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Democrats, Obama, and the 2nd amendment...

Guest CK1

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Posted (edited)

Attention ammo hoarders and extreme right-wingers (not to name call and piss you off, but to get your attention), or, the uninformed,

these days, the overwhelming majority of democrats have gotten the message (a lesson they had to learn harshly under clinton and the AWB, removing many of them from the senate)... in case you haven't noticed, now, in 2009, most democrat's and the obama administration's stance on the 2nd amendment and gun control is closer to pro-gun than anti-gun (maybe even in-line with your own views)... again, if you haven't noticed, currently there are bigger fish to fry.

if you're watching fox news too much, you might want to turn it off, or at least change the channel now and then...

the fact that the last administration (coincidentally republican, but NOT because of being republican) was gun law friendly doesn't excuse (1) getting us into an unnecessary war that's distracted us from getting bin laden and cost us thousands of young american lives over control of their oil (or making profits for halliburton), (2) trashing our reputaion around the globe while making a mockery of our constitution through the patriot act, wide spread wire-tapping, and the use of torture, (3) tanking our economy through little to no oversight of the financial system (remember the movie "wall street", "greed is good...", coincidentally, reaching popularity under the "trickle down" reagan administration...) in the process (4) ignoring the dual nuclear threats posed by both iran and north korea, (5) ...while burying us in debt to china, FORCING the obama administration to spend and (as a side effect) grow our deficit to avoid a modern day depression.

thanks to 8 years of bush/cheney (who kept us safe except for that 1 day in september 2001 they seem to forget happened while on their watch), guns are at the bottom of obama's list, and the least of his and our countries worries...

(maybe instead of being hung up on hating obama and worrying about gun control you could throw a tea party on your way home from buying up all the ammo at wallymart to satisfy your paranoia now that obama has lowered taxes on most americans... oh... wait... nevermind)

most of the country isn't conservative OR liberal... they're moderate (and moderate republicans and blue dog democrats actually have found common ground on 2nd amendment issues).

the rights of all americans extended to us through the bill of rights have nothing to do whatsoever with one's political views or party affiliation.

honestly ask yourself if your stances are really fact and truly good for our country when engaging in dissent... and please remember, above all, being ignorant is un-american.

Edited by CK1
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  Rightwinger said:
Can you give me the local number to ACORN?

with the handle "rightwinger", i expected better than that... oh well.


Can't derive much from your handle but your post speaks volumes of your ability to regurgitate the left's rhetoric.

You posted it so suck it up and take it. You can of course choose to leave at any time. You knew you would be a minority in this issue when you pressed submit.

As far as I know, you haven't been in any of the policy or decision making meetings for any of the present or past administrations. All we see is the twisted views the media presents. Maybe you should take your own advice and turn off CNN and MSNBC for a day or two and get a little of the un spun news?

To me govt has been on the decline since the "Great Society" initiatives but I still have to vote for and hope for the people that speak "my language" and then review their actions.

Your a sucker if you think Bush/Cheney caused the current economic crisis. It's been proven over and over that Fannie and Freddie were pushed and sustained by liberal democrats OVER the objections and attempts to reform by the right side of the aisle. Couple that with unrelenting grabs by Unions for the Auto industry and you have the roots for both the unscrupulous banks and beat down overpriced American Auto makers to fail.

The root of it to me is the fact that education has been on the decline for 30 years. Today's child gets told he won't be allowed to fail, that they have to accept everyone and everything and then don't get taught the basics needed to work as a part of society. Who pushed those forms of policy like no corporal punishment and "no child left behind"? Sure wasn't anyone who thinks good honest competition and individualism is a good thing. Want your kids reading Heather has two mommies? Might as well hand them the joy of sex in first grade!

We are not as smart as we once were and it shows in how politicians and big business make their decisions. We also no longer understand that everyone is NOT equal and that some folks just are not going to be the CEO of a company just because they were born in the USA. They might be relegated to operating a fork lift or stocking the shelves at Walmart as that is where their intellect and abilities have pointed them. There is nothing wrong with this. The previous statement of education also lends to this. If they didn't try, and they don't care because someone is going to take care of them then they will achieve everything they sought....a check or Food stamp credit card.

I can't figure what your railing on the folks buying up ammo has to do with the war in Afghanistan or Iraq but maybe that goes back to a persons education and conceptualization as well. Keep trying.

Guest slothful1
  CK1 said:
(1) getting us into an unnecessary war that's distracted us from getting bin laden and cost us thousands of young american lives over control of their oil (or making profits for halliburton), (2) trashing our reputaion around the globe while making a mockery of our constitution through the patriot act, wide spread wire-tapping, and the use of torture, (3) tanking our economy through little to no oversight of the financial system (remember the movie "wall street", "greed is good...", coincidentally, reaching popularity under the "trickle down" reagan administration...) in the process (4) ignoring the dual nuclear threats posed by both iran and north korea, (5) ...while burying us in debt to china, FORCING the obama administration to spend and (as a side effect) grow our deficit to avoid a modern day depression.

LOL... wow. You shouldn't blindly believe everything you see on MoveOn.org.

Guest bkelm18

Wow. Stock owner in Kool-Aid aren't ya, CK?

  CK1 said:
Attention ammo hoarders and extreme right-wingers (not to name call and piss you off, but to get your attention), or, the uninformed,

these days, the overwhelming majority of democrats have gotten the message (a lesson they had to learn harshly under clinton and the AWB, removing many of them from the senate)... in case you haven't noticed, now, in 2009, most democrat's and the obama administration's stance on the 2nd amendment and gun control is closer to pro-gun than anti-gun (maybe even in-line with your own views)... again, if you haven't noticed, currently there are bigger fish to fry.

if you're watching fox news too much, you might want to turn it off, or at least change the channel now and then...

the fact that the last administration (coincidentally republican, but NOT because of being republican) was gun law friendly doesn't excuse (1) getting us into an unnecessary war that's distracted us from getting bin laden and cost us thousands of young american lives over control of their oil (or making profits for halliburton), (2) trashing our reputaion around the globe while making a mockery of our constitution through the patriot act, wide spread wire-tapping, and the use of torture, (3) tanking our economy through little to no oversight of the financial system (remember the movie "wall street", "greed is good...", coincidentally, reaching popularity under the "trickle down" reagan administration...) in the process (4) ignoring the dual nuclear threats posed by both iran and north korea, (5) ...while burying us in debt to china, FORCING the obama administration to spend and (as a side effect) grow our deficit to avoid a modern day depression.

thanks to 8 years of bush/cheney (who kept us safe except for that 1 day in september 2001 they seem to forget happened while on their watch), guns are at the bottom of obama's list, and the least of his and our countries worries...

(maybe instead of being hung up on hating obama and worrying about gun control you could throw a tea party on your way home from buying up all the ammo at wallymart to satisfy your paranoia now that obama has lowered taxes on most americans... oh... wait... nevermind)

most of the country isn't conservative OR liberal... they're moderate (and moderate republicans and blue dog democrats actually have found common ground on 2nd amendment issues).

the rights of all americans extended to us through the bill of rights have nothing to do whatsoever with one's political views or party affiliation.

honestly ask yourself if your stances are really fact and truly good for our country when engaging in dissent... and please remember, above all, being ignorant is un-american.

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  Rightwinger said:
Now THAT was creative Bubbiesdad!!!


I've had the idea for some time. Just waiting for the appropriate post to use it.

Guest jth_3s
Posted (edited)

I agree with CK on virtually everything he said except that the Bush Administration forced Obama to spend us into Oblivion. I know the Bush administration started the massive spending but that doesnt give Obama the right to follow in his footsteps.

Edited by jth_3s

If I remember correctly the money I make is still mine to spend of what ever the hell I want to...right? At least until Osama tries to make me spend it on another one of his socialist programs, or until he spends so much the dollar is totally worthless. At the rate he is going wont be long. So I will spend MY money on ammo and you can use yours to buy more Obama stickers and Keith Oblbermann DVD's. Get back to your kool-aid :D.

-Jason G


CK1 is the same goon who flat out accused someone of cheating in Jhatmaker's shooting contest thread with no proof other than "You shoot to well." So do alot of competition shooters!

I see he has been surprisingly absent since Rightwinger told him to pound sand!

  • Administrator

Eh... I don't agree with much of what CK1 said in principle, but I support his right to voice his opinion. That being said, rather than attack him for being a bit on the fringe, how about everyone just debate the talking points instead.



Where's those lower taxes? If I missed something and my taxes have been lowered...oh, wait I do think I remember my paycheck increasing by about $4 every two weeks...I can't begin to imagine how that's going to help recover the billions we printed up to give to poorly run companies. Can I get a thank you if I'm paying your mortgage?

  TGO David said:
Eh... I don't agree with much of what CK1 said in principle, but I support his right to voice his opinion. That being said, rather than attack him for being a bit on the fringe, how about everyone just debate the talking points instead.


I don't know, maybe it's because these types have been spewing the same tired crap for 5 years and it no longer warrants a debate.

Moreover, they all need to realize that Bush is not president anymore! Move on for heaven sakes!:)

  • Administrator
  Motasyco said:
Where's those lower taxes? If I missed something and my taxes have been lowered...oh, wait I do think I remember my paycheck increasing by about $4 every two weeks...I can't begin to imagine how that's going to help recover the billions we printed up to give to poorly run companies. Can I get a thank you if I'm paying your mortgage?

My taxes were lowered when I got laid off earlier this year. GO OBAMA!!! WHOOO!!!!


Guest jth_3s
  TGO David said:
My taxes were lowered when I got laid off earlier this year. GO OBAMA!!! WHOOO!!!!


I dont like Obama anymore than I liked Bush but come on look who this started under.

Guest jth_3s
Posted (edited)
  Motasyco said:
Where's those lower taxes? If I missed something and my taxes have been lowered...oh, wait I do think I remember my paycheck increasing by about $4 every two weeks...I can't begin to imagine how that's going to help recover the billions we printed up to give to poorly run companies. Can I get a thank you if I'm paying your mortgage?

I completely disagree with all the bailouts, printing, and borrowing but again Bush started it and Obama isn't doing anything different. "It" being the bailouts, printing, and borrowing.

Edited by jth_3s
Posted (edited)
  jth_3s said:
I completely disagree with all the bailouts, printing, and borrowing but again Bush started it and Obama isn't doing anything different.

You are just wrong. This all started over the credit crisis. The credit crisis started because all the bad sub-prime loans. The bad sub-prime loans were a child created largely by the Clinton administration and has its roots back to the Carter years. Here is a link from the NY times archives. I love that their archives are coming back to bite them you know where.

Pay attention to paragraph three.

Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending - The New York Times

Edited by timcalhoun
Guest jth_3s

I didnt say Bush was the cause of the Financial Downturn all I said was it started under him and you cant blame the O for it no matter how much you hate him. I agree Clinton Shares a large part of the blame for the economic downturn but Bush had alot to do with it. And yes the Bailouts, borrowing, and printing presses were kicked into full steam towards the end of Bushs term.


OK, Obama lowered the income tax but with the way the tax tables are written if you work 2 jobs or your spouse works you will be writing a check next April. He and the dems want to force everyone to buy government approved health insurance, they raised taxes on tobacco, they want to put a tax on emails, he suggested that vets should have to use their personal health insurance for war injuries, he wants to take over GM, they want to shut down conservative talk radio. And I believe everyone he has appointed is atleast anti-2nd ammendment if not anti-bill of rights. And don't get me started on Cap and Trade, this is something that he wants and it will cause gas prices and utilities to sky-rocket.

So here is what I propose we should all send Obama apology and thank-you cards for all that he has done to us and what he is going to atleast try to do. Obama said he was going to bring change and by god if he gets everything he wants that's all you will be left with is a little bit of change

CK1-If being ignorant is un-american, then quit being un-american


I don't think I layed blame on anyone but it doesn't appear that there has been any move in a direction that will get us out of this mess. We just keep digging deeper. Notice...again I use "we".

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