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Iphone 3Gs

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Guest illumina

I thought AT&T and T-mobile used GSM and Sprint and Verizon use CDMA? I may be mistaken, but that would make sense since a hacked iphone works on T-mobile.

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Guest Bluemax

I switched from a Razor to the Iphone about three months ago because my business requires me to send/recieve email while traveling. The first couple of days after I switched I hated the new phone. Ergonomicaly, it felt very awkward and I was scared to death of scratching up the touchscreen as I am notorius for beating up phones. I really like it now that I have got used to it but this phone won't take a lot of abuse. I f you work outside and are used to throwing your phone up on the dash of you trk or generaly mistreating a phone, I would look elsewhere. If your situation allows you to baby a phone the the Iphone is great. The only negative suprise I have had was when my screen locked up and the folks at the AT&T shop where I got told me that I would have to take it to the Apple store at the mall to have it checked out. Best advice...make sure the people you get it from will stand behind it unless you like going to the mall

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Guest HexHead
I've been thinking about switching from my original iPhone to a new 3g. I have had mine for close to 2 years, and ATT is offering a $18 upgrade to a 3g. I guess it is because of the new version coming out.

I love mine, but wish it could receive picture messages as well. Apple thought that the progression was away from the SMS to email, but I think they forgot that everyone doesn't have a smart phone. So it never really happened.

Don't be fooled by the $18 offer. The data plan for the 3G is $10/ mo. more than you're paying now. So it's $18 + $120 /yr. more. I don't need to SMS pics that badly. :D

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Guest HexHead
Actually, Apple tried to get a bunch of carriers involved in carrying the iPhone but only AT&T was willing to do the infrastructure upgrades necessary for the phone. An insider told me there was a period where the release of the iPhone was in doubt as no carriers were willing to spend the dough.

It was more than that. You might remember when the iPhone first came out, when they were $399 and the prices weren't subsidized by the carrier like all the other phones. No $99 iPhone (then) with a 2 year contract. That's because initially, Apple was getting a piece of the monthly service charge back from the carrier. That's why Verizon told them to pound sand and at&t took the exclusive contract. Verizon refused to share the monthly revenue stream and at&t agreed to. I saw an interview with Jobs somewhere back then and that's his version of what happened.

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The landscape, SMS, and tethering is all coming to the 3G with the 3.0 upgrade the 17th.

I've been running 3.0 for the pass couple of weeks. My only gripe is the speed of the accelerometer when trying to switch to landscape while SMSing. You have to rotate it, and hold for a couple of seconds. Not a nice fluid motion.

The only real upgrade from 3G to 3GS is the 1 mega pixel more camera, slightly faster processor, and cheaper 16g model ( plus a 32g model ).

I also forgot the jump from 3G being 3 Mb/s to 7 Mb/s. That's going to require AT&T to upgrade their towers, and no telling how long that will take. Don't really care anyways. I live in Lawrenceburg, and no 3G in the first place.

Everything Apple is bragging about was achieved by jailbreaking the phone a year ago.

Edited by Yeow
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Guest eyebedam

did my 3.0 update last night. The copy & paste is nice to finally have. I just wonder when mms will actually be available?

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Upgraded from the gen1 today. Despite having to go to green hills mall to pick it up before leaving on a case, pretty painless upgrade. New hardware is pretty good. Not a major difference from the 3g, but a lot faster than gen1. I'm happy with the switch.

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Guest colombianito1021

i picked mine up earlier this week. I like it...a lot more snappier. One thing that use to bug me is that delay when you are in any screen and try to get to your favorites. Almost no delay now. I also love the compass integration with the maps.

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Dell Mini9 Netbook + 3G teethering = win

Enable 3G Internet Tethering on iPhone 3G 3.0 with iPhone Safari

obviously they dont exactly want you doing this. I would also only do it for browsing not downloading files and things. It doesnt jailbreak your phone but I would guess it does step you over the line where you would want to use itunes to set it back to factory before taking it in for service.

Edited by Daniel
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