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Glock 17 RTF2

Guest CK1

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After handling one briefly today... should have my new G17RTF2 in hand by friday...

thought they looked like s**t in pics but in the flesh they aren't so bad at all.

what I can say is the grip is an improvement IMHO, no skateboard tape or handall needed...

Now to see how big of a hole it wears in my side when I carry it IWB?...

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After handling one briefly today... should have my new G17RTF2 in hand by friday...

thought they looked like s**t in pics but in the flesh they aren't so bad at all.

what I can say is the grip is an improvement IMHO, no skateboard tape or handall needed...

Now to see how big of a hole it wears in my side when I carry it IWB?...

I have a 17 but what is a RTF2?

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I have a 17 but what is a RTF2?

new frame texture and slide serrations...

it's rougher than you'd think and the weird slide serrations are actually a little better grip-wise than the "old" ones.

here's some pics i found of the G22 RTF2, 17 looks the same:


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new frame texture and slide serrations...

it's rougher than you'd think and the weird slide serrations are actually a little better grip-wise than the "old" ones.

here's some pics i found of the G22 RTF2, 17 looks the same:


interesting, However I will stick with the 3rd generation

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I still don't understand why this didn't mark the introduction of ambidextrous mag releases on the G22 and G17. The G19 is due to receive the RTF treatment as well, but if they don't bring the ambi mag-release, I won't bother "upgrading".

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...well, put 200rds through it today...

it's fantastic! the grip texture is amazing! (and the new slide serrations aren't too shabby either!)

i owned 2 G17's before (2n & 3rd gens) so i knew what to expect shooting/function-wise... but honestly the grip is a HUGE improvement over the other ones... you'd have to super-glue your palm or duck tape your wrist to the grip for it to be any more solid; what you get in benefit is a sort of "death grip" on the pistol, which at least for me, led to better accuracy with a lot less effort and a much greater feeling of control... shooting one-handed it's absolutely no contest... i'm really digging the RTF treatment.

the "fish gills" are already growing on me too... they provide a much better grip (they're deeper than you'd think...) then the "old" vertical serrations when you rack the slide (and when you feel them it occurs to you why they aren't the other way around facing the other way).

and overall the grip feels better (for me feels like the trigger reach is shorter, and the finger grooves are less pronounced which might make 1st/2nd gen fans happy...).

all in all, the RTF isn't much different then the "old" 3rd gens (that's good), but side by side the RTF is better imho.

anyone who's a competitive shooter or especially anyone who carries one as their duty sidearm would appreciate the benefits the new tweaks provide... and given the choice would probably pick the RTF.

there's not a thing wrong with the old one, but if you like glocks you should check out (handle it, shoot it) the new one before you swear it off.

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Did it hurt you hand after the 200 rounds?

No... not really. However, IWB carry remains to be seen... I want to carry it cause I can shoot it well and I've determined the 17 is a better fit than the 19 for me.

Always thought a 17 was too big for ccw, but it really isn't...

If IWB hurts, I'm going to try a blackhawk check six (behind the hip, sob-ish), I'll find out soon enough...

Whatever you think about the changes, THEY WORK, and isn't that what Glocks are all about?

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another 150rds through it... this time borrowed a friends 3rd gen for direct comperison... The 3rd gen feels as slippery as a surfboard next to the RTF.

The RTF treatment is good, really good!!!

It's my new favorite.:drama:

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Thanks for the report. I've heard nothing but positives from folks who have actually handled the new RTF2's, even though there's still a lot of skepticism from people who have only seen pics. I'm in line for a G23 RTF2 myself. Hope they make it out by the end of the year...

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Thanks for the report. I've heard nothing but positives from folks who have actually handled the new RTF2's, even though there's still a lot of skepticism from people who have only seen pics. I'm in line for a G23 RTF2 myself. Hope they make it out by the end of the year...

I hated it too when I saw pics of the them... in the hand is a differant story entirely... picked it up and had to have one!

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I really like the feel of the new Glocks, but I don't understand why they won't put an extended slide release on them.

Then how could they sell you the extended slide release for the extra $17 or whatever?:D

Seriously though, I've wondered why you can't get all of the models in "competiton" form instead of only the long slide models... For myself, I change the connector and the slide release and leave the stock mag release, would be easier and cheaper to get it "competition style" then just switch out the mag release... Since most probably don't change anything I figure they just don't bother, don't care, or both...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Gotta say, I love my 22 RTF2, and this is my sixth Glock. It REALLY gives you a positive grip, but doesn't chew your hand up, even after extensive range sessions. Thinking there will be more RTF2's in my future......

at first i was a little worried about it chewing up my hands (or my side worn iwb...).

but after living with it, it rules! it's not too rough at all, i'd say it's just right.

the RTF is not "just the same as griptape or a decal grip" as i've heard some say.

it's not as coarse as griptape, it won't come off ever, yet it holds much better...

i shoot it better than any other glock i've ever owned or shot.

it's fast become my favorite gun.

since it's this good in the full size, imho the compact and even more so the sub-compacts will be a hit, all you have to do is pick one up next to a non-RTF model to "see the light" as they say...

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Guest Micromancer
I still don't understand why this didn't mark the introduction of ambidextrous mag releases on the G22 and G17. The G19 is due to receive the RTF treatment as well, but if they don't bring the ambi mag-release, I won't bother "upgrading".

Stop being left-handed :screwy:

I like the new grip texture so much, I'd buy my next G23 in hot pink if that were the only color it came in. It really needs to be experienced to be believed.

Rumored street date on the 19/23 is around July I can hardly wait.

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