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hey,what would you fellas do in the event you had a high end handgun say a Kimber and you didnt feel you could rely on it 100%,but you had a non high end handgun that you could,would a person consider selling or trading the high end gun for say something in a non carry house gun.EXAMPLE(Full size .45 ACP)and call it a day.I am pondering carrying my Taurus MILL PRO PT140 and possibly turning my Kimber Ultra CDP II .45 into a full size 45 I can use at home.The Taurus as luck would have it works better for me,go figure.;)

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Guest jos2f

If your goal in having guns is for reliability (ie not using one as a shooting-range-only gun), there is no point in having an unreliable gun. Any self defense weapon that you don't trust you should get rid of and replace it with one you do trust

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Have owned a Desert Warrior and a Compact Stainless II from Kimber as well as a 24/7 in .40 and a PT145 from Taurus. Loved them all! Had no issues with any of them.

The only issue I had, especially with the Warrior was the amount of money I had tied up in the Kimbers. Shoot what you got until your comfortable and make your decision.

At this stage in my life, I would have to consider the guns I have owned and sold or traded as training/example material. It's cheaper than trading cars every six months but you do go through the "I wish I still had that gun" all the time. About the only pistols I have ever owned that I didn't have that feeling on were two older Ruger P model semi's. One in 9mm and one in .45

Nothing wrong with them mechanically. They just never grabbed me as special in any way.

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Well I see everyone is kinda on the same page,I have had the Kimber for about 6 months,about 450 rounds thru it now,last week I put another 100 or so downrange,It never fails to feed or extract,this slide stop that catches premature really bothers me.Alas as though the gun gods have been watching over me,I ran out to the mailbox and there in all of the glory is the crossbreed I have been waiting for that I ordered for my Taurus,could it be an omen,quite possible.;)

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I'll give you $500 for the kimber, let you buy 2 reliable taurus's :lol:

Yeh,that would be cool alright,cool deal that is.Seriously I think that a Taurus PT1911 in stainless would be a decent,but not very carryable pistol,I dont think I spelled that right,Oh well.I have had several high end firearms in my past and to tell the truth I think sometimes they are grossly over rated,$1100.00 plus for my Kimber,thats a lot of cheese.;)

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Guest Wiggy

I carry a Taurus PT111 Mill Pro everyday, and after all the range time I've put in with that gun I have no reason at all to think that it would be unreliable.

My dad carried a Taurus PT1911 for years and never had any issues. Heck, my BUG is a Taurus snubbie.

On the other hand, my buddy paid a nice chunk of change for a Kimber 1911, and from what I've seen, it won't shoot a full magazine without at least one FTF or FTE.

If I had any gun that I wasn't 100% confident in, I would get rid of it. Life's too short to deal with lemons. If you find one that works great then stick with it and don't worry if it's a less than top end gun.

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Guest CK1

my favorite gun cost $350 and hasn't failed EVER in almost 10,000 rounds...

i had a $1900 boutique 1911 that f'ed up every other magazine...

price does not always equal performance, imho it's far easier to find a cheaper gun that performs beyond what it cost, than it is to find a safe queen worth it's lofty price-tag.

sell the kimber to someone who wants a trophy, pick up a taurus pt1911 to tinker with if you still want a 1911, and you might still have enough money left over to be half way to a new glock...

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my favorite gun cost $350 and hasn't failed EVER in almost 10,000 rounds...

i had a $1900 boutique 1911 that f'ed up every other magazine...

price does not always equal performance, imho it's far easier to find a cheaper gun that performs beyond what it cost, than it is to find a safe queen worth it's lofty price-tag.

sell the kimber to someone who wants a trophy, pick up a taurus pt1911 to tinker with if you still want a 1911, and you might still have enough money left over to be half way to a new glock...

Makes a lot of sense,think I will do just that.

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It took about 3K worth of GD's to "work out" my Kimber Pro Carry to feed reliably and function 100%. It's almost like the tollerances are "too tight" and the slide and other parts need to be banged around a bit to loosen up a little. It's the only gun I've bought new that had issues straight from the box. Now, it's a functional carry piece that's good to go!!

Never had any issues with Glocks, Sigs, CZ's, Taurus', H&K's, Wilson Combats or Springfields....:cheers:

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Guest HexHead
I'd own a Taurus semi-auto before I'd own a 3" 1911. I don't know one person who hasn't had issues with them. That design works great for a 9mm EMP, but not for a .45 acp.

You don't know anyone with a Colt New Agent then. I've never had an issue of any kind with mine, and that seems to be the rule instead of the exception with them.

Before I bought mine, I must have read 60-80 forum pages looking for reasons not to buy one. I found two posts of people that had a problem and one of the guys was putting his recoil spring in backwards.

I very briefly owned an EMP and it's nowhere in the same class as the Colt in terms of reliability.

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Guest benchpresspower
Yeh,that would be cool alright,cool deal that is.Seriously I think that a Taurus PT1911 in stainless would be a decent,but not very carryable pistol,I dont think I spelled that right,Oh well.I have had several high end firearms in my past and to tell the truth I think sometimes they are grossly over rated,$1100.00 plus for my Kimber,thats a lot of cheese.:up:

I have both a Taurus PT1911 and a 24/7. I was carrying the PT1911 everyday till I noticed some FTF/FTE problems. All in all still a wonderful gun but until I can get my butt back up to Guns and Leather and have their gunsmith look it over and tinker with it I am carrying the 24/7. Oddly enough, and maybe someone can shed some light on this, the PT1911 doesn't seem to mess up with Winchester ammo but it will with Hornady and even the Taurus brand copper bullets. Other than that the only other quarrel I have with Taurus is their customer service. It took me 3 days of calling to just get a question answered about +P ammo and even then it seemed as if they didn't want to speak to me.

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You don't know anyone with a Colt New Agent then. I've never had an issue of any kind with mine, and that seems to be the rule instead of the exception with them.

Before I bought mine, I must have read 60-80 forum pages looking for reasons not to buy one. I found two posts of people that had a problem and one of the guys was putting his recoil spring in backwards.

I very briefly owned an EMP and it's nowhere in the same class as the Colt in terms of reliability.

Hmm... I don't know much about Colts. I guess I'll re-state I wouldn't own a 3" Kimber 1911 lol

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I almost bought several Kimbers, all used.

Every time I shot them, I won't buy a used gun without trying it out, especially the rep that Kimber has. Every one of them has had at least two "incidents" out of a box of 50 rounds.

I was accused of "limp wristing" it by two owners and I had them finish off the box with at least one "incident" happening to them.

Saw a used Sig GSR in a show case, put two boxes through it and bought it.

Many of the standard amenities on the GSR come as expensive "custom" options on the Kimber. I paid half the price of a Kimber and I trust it with my life.

I don't believe in any gun that has to have 500 to 1000 rounds through it to "break in". They are accurate, they feel good to the hand and point like a laser. I still can't bring myself to trust them.

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