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Peltor Combat Earplugs

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22db is not nearly enough protection to avoid long-term damage, you need at least 30dB of reduction. The average gunshot is around 150dB, and anything above 120dB causes immediate damage.

33dB is about the best you can get, but avoid anything less than 30dB like th eplague if you value your hearing...

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22db is not nearly enough protection to avoid long-term damage, you need at least 30dB of reduction. The average gunshot is around 150dB, and anything above 120dB causes immediate damage.

33dB is about the best you can get, but avoid anything less than 30dB like th eplague if you value your hearing...

Guess I'll stick with the disposable foam ones from work for now. My muffs are rated at 29-30 and work great, but they get kind of sore when worn for long periods of time.

Are there any good reusable plugs out there that are at least 30. The ones I have used at work are around 26.

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Those are pretty much the same ones we use in the Army, and I love 'em.

They are quite comfortable to wear for long periods of time, and dampen noise very nicely. I've never had an issue wearing them, even after 2 years of constant gun fire while I was training soldiers in small arms tactics on active duty. I even did better on my hearing tests since using them.

And in fact they saved one of my ear drums. We were doing a movement to contact drill and we were using arty sims and a SCOPUS (mortar/arty sim). Had to pull an ear plug out to use the coms and a sim when off right next to me. Perforated my left ear drum, but kept my right completely safe.

I highly recommend them. Just slightly behind Surefire Sonic Defenders of course, lol. I'm in love with those things.

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Guest SigGrl

I highly recommend them. Just slightly behind Surefire Sonic Defenders of course, lol. I'm in love with those things.

So, I take it the Sonic Defenders are pretty good then? I was thinking about getting some of those. Worth the money?

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Guest JHatmaker

How many of you double up, muffs + ear plugs? That's what I usually do just to be extra careful, I haven't really found a pair of muffs that I feel are adequate enough to wear by themselves.

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How many of you double up, muffs + ear plugs? That's what I usually do just to be extra careful, I haven't really found a pair of muffs that I feel are adequate enough to wear by themselves.

*raises hand*

Sometimes I'll just use 33dBnr plugs when outdoors, but typically I use both.

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Guest Grout
22db is not nearly enough protection to avoid long-term damage, you need at least 30dB of reduction. The average gunshot is around 150dB, and anything above 120dB causes immediate damage.

33dB is about the best you can get, but avoid anything less than 30dB like th eplague if you value your hearing...

What? :P

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So, I take it the Sonic Defenders are pretty good then? I was thinking about getting some of those. Worth the money?

Definitely worth the money. Twelve or thirteen bucks for very well fitting ear plugs, that dampen sound excellently.

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