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Somebody threw away a lawyer

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Indiana Lawyer Wakes Up in Trash Can After Night of Drinking - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Indiana Lawyer Wakes Up in Trash Can After Night of Drinking

Friday, June 19, 2009 service_ap_36.gif

2_61_061909_lawyer_trash1.jpg FNC

Larry Wilder, the Jeffersonville City Council's attorney, asleep in a trash can after a night of drinking

JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind. — A southern Indiana lawyer says he's embarrassed and has apologized for being found asleep headfirst in neighbor's trash can after a night of drinking.

No charges have been filed against Larry Wilder, who is the Jeffersonville City Council's attorney. The council president says she'll call a special meeting next week to discuss Wilder's status with the city.

Wilder says he was with friends for dinner and drinks in nearby Louisville, Ky., on Tuesday night but was driven home in a client's limousine and remembers little of what happened after that. A neighbor found Wilder in the trash can early Wednesday and called police, who helped Wilder home.

Jeffersonville Police Chief Tim Deeringer says no crime was committed and that Wilder was cooperative and not a threat to anyone.

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Because all lawyers are scum, right? :drool:

In case some of you haven't been paying attention, we have several excellent lawyers here on TGO and a few of them are even supporting Vendors here on TGO. I'm sure they appreciate the blanket statement that a trash can is a great place for lawyers.

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Because all lawyers are scum, right? :drool:

In case some of you haven't been paying attention, we have several excellent lawyers here on TGO and a few of them are even supporting Vendors here on TGO. I'm sure they appreciate the blanket statement that a trash can is a great place for lawyers.

I didn't intend my jab at all lawyers. Just a bunch. You're right, there are a lot of good ones. My best friend is one. But at the same time, there are a lot of 'work the system, make a quick buck' lawyers out there, too, and they usually seem to be the ones that make the news. Suing over coffee, suing over dry cleaning pants, suing over anything they think they can get a quick settlement over something frivolous. Perhaps I should've been more specific in my post. There are a lot of good lawyers out there, including the often- maligned criminal defense lawyers. Even criminals are allowed to legally defend themselves, and innocent people are occasionally charged for crimes that they didn't commit. They need representation.

Everyone else, though, needs to realize that coffee is hot. :D

Edited by 56FordGuy
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Guest TargetShooter84

I know which lawyers I'd like to see thrown in the trash can.....but I'll hold my tongue until the big case in knoxville is over when those 6 suspects are locked up and cooked...

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I know which lawyers I'd like to see thrown in the trash can.....but I'll hold my tongue until the big case in knoxville is over when those 6 suspects are locked up and cooked...

You mean the case nobody ever heard nationally about because the victims weren't the right shade?

I hope they all fry. That case is sickening and the reason (of many) I carry a gun.

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Better Off Dead. I meant to comment earlier but had to rush out to a meeting.

The Camaro in that movie was my lust-car as a teenager.

BZZZZZZZZZZT...sorry...thanks for playing.:lol:

Men At Work.

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Guest TargetShooter84
You mean the case nobody ever heard nationally about because the victims weren't the right shade?

I hope they all fry. That case is sickening and the reason (of many) I carry a gun.

Yup, you got the right idea of which case I'm referring to. One of the victims was my friend and I graduated with her brother and just like you said, very sickening and most brutal case that I've ever heard in this state....so many things I could keep on and on but its best to keep my mouth shut for the victim's families sake.

Again, like you mentioned, one of the many reasons I carry.

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Yup, you got the right idea of which case I'm referring to. One of the victims was my friend and I graduated with her brother and just like you said, very sickening and most brutal case that I've ever heard in this state....so many things I could keep on and on but its best to keep my mouth shut for the victim's families sake.

Again, like you mentioned, one of the many reasons I carry.

Man I'm sorry brother. :lol:

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