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Northeast State Offers - Introduction to Whitetail Deer Hunting Class

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BLOUNTVILLE Americans have always loved the great outdoors and hunting has long been a tradition. Taking to the field to observe the many types of wildlife and/or to hunt legal wild game is a sport enjoyed by countless numbers of our citizens. It is surprising that the fastest growing segment of our population who are taking up hunting has been women.

To capitalize on this growing phenomenon, Northeast State Community College is offering an opportunity for men and women, boys and girls ages 14 and older, to learn about Whitetail deer through a non-credit class being offered during the month or September, according to the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA).

The class will be held from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. in room # 226 in the Library on September 10, 12, 17, and 19, 2007. The cost for the class will only be $25 (personal check or cash). Payment and registration will be done during the first class period.

A wide range of topics will be covered during the class, including the history of deer, deer biology, restoration, deer hunting techniques, equipment, and hunting safety.

Speakers will include biologists from the TWRA and experts in the field of deer hunting. The class enrollment is limited to 20 people, so reserve your seat now by calling Angela Huddle at 354-2508 or emailing her at adhuddle@northeaststate.edu.If you are age 14 or older and want to learn about the exciting world of deer hunting, this is the class for you. Remember to sign up now and bring a friend.

Northeast State Community College is located at 2425 Hwy. 75, Blountville

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