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2024 Dove Season

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Hey all,

Being new to Tennessee, I want to do more Dove hunting and looking for some decent places to go here about an hour north of Nashville

I found 2 WMA fields, Wilson County Bone Spring Creek Rd & Wilson County Bone Phillips Rd, actually drove to Bone Spring Creek and can't find a way to get from the street back to the field, it's posted private everywhere...

Anyone have any luck at Barton's  Creek?

Would like to move to Quail when that season opens up as well as Pheasant

Thanks, Rick

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Shy of having a bunch of money there isn't a good option for dove. The problem with public shoots is the public is there and early September is too damn hot to wear a ballistic vest, which is a necessity on a public shoot. I'm blessed to get invites to some private shoots and still typically pay between $100-200 to attend each one. As for quail and pheasant, outside of a private reserve you are going to be sol. Quail are near an endangered species around here. I've probably jumped a half dozen covey in 30+ years of stomping through the woods. Never seen a wild pheasant. 

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