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Terror Watch List may soon = No Guns

Guest jth_3s

Do you agree with the Senators Proposal?  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you agree with the Senators Proposal?

    • Yes, People on the Terror Watch List shouldn't be able to buy guns
    • No, these people should be able to buy guns.

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Guest bkelm18

I don't think simply being on the watch list should prevent them from owning guns. I think it should remain as it is now. The watch list is too jacked up right now, and too many innocent people are on it by virtue of similar names and all that jazz.

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Guest bkelm18
according to the last DHS memo weren't Christians, right to life, conservatives, and tea party protesters on the watch out list?

Could be a sneak attack. Ban guns for people on The List, then put all of us on it. By the power of GraySkull! :P

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But, do you really think that a terrorist cell is going to walk into a gun store to buy their weapons? I don't.

Why wouldn't they do it that way? It would draw the least amount of attention.

I am not so sure a terror cell is going to attack with a firearm anyway.

I do not trust anything Lautenberg does in relation to inhibiting the ownership of guns.

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I am not so sure a terror cell is going to attack with a firearm anyway.


terrorist cells typically use something that can cause lots of damage without much effort like a bomb. usually dont use firearms, unless its dealing and trafficking them(think illegal guns, m16, FA ak47, M203, etc) to make money.

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Guest mustangdave

Until the Gub-ment can PROVE you're a bonifide threat...and you have your day in court to sue the friggin pants off of em...HELL NO

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Guest Old goat

terrorist cells typically use something that can cause lots of damage without much effort like a bomb. usually dont use firearms, unless its dealing and trafficking them(think illegal guns, m16, FA ak47, M203, etc) to make money.

yeah, you're right, lets see, what did the last big one use here, oh yeah, box cutter, utility knife, can buy them at Home Depot for 2 bucks.

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All you have to do is hearken back to the McCarthy blacklist fiasco to know the power and abuse of government "lists".

You're either legal to possess weapons under current federal and state laws, or you're not. We don't need a "possible bad guy so you can't buy a gun" list. Shades of Minority Report.

I'm not sure I even agree with all the laws preventing all felons from possessing them either.

- OS

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according to the last DHS memo weren't Christians, right to life, conservatives, and tea party protesters on the watch out list?

Yes! Also, “disgruntled†veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan made the list too.

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Guest mustangdave

shoot...my brother in law is on the "terrorist-NO FLY" list...and his name is Robert Brown....thats a LOOOOONG way from Abdul Hazim Jabooti if you ask me. Hmmm musta been that lethal shaving cream in his over night bag on that flight to Salt Lake City...people...gimme a break...this watch list crap is just that...crapola

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Guest jth_3s

This Watch List, along with the PATRIOT ACT, the FISA Act, and other Unconstitutional measures enacted after the 9/11 are an infringment of our rights and are a danger to a free society. You can't be against this watch list and still support the other unconstituional measures enacted after 9/11. Im sure many people supported the Watch List in good faith that it would only include terrorists but the potential for innocent people to be deprived of their rights is extraordinary.

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Guest 3pugguy
Sen. Frank Lautenberg wants to close another "Loophole" that allows people on the Terror Watch List to still buy guns from a Licensed Dealer. I just want to see what everyones thoughts are on this.

People on terrorist watch list allowed to buy guns - CNN.com

Given this list is run by a government that can't keep the roads and bridges (I'm talking interstate) kept up, despite our money (gas tax, etc), Iso am leery of the "watch list" maintained by gov't employees. Look at the airport screeners - no offense, but I wouldn't hire most of them to wash cars. What a joke on us - yeah, the gov't is going to keep me safe. We send billions to foreign governments but argue over funding our LOCAL and state police and fire? Jeez Louise...

And the government's War on Poverty and War on Drugs went so well, I am sure the latest war ju jour, the War on Terror is going great and I just feel so safe. In my humble opinion, it is all gov't speak for "let's expand our reach into the lives and pockets of citizens". I am not keen on either political party, because the lines are blurred and there isn't a dime's worth of difference betwixt them.

And if you could find a true fiscal conservative, you are likely in a cemetery.

OK, rant off :rolleyes:

Edited by 3pugguy
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Guest 3pugguy
This Watch List, along with the PATRIOT ACT, the FISA Act, and other Unconstitutional measures enacted after the 9/11 are an infringment of our rights and are a danger to a free society. You can't be against this watch list and still support the other unconstituional measures enacted after 9/11. Im sure many people supported the Watch List in good faith that it would only include terrorists but the potential for innocent people to be deprived of their rights is extraordinary.

+1. We cannot give up our hard won liberty because of fear of the unknown - to do so means we lose.

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Guest rj8806

If I missed it already, I apologize....but where can one view this watch list? I'd like to know if I am on there by means of mistaken identity.

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Guest redbarron06
yeah, you're right, lets see, what did the last big one use here, oh yeah, box cutter, utility knife, can buy them at Home Depot for 2 bucks.

In the last terrorist atack on US soil (1June2009) Abdulhakid Mujahid Mohammed shot 2 soldiers out side of a recruiting office this month in Little Rock. Police recovered three guns an SKS rifle, a .22 rifle and a semi-automatic pistol. I have not seen any reports as far as weither or not hrough a dealer or even legaly.

Now being that this guy was on the TWL would make me think that there was a reason why he was on it. But we can not start punnishing people for something they might do. If that were the case we should ticket evey female for prostitution.

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Guest TurboniumOxide

This is a rather obvious attempt to not let a crisis go to waste and will lead to the complete banning of guns as we all end up on the list. No No No No No.

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shoot...my brother in law is on the "terrorist-NO FLY" list...and his name is Robert Brown....thats a LOOOOONG way from Abdul Hazim Jabooti if you ask me. Hmmm musta been that lethal shaving cream in his over night bag on that flight to Salt Lake City...people...gimme a break...this watch list crap is just that...crapola

You're a hoot...for a squid! B)

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