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Dan wesson Bobtail 45 in stock


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I had a DW Bobtail in 10mm for a short time. The 50 rounds down the pipe were flawless. I LOVED that thing.

I really hated to get rid of it, but this damn motorcycle project was demanding to be fed more cash. I will have another one sooner or later.

I have one. It is a thing of Beauty. It is my primary carry gun. COTEP all the way!

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Anyone else have anything to say about the DW Bobtail? I'm giving it serious consideration. I have a DW .357 revolver that's a very solid piece.

We've come along way since the DW revolver days. I don't know who actually makes these 1911's but it's a CZ operation.

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Bought it! Looks like I got the last one. It now shows out of stock. Sure hope I have it for Saturday's East TN June Shoot. :)

Congratulations! You are going to like this pistol.

Just a word about the DWCBOB. Before your first outing to the range some things to know. The CBOB is tight. Not overly so but it is tight. It is highly recommended that you field strip and clean. Then liberally lubricate, for the break in. I used Mobil 1 and now use slide glide, to each his own but do use lots.

For more info goto Dan Wesson - 1911Forum

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They usually ship pretty quick. I live in Nashville, and IIRC, it took 1-2 days to get mine from Buds.


Last gun I ordered from Bud's shipped the next business day after I ordered (ordered on a Saturday, shipped Monday). I had it in my hands from my local FFL dealer the next day (Tuesday). Using my typically twisted logic, I ordered it last night, it ships today, I pick it up tommorow in time to start feeding it on Saturday. I know that's a best case scenario but sometimes good things do happen.

By the way, when checking my order status at Bud's this morning, I see that the DW COCB is now listed as in stock again. Must be somebody's order fell through.

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Guest sling
I had a DW Bobtail in 10mm for a short time. The 50 rounds down the pipe were flawless. I LOVED that thing.

I really hated to get rid of it, but this damn motorcycle project was demanding to be fed more cash. I will have another one sooner or later.

Not to derail but what bike are you workin on triple? PM me about it if you want as to keep the thread clean.

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Congratulations! You are going to like this pistol.

Just a word about the DWCBOB. Before your first outing to the range some things to know. The CBOB is tight. Not overly so but it is tight. It is highly recommended that you field strip and clean. Then liberally lubricate, for the break in. I used Mobil 1 and now use slide glide, to each his own but do use lots.

For more info goto Dan Wesson - 1911Forum

Thanks for the advice and the link. I always break down, clean and oil a new gun but I will pay particular attention to the lube part with this one. Mobil 1? Never thought of that but I do have some in the garage.

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Great gun especially for the money. Picked one up a couple weeks ago and have 150rnds down range and it is one smooth operator. Nice clean trigger and very accurate. I've been a Glock fan for a long time but am starting to come around. Much easier for me to cc also.

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Thanks for the advice and the link. I always break down, clean and oil a new gun but I will pay particular attention to the lube part with this one. Mobil 1? Never thought of that but I do have some in the garage.

I believe one of the DW gunsmiths recommends M1 for the break in.

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