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Whats next....

Guest TJones8611

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Guest TJones8611

...on your list? What will be your next purchase or trade. Whats the model of your next love that you will dry fire 200 times before its actually fed?

Me? Im anxiously awaiting the arrival of the new Sig P238, and can hopfully find some different grips to fit.

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Guest Jcochran88

Don't know haven't been to the gun shop in over two weeks!!! My next new friend is laying there in waiting. Probably a sig.

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Guest Bronker

1911. Nothing too snazzy for my first time out. Probably a SA. I love their polymers already. Or I may save my pennies, do some moonlighting, and go high-end. The new Hero Gear 1911 thread is NOT helping matters any!!!

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Guest SigGrl

I'm actually in the market for my first shotgun. I want a Remington 870 police model or one for the 1100 series. I love Buk's 870.

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Guest JHatmaker

I've got a small notebook that I write random gun stuff in it; i.e. guns I like, holster suggestions from people, sessions at the range, gun store contact info etc.

My "want to buy" list is like 20 guns long....I don't really have them in order of priority. If I'm out and about, and see one on the list and it's a decent price (and all the stars are aligned...), I might get it.

That being said, I'd really love to get the new Beretta 90-Two with the rail guard attachment, or a Ruger LCR...


Edited by JHatmaker
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Guest HexHead

Nothing on the horizon for a while, got some bills I need to pay off. I'm sure at some point an HK P30 in 9mm and I'll stumble on another Colt revolver at a gunshow.

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Guest JHatmaker

Please order a Caracal and post pics and a review as soon as you get it! Very curious about these guns....

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