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A few Handguns (Gun porn)


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Thanks. The 910 is almost new. I have just shot 1 box through it but think I am really going to like it. My favorite to shoot is the Blackhawk. I even used it at my carry permit class. Folks gave me a hard time about using a single action, but I think I had the best score in the class.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest gunlovingirl

It's a Mod 15-4. A friend asked me if I would be interested in it. It has seen very little use. When I saw it, and was told I could have it for $150, it immediately came home with me! The J frame is a Mod 60 no dash, never fired.

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Guest FroggyOne2


The G22 is gone and replaced with a G35.. but.. I have been thinking about sellin it.. I shoot led.. So I would either sell it or replace the barrel on the G35.

Close up of the Pistols.. They are S&W Performance Center Tactial .40, S&W 1066 10mm, S&W 1076 10mm and a G22


Edited by FroggyOne2
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Guest bkelm18
I still cant figure out how to post pics without copy and pasting them lol

Nice pistols!!!

Go to Photobucket, open an account and upload your pictures there. With each picture you will see a set of copy and paste links. Copy the link and paste it directly onto here.

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