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I have a xd45. shoots nice and all. But it is big and bulky. Not ideal for CC but with some effort I think you can pull it off. I carry it sometimes.

I picked it based on reputation, price, magazine capacity, brand name, and coolness factor :D

I like the two tone you have pictured, mine is basic black

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I have a xd45. shoots nice and all. But it is big and bulky. Not ideal for CC but with some effort I think you can pull it off. I carry it sometimes.

I picked it based on reputation, price, magazine capacity, brand name, and coolness factor :D

I like the two tone you have pictured, mine is basic black

This is the compact model,the grip is shorter and only holds 10 rounds,fits right into my crossbreed that I was using for A PT140 MILL PRO.

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I have a XD45C that I daily carry IWB:dropjaw:. No I am not happy to see you, it is a brick in my pants.

At 15 yards I can pull a good group, at 25 I hit the target. I have not made it to the range with the new Powder River Precision Trigger springs and over travel stop. I have shot it out at my buddies and it did help alot. When looking at the sights and dry firing the front sight doesn't hardly move on the new set up. When we get another target stand or I make it to the range I will give a report.

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i have no experience with the compact model but the service model i had was amazing, i loved that gun, wish id never sold it. havent held a gun since that fit my hand as well as that one.

i was more accurate with it than any other gun as well, and to top it off i could conceal it to a point.

never had ANY kind of problem out of it whatsoever

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I have a standard XD45 service and it's great. My understanding is that the C model has a shorter grip, and that if you want to approximate the service model you can get standard 13rd mags with a grip extension.

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Guest .45Jon

Service model here, I'm a slender built guy and I can get it to conceal nicely only at 1 O'clockish only...And of course, never had a reliability issue.

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Guest flyfishtn

Have an XD .45 ACP Service. I routinely carry it and don't have an issue with it.

Took the CIS defensive pistol class with it and it performed flawlessly. :D

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Guest grimel

The 4" XD45 is a lot of things, big and chunky ain't it. The double stack Glock 45 is big and chunky. There isn't spits difference between the G19, XD9, and XD45.

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Guest Bronker
The 4" XD45 is a lot of things, big and chunky ain't it. The double stack Glock 45 is big and chunky. There isn't spits difference between the G19, XD9, and XD45.

Yes, George...your former (now mine:D) XD45 Service is a nice, tight, accurate and reliable weapon. With its XS Big Dot tritiums, it does nightstand duty and occasionally gets carried. I love it! Speaking of big and chunky...it fits my hands perfectly. It is a great compliment to my XD40 subcompact. Love the XD platform.

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I like the XD45 so much, I have three of them.

Wait a sec...didn't I just post this... :stare:

But yeah...two service, one tactical. I carry one OWB in a Serpa, and on me, it disappears under an untucked shirt.

They've all been absolutely flawless in function with factory ammo, fit my hand very well, and are more accurate than I am.

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Guest Ghostrider

I have always been a big 1911 fanboy.

However, my XD45c has become my daily and on my top 2 handgun list.

I'd recommend the extended mags. I have several of them and having 13 instead of 6 tries before reloading is the way to go IMO.

Yes, it's heavy and it's a bit "thick", I've never had any issues with it and I believe the grip safety makes it "more safe" (red meat alert) than the Glocks. But again, that's just my opinion.

For me, the lots of ammo, the caliber and the torture test results on the XD website started me looking. Holding one sold me.

no regrets.

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I'm no poster child for this, but the vast majority of accuracy problems are the result of operator error. Proper trigger control, sight picture and follow through are what determines accuracy.

I realize that you're asking about a specific firearm, but you initiated the conversation with the XD being a fix for your accuracy problems with a smaller weapon. I've watched another person take my S&W J-frame and dot the center of an 8-inch target at 25yds.

Can I do that? Sure. Do I do that? Rarely. I'm capable of it and the firearm is capable of it, I just need more work on trigger control.

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Guest grimel
Yes, George...your former (now mine:D) XD45 Service is a nice, tight, accurate and reliable weapon. With its XS Big Dot tritiums, it does nightstand duty and occasionally gets carried. I love it! Speaking of big and chunky...it fits my hands perfectly. It is a great compliment to my XD40 subcompact. Love the XD platform.

I still have a olive/black Service XD45 (along with a black XD9sc for now at least). :tough:

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