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Its on the way!!

Guest Len

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Well folks, I've finally put my money down on the long-desired, yet never-aquired Kimber Pro CDP II. Ain't she a beaut? This will be my first-ever 1911-style pistol and my first-ever gun chambered in .45ACP. Oh, but they are making me wait. Kimber quoted my dealer (more on him below) up to an 8 week wait. Seems my gun does not even exist yet, but will be made as part of an upcoming run. (Almost makes me feel like I'm a customer of the custom shop...)

I have circled the date on my calendar and will be anxiously awaiting the big day.

Anyway, MAJOR KUDOS to Guns & Leather in Greenbrier and especially owner Dennis Williams. Dennis gave me full value in trade on the Glock 17 I won at the NRA state conference -a gun HE DONATED to NRA for the event. I was hoping he'd take his own gun back in trade, give me tade-in value for it, and I'd foot the bill for the rest. But he gave me the full retail value of the Glock against the price of the Kimber. And when I got out my wallet, he told me to put my money away and pay when the gun came in. And while he dealt with the Kimber people on the phone, I got to play with all the new black rifles they have in the shop now. Found a barely used DPMS that is tempting me away from the S&W M&P series.

Talk about your customer service and going above and beyond the call. I've been a big fan of G&L since the first time I walked in the door. I'm now a customer for life. :drool:


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Sounds like a really good guy, Len. Wish I lived closer to give him some business.

Hard to believe you have made it this long without a 1911! That's a design that every American gun owner should have at some time during their life.


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Guest EasilyObsessed

Welcome to the beginning of an expensive obsession (both with 45 and the 1911's) :drool:

Youll be glad you picked up a nice one from the beginning.

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Good deal. Dennis and his crew have always been stand up with me whenever I go in there (I was going to say they shoot straight, but thats a bad pun)

I wonder if I can get a finders fee out of 'em now :-)

Pick up some Wilson Combat mags for it when she comes in and you'll be good to go.

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  • Administrator

Len... do you know what feels better in your hand than a 1911?

NOTHING! :drool:

I've been sitting here cleaning and playing with my S&W 1911 Gov't length model all evening and I'm telling you that John Moses Browning was onto something good when he came up with these babies. Not too long ago I had asked our buddy the Rabbi about the very same gun you bought and he told me that he liked the one he saw so much that he almost bought one for himself before he remembered that he didn't like the 1911. :D

I give it about a week after you receive the Kimber before you're saying "Glock what?"

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Guest hacksaw61

Congrats, you wont regret it! I spent 20 years in the military, grew up with the 1911, had to suffer through the 9mm transition, and when I retired bought my own. Proud owner of a Springfield full size loaded. Wouldn't part with it at all................unless it was in trade for better 1911.

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I've been told I'm slow... (Am trying my best to catch up!)

If you are ever in the Nashvegas area, I will be glad to run you by there so you can empty your wallet. I'm sure they wont mind...

Sounds like a really good guy, Len. Wish I lived closer to give him some business.

Hard to believe you have made it this long without a 1911! That's a design that every American gun owner should have at some time during their life.


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Oh, I bet there is... he just doesn't know it yet because he hasn't fired it yet. :drool:

...or carried it. There's a noticable difference in concealability due to the slide and grip-width. I would rather conceal a full-size 1911 than even a G26.

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He shot my CDP...and loved it. I think he'll carry it once he gets used to the 1911 controls. All I needed was the raspy voice saying "come to the dark side Len...we have cookies and 1911s :-)

Len...the only thing I'd change is get Dennis to install a magwell on it for you. I had him put one on mine, it didn't hurt concealablity(is that a word) one bit (it added less than a 1/4 inch of metal to the bottom of the gun), it changes the mainspring housing from plastic to metal and increases reload speed quite a bit.

Coming from a Glock, mag changes might take a bit of getting used to. I wish I would have had it when I took AH1 from the range, my 98 out of 10 on the shoot and more course might have been 10/10 with a faster reload.

Why do Glock shooters always want 10 targets :-)

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There's a noticable difference in concealability due to the slide and grip-width. I would rather conceal a full-size 1911 than even a G26.

I keep preaching this. Actually, I find concealablity is enhanced primarily by flatness more than just width.

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That is not the current plan, although I have been told it will happen once I squeeze the trigger on the Kimber. I imagine Dunndw will be whispering sweet 1911 rumblings in my ear about this as well.

Is there a possibility that this will replace your G19?
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Why do Glock shooters always want 10 targets :-)

Cause we need them since we carry so much more ammo that 1911 guys!

Seriously, I have already begun checking into mag wells and the good magazines. I have found I personally can do a mag change much faster with my Glock than with other guns. Probably because I'm used to the Glock and the mag release button is in a perfect spot for me. I guess I will have to practice, as I'll be changing mags more often with the Kimber.

Also need to start pondering leather. I'm thinking I should go high-end on the holster to go with the high-end gun. I know there are lots of opinions on carry rigs on the board, so I know where to go to get some ideas. I was actually thinking about talking to the custom leather guy at G&L and asking what something nice would run me. He is supposed to be top-notch at his craft.

Anyway, the 8 weeks will kill me. They told me to start calling at 6 weeks, but even that seems like forever.

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