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Metro Police Chief Serpas.....

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Guest Bronker

The Chief Syrup-arse is a rectal secretion who has lost touch with the fact he's in law ENFORCEMENT, NOT law INTERPRETATION!

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Now he is whining that TFA is trying to intimidate him :wave::

Police chief raises concerns over gun group e-mail

Erik Schelzig/Associated Press

Originally published 03:23 p.m., May 29, 2009

Updated 04:09 p.m., May 29, 2009

NASHVILLE - The Tennessee Firearms Association is seeking to publicly identify each law enforcement officer and prosecutor who attended Gov. Phil Bredesen's veto of a bill to allow people with handgun carry permits to take their weapons into bars and restaurants that serve alcohol.

Nashville Police Chief Ronal Serpas said today the move could be seen as an effort "to chill people's rights to speak their opinion."

John Harris, the Firearms Association's executive director, asked supporters in an e-mail to examine images of Thursday's veto ceremony, and to post on the group's Web site the names and employment details of those who joined Bredesen.

Harris argued that by appearing in uniform at the ceremony, police were trying to give the impression that "somehow their opinion is more important than the opinion of elected legislators."

See remainder here:

Police chief raises concerns over gun group e-mail : State and Regional News : Knoxville News Sentinel

So, now he is monitoring websites? :D :D

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If he can’t handle the heat, he should have never come into the kitchen. Mr. big shot politician has bitten off more than he can chew?

Why are these off duty LEO’s allowed to attend political functions in uniform?

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Now he is whining that TFA is trying to intimidate him :drama::

Police chief raises concerns over gun group e-mail

Erik Schelzig/Associated Press

Originally published 03:23 p.m., May 29, 2009

Updated 04:09 p.m., May 29, 2009

NASHVILLE - The Tennessee Firearms Association is seeking to publicly identify each law enforcement officer and prosecutor who attended Gov. Phil Bredesen's veto of a bill to allow people with handgun carry permits to take their weapons into bars and restaurants that serve alcohol.

Nashville Police Chief Ronal Serpas said today the move could be seen as an effort "to chill people's rights to speak their opinion."

John Harris, the Firearms Association's executive director, asked supporters in an e-mail to examine images of Thursday's veto ceremony, and to post on the group's Web site the names and employment details of those who joined Bredesen.

Harris argued that by appearing in uniform at the ceremony, police were trying to give the impression that "somehow their opinion is more important than the opinion of elected legislators."

See remainder here:

Police chief raises concerns over gun group e-mail : State and Regional News : Knoxville News Sentinel

So, now he is monitoring websites? :):screwy:

They shouldn't have appeared in uniform and made it clear that it was their personal opinion, instead of making it look to the uninformed that all these cities police forces that were there were against the bill. I think politicians should have to wear clothing like Nascar drivers and their cars so you can really see whose running their "decisions."

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I believe that the Governor wanted to have others standing with him when he vetoed. Alone, he would have been perceived as anti-gun, anti-2nd amendment and would have received a hail storm of criticism.

With LEOs behind him, it appears that he is protecting us from ourselves. So, he invited a lot of LEO's to stand with him so it appeared that it really wasn't all his opinion to veto but also the LEO's standing behind him.

The LEO's didn't realize that they were being used by the Governor (or did they?). Now, if there is pushback (as there will be), the LEO's appear as if they were behind and supported the Governor's veto.

I regret that the Governor brought in the LEO's on this political issues which deals with individual 2nd amendment rights vs. the hypothetical of "what could go wrong". It puts a divide between us the LEOs.

Just my opinion y'all.

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Guest KevinM
No LEO bashing statements yet?

I only bash specific LEO that are deserving of criticism, which many of them happen to be. I refuse to give the LEO establishment the benefit of ANY doubt.

Just like this guy: http://www.sheriffmack.com/

Edited by KevinM
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The LEO's didn't realize that they were being used by the Governor (or did they?). Now, if there is pushback (as there will be), the LEO's appear as if they were behind and supported the Governor's veto.

You answered your own question. They were against it from the start, and they take ANY chance to restrict our rights.

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Guest crotalus01

I have been all over the middle east, including Israel, and yes they have weapons at hand. You see guns everywhere, even the kids on field trips are escorted by gun toting guards.

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I guess the Israelis will be giving more speeding tickets after he briefs them on everything he knows about law enforcement.


That’s exactly what I was thinking; Serpas’s background is being a traffic cop.

But after reading that I think the Israeli’s are going to school him.

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police is here to protect and serve, not to endorse politicians....Serpas needs to go back to his office and do the job we pay him for to do and leave law making to politicians and lawmakers....


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As almost said by a few others and rightly so, Law Enforcement is there to enforce the laws as written and not make or influence laws. They are at their best when doing only as they are tasked to do-ENFORCE THE LAWS.

When LE becomes involved in the making of laws, they tend to do what they believe is in THEIR best interest and not, necessarily the best interest of those they serve. That is why there is a separation between those that make them and those that enforce them.

Each of those LEOs would be hard pressed to show the formal POST approved training course that trained them in consequences of the passing of the subject law. At best, their comments are from a incident or two they were involved in or heard of. Their comments are mostly anecdotal and/or conjecture at best!

I bet that each and every one of the Agencies represented at the veto has policies that prohibit the wearing of the uniform to political functions and/or in support of political positions.

A Citizen's Complaint could be filed with each agency against the offending officer. This should spark a Internal Investigation that should result in discipline and prevent future violations in this area. Just because it is a COP or high ranking officer does not matter. What if a lowly Patrol Officer wore his uniform to a political function without the COP's permission or to a function for a political position the COP didn't agree with?

Just a few thoughts on the matter!

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when I was LEO back in Europe, they told us we were there to serve and protect and enforce the law, and police force was 100% politicly neutral and was never on TV supporting or endorsing any politician. Who we voted for was our personal business.


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