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Dan wesson Bobtail 45 in stock


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I was finally able to get over to my local gun shop and pick up my new Commander Bobtail. I love this thing! I can't hardly set it down. I'll have to get to a real range before I can give an official range report but as a preliminary....wow!!! Nice and tight but smooth, no rattles, handles great and feels like it was made for my hand. I've had it apart cleaning and oiling it twice just so I have an excuse to keep handling it. I have been enlightened. I'm really glad I didn't buy the Kimber I had been fondling at the gun shop for a couple of months.

As promised, I took some pictures of it to post here. Clearly, I'm no photographer and I can't get the lighting right but I took the best of the group and made a nice wallpaper for my laptop. Here's the results:


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I got mine from Dan & Joe @ Hero Gear. I got a better deal than Bud's had. I haven't been by since I have been mobilized, but they had a good selection at the time.

It is by far my favorite 1911. Have fun and keep it well lubed while breaking in.

Edited by R1100R
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Very Nice. Just wait till you shoot it. The more I shoot mine the more I like it. I was running some hand loads over the Chrony the other day. I shot a magazine through at a 100 yard target. Eight shots, eight hits on paper. I was shocked.

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