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Glock Magazine Compatibility


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I’ve never been a Glock fanboy.  They just never interested me.  That changed a little a while back when I picked up a G-45 with a TRIJICON RMR from another TGOer.  Later I got a G-43X customized by Shark Coast Tactical out of Florida.  When I got the G-45, I started picking up extra 9mm mags on here and other places as I ran across them, in various capacities.  This morning I read an article about glocks and it mention compatibility between generations.  It caused me some alarm as I had no idea of the changes in generations of mags.  Doing my research after this, I see several articles at that say that I can safely use Gen 3 or 4 mags in my g-45 and other articles that say I cannot.  I saw a video from the Glockstore, where Lenny McGill says I can.  Which is it?  I’m fairly comfortable with my knowledge of the G-43X mag situation and have picked up some hi capacity mags from PSA, but I’m concerned about my G-45 mags.  I’ve shot some of them and those worked reliably, but at the time I didn’t know there was a difference so I have no idea which ones I shot and which I didn’t.  Oh, and I also have some 3rd party mags like Magpul and some others unmarked. Plus, if the older mags are not compatible with G-45, how do I determine which gen mags I have? Help?

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Also not a Glock fanboy. I think of getting out of Glock at least twice a week, but I have too many magazines and too many compatible guns that accept them. 

You’re good to go with running whatever mags in whatever generation. The only thing I’ve ever read is that gen 5 mags are ambidextrous if you want to swap the mag release for a lefty. The other exception to this is for a 19x as the baseplates and mag well aren’t compatible without doing some filing.  

Gen5 mags will have an orange follower. The base plates are also extended a bit. Other than that the dimensions, tolerances, springs, etc are identical to other gens. 



I actually saw a post from you the other day and was trying to think of the times that I met up with you, I think possibly it was for a magpul Glock mag bundle. Couldn’t put my finger on it. 

There’s a company (I think it’s from TN) called Jageman that also makes cheap off brand Glock mags and I’ve had no issues with there double stacks for plinking. Have not tried the single stacks. 

Edited by Scotty
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13 minutes ago, Scotty said:

Also not a Glock fanboy. I think of getting out of Glock at least twice a week, but I have too many magazines and too many compatible guns that accept them. 

You’re good to go with running whatever mags in whatever generation. The only thing I’ve ever read is that gen 5 mags are ambidextrous if you want to swap the mag release for a lefty. The other exception to this is for a 19x as the baseplates and mag well aren’t compatible without doing some filing.  

Gen5 mags will have an orange follower. The base plates are also extended a bit. Other than that the dimensions, tolerances, springs, etc are identical to other gens. 



I actually saw a post from you the other day and was trying to think of the times that I met up with you, I think possibly it was for a magpul Glock mag bundle. Couldn’t put my finger on it. 

There’s a company (I think it’s from TN) called Jageman that also makes cheap off brand Glock mags and I’ve had no issues with there double stacks for plinking. Have not tried the single stacks. 

Thanks a lot, Scotty. That is exactly what i need to know.  Yes, I think i did buy some Magpul Glock mags from you!  Thanks again!

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