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Glock Safety Question

Guest FiddleDog

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Guest FiddleDog

Is the Glock Safety Lock option something that is standard, or do you have to have it done to your pistol after purchase?

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I think that is an option for departments that may require that type of thing. I have never seen one myself and don't know if it is even available to the general public on a one gun basis.

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Guest FiddleDog

ah. OK. I like the feature, and was disappointed to not see it on mine (just got it 3 days ago). I can't wait to put a few hundred through it.

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ah. OK. I like the feature, and was disappointed to not see it on mine (just got it 3 days ago). I can't wait to put a few hundred through it.

if you'd like some extra piece of mind regarding the safety of your stored glock, i'd recommend you remove the striker assembly... it's easy enough to remove/install to the experienced, but to the unfamiliar (like kids for instance) it presents a considerable challenge (if they even figure out it's not installed...).

without the striker it's a paperweight.

or... take off the slide and put the big red lock it came with through the frame when not in use... (for even extra safety, you could do both if you want).

Edited by CK1
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I think that is an option for departments that may require that type of thing. I have never seen one myself and don't know if it is even available to the general public on a one gun basis.

I thought Glock created the locking device due to Maryland requiring all guns to have an external safety lock or an integrated mechanical safety device. There may be other states that have this requirement.


Beginning January 1, 2003, handguns manufactured after December 31, 2002, may only be sold or transferred if they have an internal mechanical safety device.

I am not sure if there are other states with this type of requirement.

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As someone who was originally from MD, they only require the gun lock to be provided with the pistol, I think the "safety lock" was actually done for the poor people of MA then the AG of MA decided that glock doesn't have a good enough loaded chamber indicator and banned glocks there anyway. The MD issue for alot of firearms is that they still require the shell casing which caused SIG, Glock and HK to be unavailable in MD for quite awhile.

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