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Memphis gun referendum is too long.

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Memphis voters will be voting on a gun control referendum which the Election Commission says is causing problems as it too long. This thing will cover two full pages on the voting machines and could take voters up to 20 minutes to read. The State has already said its invalid and illegal, but a judge ruled that the voters get to express their opinions. We already know the lines will be long and voting will take time. But this BS adding an extra 20 minutes to the process could cause voters to get angry with long lines and waits. 


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Maybe if the Shelby County Election Commission’s website was not such a worthless POS people could study a sample ballot before going to the polls.  Not that the average person would do so but it would be a start.

There should also be sample ballots printed out on the wall of every voting location for people to review before making a final decision.



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The election commission's answer is to print out the gun referendum, laminate it and pass it around to the people in line to vote so they can read it while waiting. Yeah, like that's gonna work. 🙄

Thankfully, I don't live in Memphis and have to deal with this stupidity. 

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In my honest opinion-most judges shouldn't preside over a pie eating contest-

Do not even allow them to judge the fairs best pig or guernsey-

Most of them are even poor judges of character content-

So what makes them so special-and I care less how many years they schooled at law-

They are only men and men make mistakes all the time-

And I don't understand fully how a judge can rule against the State Law-and don't give me this crap about they only interpret the law as written-

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52 minutes ago, Grayfox54 said:

The election commission's answer is to print out the gun referendum, laminate it and pass it around to the people in line to vote so they can read it while waiting. Yeah, like that's gonna work. 🙄

Thankfully, I don't live in Memphis and have to deal with this stupidity. 

I am with you on that-

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On 10/16/2024 at 6:44 PM, Garufa said:

Maybe if the Shelby County Election Commission’s website was not such a worthless POS people could study a sample ballot before going to the polls.  Not that the average person would do so but it would be a start.

There should also be sample ballots printed out on the wall of every voting location for people to review before making a final decision.



https://www.electionsshelbytn.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Federal State Municipal Ballot Nov 5 2024 10092024.pdf

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1 minute ago, gregintenn said:

Wouldn’t the second amendment nullify any such an effort?

No. 230+ years of laws and decisions say so.  What does nullify Memphis’ waste of time is our new state preemption.

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State has already made it clear that any gun control passed by Memphis would be illegal and invalid. The state will take action if such local laws are passed. But the Memphis city council thinks they're "special" and can do as they please. Claiming Memphis faces greater danger than the rest of the state, so the rules shouldn't apply to them. 

The election commission tried to refuse the referendum on the ballot as its illegal,  but a judge allowed it. The referendum doesn't pass anything. It holds no weight of law. Its merely an opinion poll. 

I'm hoping the citizens of Memphis vote it down. But considering that most of them are dumb ass liberals, its anybody's  guess. 

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7 minutes ago, Grayfox54 said:

State has already made it clear that any gun control passed by Memphis would be illegal and invalid. The state will take action if such local laws are passed. But the Memphis city council thinks they're "special" and can do as they please. Claiming Memphis faces greater danger than the rest of the state, so the rules shouldn't apply to them. 

The election commission tried to refuse the referendum on the ballot as its illegal,  but a judge allowed it. The referendum doesn't pass anything. It holds no weight of law. Its merely an opinion poll. 

I'm hoping the citizens of Memphis vote it down. But considering that most of them are dumb ass liberals, its anybody's  guess. 

It will overwhelmingly be voted for is my guess and that is exactly what the city council wants.  It is to make a statement. 

Years from now, when TN goes blue like it used to be, such things will be remembered.  The pendulum will eventually swing again.  History dictates.

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4 minutes ago, Garufa said:

It will overwhelmingly be voted for is my guess and that is exactly what the city council wants.  It is to make a statement. 

Years from now, when TN goes blue like it used to be, such things will be remembered.  The pendulum will eventually swing again.  History dictates.

If it's like a lot of other Memphis elections, it will pass 70-30 with 3% of the population actually voting.  

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