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P238 on Gunbroker!

Guest 70below

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I wonder if they actually have it in stock yet. (using a generic stock picture)

This would be one of the first guns to actually ship if it is.

They must have ordered theirs at 10am on the first day of SHOT!

(ours were ordered around noon on day two :rolleyes:)

Edited by BimmerFreak
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Guest JHatmaker

Gotta see actual pic for me to believe they have it in stock. As far as the one that sold in Cleveland, TN, from SIG's pictures, the two-tone comes with the silver grip plate, but that pciture show's a black one, wonder if that's how they'll all come??

Maybe the company shot is for a Platinum version.

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Guest HexHead

That sellers name is a little mis-leading at that price. :lol:

I paid less for my Mustang (it's based on). I'd rather have the original anyway.

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Guest canynracer

Nice looking...too bad you cant find ammo for it.....and what you do find, you will need to seel the gun to afford it..Kinda like, selling your car for gas money....LOL

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$699, thats only what 15 boxes of ammo? Less if you get the "Super Duper Imported Personal Defense Rounds" advertised in more than one place for a buck a shot or so!

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$699, thats only what 15 boxes of ammo? Less if you get the "Super Duper Imported Personal Defense Rounds" advertised in more than one place for a buck a shot or so!

STOP!!! LOL, Somebody owes me a keyboard. I'm sure your referring to

those nuclear tip wonders from south of the border.:P

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