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Do You Have Fun With Your Cheaper, Simpler Guns?

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After recovering from some spinal surgery, I went out to the range today for the first time. After I got back in the groove, I ran the target down to 25 yards. Here were the last two 10-round groupings. All from a Browning Buckmark .22 LR, bone stock (with an Aimpoint). I just really enjoy shooting this gun:


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One of my buddies bought a little RG .22 for like $50-$75 and that little thing is a blast to shoot. We probably put 300-400 rounds it in one range trip. We like to try to shoot the 100 yard plates with it and we you "get the feel" of it you can hit them pretty regularly. A very fun cheap little gun.

-Jason G

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Absolutely, I have 3-22's that get a lot of rang time (even before ammo became so scarce and expensive).

I'm not afraid to admit that I threw some cans up on the hill behind the house and got after them with the Daisy Red Rider when I could not get to the range last weekend.

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Guest Bluemax

I have a Hi Standard Double Nine which belonged to my dad. When I go to the range I fire a couple of clips thru my Sig 229, Kahr MK40 and my P3AT. after that I pull out my 22 and have fun without worrying about the cost of ammo. I have just as much fun with the 22 but always put in time with the others as they are my go to guys

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Fancy, evil, black guns with optics, lasers, flashlights, and all sorts of whiz bang gadgets are a lot of fun. But there's just something about a .22 rifle that makes it just as much fun, to me. Two of my favorite rifles are a Remington Fieldmaster that my uncle gave me when I was born, and a Marlin/Glenfield Model 60 that I bought when I was 12 or so for about forty bucks. I have just as much fun shooting hedge apples with my .22 as I do tearing loose with the HK, and a whole lot of money left over, to boot. :D

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Guest Bluemax

I hope everyone will forgive me if I stray to far off topic but all this talk about 22's has left me a little misty eyed. When I was around 9 years old, all of my buddys had new 22's but we were very poor. A friend of my dads let him borrow a Ithaca model 49 for me to learn how to shoot on. When I went into the woods, I put a handfull of shells in one pocket and a pocket knife in the other as every time I fired the rifle, I would have to pry the spent casing out with my knife. That didn't matter to me because that little gun was so accurate. Dad wasn't able to go to the woods with me much because of his health but taught me right from wrong as far as hunting goes and we always were able to have some kind of small game available. I think I pretty much put frogs on the endangered species list between my 9th and 10th years but we sure did enjoy having froglegs for supper. I eventually had to give the gun back to my dads friend, but that Xmas he bought me a used JC Higgins for 20 bucks. I still have it and no money could buy it

Edited by Bluemax
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...a Remington Fieldmaster that my uncle gave me when I was born,

Under the tree on my 12th Christmas. Used, but was shiny new to my young eyes. Still shoots fine:


My bud Garufa has one that still looks just about new, mine was stored poorly for an extended time during my checkered past.

This H&R .22 was Dad's...I fire it now and then too. Actually, took my HCP shoot with it a year ago, instructor asked if that was what I was gonna carry, lol.


I've recently gotten more into rimfire, too. Picked up a Mossberg Plinkster and a Ruger 10/22 and some TriMag connectors for the factor mags and some Butler Creek 25 rounders. Just put a folding stock on it, too, but dunno exactly why. :D

- OS

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Guest Bronker
Under the tree on my 12th Christmas. Used, but was shiny new to my young eyes. Still shoots fine:


My bud Garufa has one that still looks just about new, mine was stored poorly for an extended time during my checkered past.

This H&R .22 was Dad's...I fire it now and then too. Actually, took my HCP shoot with it a year ago, instructor asked if that was what I was gonna carry, lol.


I've recently gotten more into rimfire, too. Picked up a Mossberg Plinkster and a Ruger 10/22 and some TriMag connectors for the factor mags and some Butler Creek 25 rounders. Just put a folding stock on it, too, but dunno exactly why. :D

- OS

Great story, chief.

What kind of folder stock for your 10/22?

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Great story, chief.

What kind of folder stock for your 10/22?

Got the Butler Creek blued one....

Fit perfectly and locks very well, both open and closed. Can even shoot it folded up with factory mag or the banana clip one.

I need to do a couple of Show and Tells. Haven't written up my NBR (naughty black rifle) yet either.

The TriMag thing for the factory mags is really nifty, too:


(bottom of page)


- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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I hope everyone will forgive me if I stray to far off topic but all this talk about 22's has left me a little misty eyed. When I was around 9 years old, all of my buddys had new 22's but we were very poor. A friend of my dads let him borrow a Ithaca model 49 for me to learn how to shoot on. When I went into the woods, I put a handfull of shells in one pocket and a pocket knife in the other as every time I fired the rifle, I would have to pry the spent casing out with my knife. That didn't matter to me because that little gun was so accurate. Dad wasn't able to go to the woods with me much because of his health but taught me right from wrong as far as hunting goes and we always were able to have some kind of small game available. I think I pretty much put frogs on the endangered species list between my 9th and 10th years but we sure did enjoy having froglegs for supper. I eventually had to give the gun back to my dads friend, but that Xmas he bought me a used JC Higgins for 20 bucks. I still have it and no money could buy it

Awesome story!

I Love shooting my .22s. I have a Ruger 10/22, a Ruger 1965 Standard, and a Walther P22. I have a Stevens .22 auto, but gave it to my little brother last year. He was so excited to get that gun. I have killed many squirrels with that cheap Stevens rifle, and hopefully he will enjoy it too. It was a birthday gift when I think I was 16 or so.....I know I did it backwards.....I got my .30-06 when I 12 years old and a .22 later. LOL





Edited by memphismason
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Guest Bronker
Hey, night owl...

Got the Butler Creek blued one....

Fit perfectly and locks very well, both open and closed. Can even shoot it folded up with factory mag or the banana clip one.

- OS

That's so bizarre! Someone sent me a link to MidwayUSA on the BC stocks like you're talking about, and the ad itself said that the folder portion was welded open (i.e. won't fold). Where was the truth lost in that translation? The stocks for the Mini-14 or -30 DID fold, but not the 10/22. I thought that didn't make much sense.

Thanks chief! Have a good night.

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That's so bizarre! Someone sent me a link to MidwayUSA on the BC stocks like you're talking about, and the ad itself said that the folder portion was welded open (i.e. won't fold). Where was the truth lost in that translation? The stocks for the Mini-14 or -30 DID fold, but not the 10/22. I thought that didn't make much sense.

Thanks chief! Have a good night.

I edited previous post, as realized it's not as late over dere..go back and check out the TriMag thingie.

Re the welded stocks...they make them both ways.

Something about the previous ban on x number of evil parts or something. They started welding them open, then just continued to offer them both ways. I know this is true because I've read it on the InterWebBlogNet Thing.

Anyway, you DO have to read the descriptions carefully. A few folks have gotten the wrong thing and posted about it on rimfirecentral.

This is the folding one, blued. They also make same in stainless, few bucks more.

Ruger "Law Enforcement" 10/22 Blued Folding Stock - FS-10B - The Consumer Link

- OS

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Guest Bronker
Thanks for the link, Cap'n. They have some pretty cool stuff at there store.

That's Chief to you, little Sunny! :D

And that is some pretty cool stuff!

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Guest Bronker

Over and out, y'all...gotta take Mike .357 to Norris shoot this morning.

- OS

G'night, Chief.

Thanks for the links and good info. Y'all be safe out there.


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Do You Have Fun With Your Cheaper, Simpler Guns?

If my “Simpler†you mean .22’s…. Absolutely, they are great for trigger time.

If by “cheaper†you mean the ammo,; sure. If you mean the guns…. Not hardly. :D

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Guest hickok

I know what you mean, but I like simple, even if it's expensive: simple to shoot, easy to carry, no complicated gadgets attached, etc.

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