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Why a truck gun?


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I am starting this thread to keep Truthsayer's thread on topic.

Why would you want to keep a long gun in your vehicle? Isn't one of the arguments we use to get restuarant carry and park carry to keep our guns out of our cars?

It would be very difficult to weild a long gun while sitting in your car. And it would be very time consuming to run to your car to reteive the long gun.

Handgun is to be able to fight your way to the vehicle to retrieve the long gun.

This is true, but when has anyone ever needed a long gun after firing several rounds with their handgun.

I'm not condemning anyone for having a truck gun. If you want to keep one in your car/truck, that's fine by me. I'm just curious as to why one would need or want a long gun in their car, other than it's your right and you just want to.

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Guest bkelm18

Just because you've never needed one doesn't mean you won't need one. As I stated in the other thread, if you're out in BFE or out mudding in the woods somewhere, I can see it as an option.

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Out in the woods somewhere, yes. Handguns wouldn't work to well on bears. But I'm talking about while out in town on any given day.

And I'm not asking "when would I need one?" I'm asking "When has anyone ever needed one?" Has there ever been a time when anyone has needed more firepower than a handgun. The likely hood of me needing my handgun is slim, but it could happen so I carry it everyday.

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my signature explains how i feel about it.

as far as a rifle, maybe your off-roading in similar terrain, you never know when it might come in handy.

as for a shotgun, everyone says it is the best for home defense, why not car defense?

this is not to say that i would use a long gun if i were in the passenger compartment of my vehicle, i doubt anybody would. most are going to keep them in the trunk or in a tool box on a truck. long guns are for if SHTF bad enough that a handgun isnt quite enough.

i can see needing one in a hurricane katrina type situation.

why did the old farmers keep rifles or shotguns in a gun rack on their pickups?

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Guest jimdigriz

Why a long gun? Because they're vastly superior to handguns if you have to get into it. Check this video:

. It shows a bad guy with AK taking out lots of handgun-armed cops, until a cop with an AR-15 shows up and brains the guy. I've got a folding Kel Tec that I may decide to carry around in the car with me after I procure my permit. Jim
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Has there ever been a time when anyone has needed more firepower than a handgun.

"Has there ever been" encompasses an awful long time. Certainly there has been need. Can't name one off the tip of my head though.

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I'm torn - you really have to weigh the consequences of leaving an unattended firearm in your vehicle. I'll probably rarely carry one unless I can find a great-but-easily-accessible hiding place.

Maybe buy a super cheap maverick88 or similar...

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Guest Chip Holland

A earthquake in Memphis would make post Katrina New Orleans look like a afternoon walk in the park. I keep a rifle with me in case I have to walk home.

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Guest Britestar

To keep on topic, I like a long gun in the truck for many reasons none of which involves shoot out with columbian drug lords. However I live in a rural area with acreage and there have been numerous times it has been handy (you ever thought why they called em handy rifles) I prefer a long gun over a handgun for taking shots at coyotes. What concerns me is the number of people who have played out many scenerios in which they are involved in shootouts. Yes, it could happen, but I have one brother and a sister in law who have retired as special agents with the DEA serving in San Diego and lastly as Resident agent in Charge of the Keys (FL) and he has only been in two instance with exchanged gunfire in this country another brother is a cop in Houston for the last 18 yrs and has yet to be involved in exchange of gunfire himself. So the REAL odds of it happening to one of us is VERY remote, unless you go looking for it. I believe in being vigilate and prepared. Just an obersvation not a critisizim. So if anyone thinks it is please accept my apologies now.

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Guest truthsayer

I'm probably in the minority, but here's what I came up with after a few weeks of thinking about it.

Firstly, it's my right to carry a rifle in my vehicle. I don't buy into feeling compelled to show need based on anyone's experience in order to exercise my rights. Having said that, I wouldn't put it past the gangbangers in Memphis or a regional natural disaster to prove a need in short order.

Secondly, as long as I keep it out of sight and know how to use it, I can't see it being any different than a first aid kit, spare tire, or AAA membership. It's an emergency tool and will be treated as such.

Lastly, it's way less of a burden than the regret of not having it would be.

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So the REAL odds of it happening to one of us is VERY remote,

yes very very remote, more than likely one of us will win the lottery before needing a rifle in the car. I hope I win the lottery, and really hope I never need a gun, period.

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Lastly, it's way less of a burden than the regret of not having it would be.


You know, for a musician you occasionally display actual logic.

So the obvious question is: shotgun or rifle?

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Ditto on rural land - multiple tracts in the family, accessed by public roads. I might have to deal with crows, coyotes, canines, or cultivators of cannabis - 870 is good for all the above.

BTW - carry a "dummy load" for your pump shotgun. Insert in magazine, eject live round in chamber, and you're legal.

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Guest truthsayer

You know, for a musician you occasionally display actual logic.

So the obvious question is: shotgun or rifle?

Don't tell anyone... it will totally ruin my stage persona.

As for the rifle v. shotgun debate, I'm leaning toward an intermediate-caliber rifle loaded with an expanding round. I love a shotgun indoors, but I trust the rig I described for most plausible truck/car scenarios. Besides, the training I did involved a rifle. :popcorn:

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