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Phil Bredesen to (possibly) sit on carry bill.

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Well, technically speaking, the law would go into effect June 1st regardless of whether he signs it or not, just as long as he does not veto.

I think he may have meant the 30th is the last day he has to either sign it or veto it, otherwise it will become law, effective June 1.

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Gee June 1 that's sounds like something is going on that day...........oh yeah that's my wife's birthday. Good when I take her to Applebee's for dinner I will be packing. Unless of course they have the proper sign about no firearms, then I will inform mangement I will not return until you allow HCP holders to carry in your restaurant.

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Guest vandutton

I had a dream last night that he signed the bill today (seriously).

Then I woke up and said "To hell with that idea."

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Guest pws_smokeyjones

I still think the 10 days is irrelevant because the bill is written with the June 1st statement so, its June 1st no matter what Bredesen does with the obvious exception of a veto.

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I posted this on the other thread talking about this. Figured I'd put it here too in case you missed it there.

For what its worth, yesterday I called Sen. Ramsey's office and talked to one of his staff people. Later I called Rep. Jon Lundberg (my rep) and talked to him personally. They both told me the same story: There is no way the Legislature is going to wrap up this session before late in June. They've not even come up with a budget yet. So it doesn't matter when the Governor got the bill, the 10 day period will expire well before this session of the Legislature is over. If its necessary to override a veto, it will be done before they go home from this session.
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I still think the 10 days is irrelevant because the bill is written with the June 1st statement so, its June 1st no matter what Bredesen does with the obvious exception of a veto.

The 10 days are relevant to the extent he can wait till day 9 and veto it. So we can not know for sure if it will become law until he either signs it or the 10 days have passed.

Edited by Fallguy
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Guest HexHead
Thanks Tucker13! I was camping at Pickwick!

5... will not happen until tomorrow.

No, it think today is 5. Yesterday didn't count as it was Sunday.

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Guest Tucker13
No, it think today is 5. Yesterday didn't count as it was Sunday.

And today is Memorial Day.

(Moment of silence to say thanks):)

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Guest TargetShooter84

bredesen ought to sign that damned thing and get that over with.....

he must be missing a left nut....

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