guns are the Glock 19, AR15's, and some shotguns. I've owned dozens of guns in various calibers over the years but trying to keep it simple now due to costs and availability of ammo.

Looking forward to chatting with everyone on a local level about topics of interest and importance to my fellow Tennesseans. I have recently begun uploading videos to YouTube of my target shooting experiences and support of the 2nd Amendment. I think it is vital to illustrate that gun owners are law-abiding, responsible, and well spoken.....unlike how the mainstream media wants to portray us.

I'm excited about our new carry laws and would like to thank everyone for their support in making this reality.

Take care,


Shooting videos and other stuff: www.youtube.com/tnoutdoors9

Edited by tnoutdoors9
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