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Do You Have Fun With Your Cheaper, Simpler Guns?

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since you said "cheaper,simpler" guns, Yes I do have fun with one, it's a remington 581-s bolt that I really enjoy shooting, actually much more than my ruger 10/22 the ammo lasts longer and it is stupid accurate, slayed MANY squirrels, birds, and cans with it...and soon to add, our pets...a family of groundhogs that were cool to feed and watch till they started chewing and tearing up wiring and insulation around the central heating and air unit and the shed!

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Nice shootin'. I hope the back surgery does well for you. I might joining that club in a few months.

Thanks! Recovery is slow, and I learned the hard way that I'm not ready for any rifle because of the sideways neck position, even though the doc cleared me for it. So for now, low recoil pistols only.

I wish you well in the surgery.

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Guest gunslinger707

ok guy's here's ya a laugh my fav.cheap simple plinker is a .177 cal.air rifle.I get 500 shot's for under $5.00 plus the excersise of cocking it !:hyper::D

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I love to shoot my Advantage Arms Glock 19 conversion. Shooting .22 rounds are lots of fun and cheaper too. I have used this to train my brain for the Glock trigger. i know my trigger very, very well now.

PS.. AA has great customer service. I was having some problems with jams so I contacted them via email and they asked me to send the barrel back. They then returned a brand new one to me and I have had 1 FTF in over 750 rounds so far.

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Guest docvantrease2003

i got a 22 kit for my ar at the creek a lot of fun to shoot an cheap but i do have other 22 to shoot

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Guest tnvolfan

No fair, BlueMax, I didn't have my hanky close by! I have a 22LR, that is a Ruger MK III, but to be honest, I have gotten bored with it. I had let my brother-in-law use a Marlin 22LR rifle of mine, but he hadn't used it in years, so I got it back. I have recently gotten a new scope for it, and I'm going to try to "get into" shooting it some. My family just joined the Oak Ridge Sportsman Asso., and they have several places where I can shoot it. I hope that I will enjoy that some -- I even got some special targets for distance shooting. I shoot at Coal Creek Armory, but close to you is the Sevierville Indoor Range, which is NICE! They are big supporters of the NRA, too.

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